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"Central Government"の検索結果121 - 160 件 / 1126件

  • Opacity

    Opacity: What We Do Not See A Philosophical Notebook, by Nassim Nicholas Taleb. The mathematical version is here. Non philosophorum sed philosophiae historiae NNT’s Home Page 165- Lindy Effect and Psychological Findings Psychology is undergoing a replication crisis; most of its research is suspicious (statistics are shoddy). Further, I've also shown in Silent Risk that many ideas of "rationality"

    • お盆に向けて感染予防対策についての市長コメント(2022年8月10日)|つくば市公式ウェブサイト

      市民の皆様におかれましては、日頃より新型コロナウイルスの感染防止対策にご理解とご協力をいただき、心より御礼を申し上げます。 新型コロナウイルスのオミクロン株の亜型であるBA5による第7波は、これまでの感染の勢いをはるかに上回るスピードで、全国的に急拡大しています。つくば市においても8月5日には感染者数が、これまでで最多となる540人を記録するなど、感染の急拡大が続いています。 第7波の感染急拡大に伴い、茨城県内でも医療従事者の感染などにより、発熱外来や救急医療が非常にひっ迫しています。市民の皆様におかれましては、限りある医療資源を有効に活用し、真に必要とする方に医療を届けるために、適切な医療機関の受診や救急要請(119番通報)へのご理解とご協力をお願いいたします。 これからお盆を迎え、人と会う機会が多くなる時期を迎えますので、改めまして、基本的な感染対策である「手洗い」や「こまめな換気」、

      • sarkari naukri

        Sarkri Naukri portals or on the net positions information websites supply current information about latest employment notifications. Via on the web work portals, you can entry any info on vacancies obtainable within the fields of presidency, central and state businesses. Several recruitment information delivering sites offer you information on Sarkri Naukri for cash but there also some web page wh

        • A Governor’s Power to Shape the Future of a Nuclear Japan (Published 2011)

          The Genkai Nuclear Power Station in Genkai, Saga Prefecture.Credit...Ko Sasaki for The New York Times SAGA, Japan — In a nation plagued by weak political leadership, it has fallen to the local governor of an obscure southern prefecture to make a crucial decision that could help determine the future of nuclear power in Japan after the Fukushima Daiichi accident. The governor, Yasushi Furukawa of Sa

            A Governor’s Power to Shape the Future of a Nuclear Japan (Published 2011)
          • WikiLeaks' Julian Assange on Secrets, the U.S. and China - TIME

            "Secrecy is important for many things," said WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in an interview with TIME over Skype on Monday. Managing editor Richard Stengel had just asked him whether there were instances when secrecy could be an asset in diplomacy or global affairs. WikiLeaks has, of course, grabbed headlines the world over by making public U.S. diplomatic cables that were supposed to stay priva

              WikiLeaks' Julian Assange on Secrets, the U.S. and China - TIME
            • 怒りが募って、ギリシャの「戦時内閣」がEU債権団とのバトル準備 - 今日の覚書、集めてみました

              Greece's 'war cabinet' prepares to battle EU creditors as anger mounts (怒りが募って、ギリシャの「戦時内閣」がEU債権団とのバトル準備) By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard Telegraph: 11:00PM BST 10 May 2015 The country's radical-Left leaders have concluded that there is little be gained from any further concessions to EMU creditors ギリシャの急進左派指導者達は、ユーロ債権団の追加譲歩から得られるものは殆どないという結論に達しました。 Greece's "war cabinet" has resolved to defy the Europe

                怒りが募って、ギリシャの「戦時内閣」がEU債権団とのバトル準備 - 今日の覚書、集めてみました
              • sarkari naukri

                Finding a work has been difficult for several individuals. It is the aspiration of each specific to locate a work determined by their wants. On the other hand, using the growing quantity of individuals wanting for positions, it gets to be difficult to find one particular. You will need to have noticed people heading from one firm to another submitting their resumes. You can now say goodbye to thes

                • Top Risks 2016 | Eurasia Group

                  welcome to the geopolitical recession This is Eurasia Group's annual forecast of the political risks that are most likely to play out over the course of the year. This year's report was published on 3 January, 2017. overviewIT'S BEEN SIX YEARS since we first wrote about the coming G-Zero world—a world with no global leader. The underlying shifts in the geopolitical environment have been clear: a U

                    Top Risks 2016 | Eurasia Group
                  • China Ends Its One-Child Policy

                    China, the world’s most populous country, is ending its one-child policy nearly four decades after it first adopted the practice. Here’s Xinhua, the state-run Chinese news agency: China will allow all couples to have two children, abandoning its decades-long one-child policy, according to a communique issued Thursday by the Communist Party of China (CPC). The move by the party’s Central Committee,

                      China Ends Its One-Child Policy
                    • EV Nova | Ambrosia Software, Inc.

                      History EV Nova is the third game in the Escape Velocity series, and is by far the most ambitious installment to date. With a completely redesigned gaming engine, EV Nova thrusts you into a sprawling universe dominated by a myriad of warring factions, each sharing a common bond, but so philosophically different as to make conflict inevitable. Remnants The remnants of the Colonial Council's utopian

                        EV Nova | Ambrosia Software, Inc.
                      • Fukushima disaster: Tokyo hides truth as children die, become ill from radiation - ex-mayor

                        Fukushima disaster: Tokyo hides truth as children die, become ill from radiation - ex-mayor The tragedy of the Fukushima nuclear plant disaster took place almost three years ago. Since then, radiation has forced thousands out of their homes and led to the deaths of many. It took great effort to prevent the ultimate meltdown of the plant – but are the after effects completely gone? Tokyo says yes;

                          Fukushima disaster: Tokyo hides truth as children die, become ill from radiation - ex-mayor
                        • Japan May Have Beaten Coronavirus Without Lockdowns or Mass Testing. But How?

                          WorldJapanJapan May Have Beaten Coronavirus Without Lockdowns or Mass Testing. But How? Japan May Have Beaten Coronavirus Without Lockdowns or Mass Testing. But How? Japan’s state of emergency is set to end with new cases of the coronavirus dwindling to mere dozens. It got there despite largely ignoring the default playbook. No restrictions were placed on residents’ movements, and businesses from

                            Japan May Have Beaten Coronavirus Without Lockdowns or Mass Testing. But How?
                          • Nikkei Integrated Resort Forum OSAKA|日経 統合型リゾートフォーラム大阪

                            2019年8月8日(木) 9:30~18:00 August 8(Thu.),2019, 9:30-18:00 SPEAKERS(Tentative) 萩生田 光一 衆議院議員 Member, The House of Representatives, Japan 中谷 元 衆議院議員 Member, The House of Representatives, Japan 前原 誠司 衆議院議員 Member, The House of Representatives, Japan 遠山 清彦 衆議院議員 Member, The House of Representatives, Japan 竹中 平蔵 東洋大学教授、慶應義塾大学名誉教授 Professor, Toyo University Professor Emeritus, Keio University 吉村 洋文 大阪府知事 G

                            • Confucius Institute - Wikipedia

                              Confucius Institute of Brittany in Rennes, France A Confucius Institute at Seneca College in Toronto, Canada Confucius Institutes (CI; Chinese: 孔子学院; pinyin: Kǒngzǐ Xuéyuàn) are public educational and cultural promotion programs funded and arranged currently by the Chinese International Education Foundation [zh], a government-organized non-governmental organization (GONGO) under the Ministry of Ed

                                Confucius Institute - Wikipedia
                              • Japanese Youth: An Interactive Dialogue: Towards Comparative Youth Research

                                Japanese Youth: An Interactive Dialogue: Towards Comparative Youth Research  日本の若者−−四者対談−−比較若者文化へ向けて *This article reviews and assesses two books on Japanese youth: Goodman, Roger, Imoto, Yuki, and Toivonen, Tuukka (2012) A Sociology of Japanese Youth: From Returnees to NEETs, Abingdon: Routledge (216 pages, $51.95 paperback, $155.00 cloth)1 Furuichi, Noritoshi (2011) Zetsubō no Kuni no Kōfuku na

                                  Japanese Youth: An Interactive Dialogue: Towards Comparative Youth Research
                                • After 500 days, Fukushima No. 1 plant still not out of the woods - AJW by The Asahi Shimbun

                                  After 500 days, Fukushima No. 1 plant still not out of the woods A little more than 500 days after the accident at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant threatened to force the evacuation of the entire Tokyo metropolitan area, the situation is certainly much improved. The levels of cesium being emitted from the damaged reactors have dropped substantially, core temperatures in the pressure vessels are



                                    • Dark horse right-wing party emerges as third-largest in Japan lower house

                                      Japan's Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, who is also the ruling President of Liberal Democratic Party, delivers a speech to voters from atop of a campaigning bus on the last day of campaigning for the October 31 lower house election, amid the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, in Tokyo, Japan October 30, 2021. REUTERS/Issei Kato Acquire Licensing Rights TOKYO, Nov 1 (Reuters) - A right-wing Jap

                                        Dark horse right-wing party emerges as third-largest in Japan lower house
                                      • sarkari naukri

                                        This website uses cookies to improve user experience. By using our website you consent to all cookies in accordance with our Privacy Policy. I agree Getting a career continues to be difficult for many men and women. It is the aspiration of every individual to find a career based on their wants. Nevertheless, together with the raising variety of folks hunting for jobs, it will become challenging to

                                        • The long-term association between paternal involvement in infant care and children's psychological well-being at age 16 years: An analysis of the Japanese Longitudinal Survey of Newborns in the 21st Century 2001 cohort

                                          BackgroundSome studies conducted in the United Kingdom have shown long-term associations between paternal involvement in childcare and adolescents' mental health issues. However, findings were inconsistent, and similar epidemiologic studies have not been conducted in other countries in Europe or Asia. Thus, we aimed to examine this association using Japanese population-based cohort study data. Met

                                            The long-term association between paternal involvement in infant care and children's psychological well-being at age 16 years: An analysis of the Japanese Longitudinal Survey of Newborns in the 21st Century 2001 cohort
                                          • 「文化」の問題? - Living, Loving, Thinking, Again

                                            MARTIN FACKLER and NORIMITSU ONISHI “In Japan, a Culture That Promotes Nuclear Dependency” http://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/31/world/asia/31japan.html 島根県鹿島町*1では1970年代から80年代にかけて中国電力の島根原発建設に対する激しい反対運動が行われた。しかし、1990年代になって原発の増設が持ち上がったとき、今度は反対ではなく歓迎のデモが行われた。記事では、こうした逆転劇は日本においてはお馴染みのものだという; Kashima’s reversal is a common story in Japan, and one that helps explain what is, so far, this nation’s unwavering

                                              「文化」の問題? - Living, Loving, Thinking, Again
                                            • Millions of Indian workers strike against privatisation

                                              Thousands of state-run banks, government offices and factories shut as workers rally against Modi’s economic policies. The government aims to raise about $8.3bn through privatisation in 2016-17 [Ajay Verma/Reuters] Tens of millions of public sector workers have gone on a day-long strike across India, protesting against Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s economic policies, particularly his plans to pus

                                                Millions of Indian workers strike against privatisation
                                              • EARTHSCAPE

                                                中央合同庁舎第7号館(霞ヶ関コモンゲート)に設置されている3作品がLANDEZINEに掲載されました。 The Central Government Building No.7 Project;Chronological Steps, Earth Thermometer and Memory Chair on Landezine. Landscape by Ohtori Consultants. Landscape Artwork by EARTHSCAPE. MORE>>

                                                • Where’s Mao? Chinese Revise History Books (Published 2006)

                                                  BEIJING, Aug. 31 — When high school students in Shanghai crack their history textbooks this fall they may be in for a surprise. The new standard world history text drops wars, dynasties and Communist revolutions in favor of colorful tutorials on economics, technology, social customs and globalization. Socialism has been reduced to a single, short chapter in the senior high school history course. C

                                                    Where’s Mao? Chinese Revise History Books (Published 2006)
                                                  • Why We Must Ration Health Care (Published 2009)

                                                    You have advanced kidney cancer. It will kill you, probably in the next year or two. A drug called Sutent slows the spread of the cancer and may give you an extra six months, but at a cost of $54,000. Is a few more months worth that much? If you can afford it, you probably would pay that much, or more, to live longer, even if your quality of life wasn’t going to be good. But suppose it’s not you w

                                                      Why We Must Ration Health Care (Published 2009)
                                                    • sarkari naukri

                                                      • インド投資ガイド2010 - JETRO

                                                        インド投資ガイド インド投資ガイド INDIA INVEST GUIDE Copyright © 2011 JETRO. All rights reserved. 禁無断転載 1 インド投資ガイド 目次 1. インドについて .................................................................... 12 1.1 1.2 地理的特徴 .................................................................... 12 一般事情 ...................................................................... 12 1.2.1 生活水準...............................

                                                        • Everything you need to know about Bitcoin mining

                                                          How Bitcoin Mining Works Where do bitcoins come from? With paper money, a government decides when to print and distribute money. Bitcoin doesn't have a central government. With Bitcoin, miners use special software to solve math problems and are issued a certain number of bitcoins in exchange. This provides a smart way to issue the currency and also creates an incentive for more people to mine. Bit

                                                          • central government jobs

                                                            Sarkri Naukri portals or on the internet positions news web sites supply current details about latest employment notifications. Via online jobs portals, you are able to obtain any info on vacancies readily available inside the fields of government, central and condition organizations. Several recruitment news supplying web sites supply information on Sarkri Naukri for income but there also some we

                                                            • central government jobs

                                                              Dark aless One risk lead skilled worker with Northern Ireland punk stars The Undertones; Fergal Sharkey scored his first execution hit with A Good Heart. It was number I in the Uk singles layout for two weeks from 16 November 1985. View all articles by Dark aless Sarkri Naukri portals or on the web work news web sites provide up to date data about most up-to-date employment notifications. By on th

                                                              • China moves to bar Hong Kong activists as fears grow over intervention

                                                                [1/14]Pro-independence legislator-elects Baggio Leung (C) and Yau Wai-ching (R) take part during a protest against what they call Beijing's interference over local politics and the rule of law in Hong Kong, China November 6, 2016. REUTERS/Tyrone Siu Acquire Licensing Rights HONG KONG/BEIJING (Reuters) - China's parliament passed a ruling on Monday that effectively bars two elected Hong Kong pro-in

                                                                  China moves to bar Hong Kong activists as fears grow over intervention
                                                                • Violent clashes continue in Sudan’s Darfur

                                                                  Peacekeepers say armed men looted market and set fire to police station during an attack in the North Darfur state. Gunmen surrounded a camp for displaced people in Kassab in North Darfur state, UNAMID peacekeepers said [Reuters] Four people have been killed after gunmen attacked a market and set fire to a police station during several days of violence in Sudan’s Darfur region, international peace

                                                                    Violent clashes continue in Sudan’s Darfur
                                                                  • sarkari naukri

                                                                    Sarkri Naukri portals or online jobs news websites present updated details about most current work notifications. Via on-line work opportunities portals, it is possible to access any information on vacancies readily available while in the fields of government, central and state companies. Several recruitment news offering web sites provide news on Sarkri Naukri for income but there also some web s

                                                                    • PDP-Working Paper

                                                                      WP/12/284 Tracking Global Demand for Advanced Economy Sovereign Debt Serkan Arslanalp and Takahiro Tsuda © 2012 International Monetary Fund WP/12/284 IMF Working Paper Monetary and Capital Markets Department Tracking Global Demand for Advanced Economy Sovereign Debt1 Prepared by Serkan Arslanalp and Takahiro Tsuda Authorized for distribution by Udaibir S. Das December 2012 Abstract Recent events h

                                                                      • Qaddafi Son Being Held by Rebels, Rights Group Says (Published 2011)

                                                                        TRIPOLI, Libya — Seif al-Islam el-Qaddafi, the son and presumed heir of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, is alive and well and being held by a rebel militia outside the Libyan capital, according to an American human rights organization that was granted rare access to him. But the group said that Mr. Qaddafi had been denied access to legal counsel as he awaited trial on charges of crimes against humanity.

                                                                          Qaddafi Son Being Held by Rebels, Rights Group Says (Published 2011)
                                                                        • Politics is faster, more effective in Japan's capital, new governor says

                                                                          Tokyo Governor and head of Tokyo Citizens First party Yuriko Koike smiles as green paper rosettes are seen pinned to the names of elected members of her party at the party election results centre for Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly election in Tokyo, Japan, in this photo taken by Kyodo July 2, 2017. Mandatory credit Kyodo/via REUTERS Acquire Licensing Rights TOKYO (Reuters) - Popular Tokyo Governor Yu

                                                                          • おしどりマコ:福島の作業員は突然死ぬ、しかし報告されないと看護師は言う-政府捜査官が私を追っている(EN) ナルト大橋

                                                                            おしどりマコ:福島の作業員は突然死ぬ、しかし報告されないと看護師は言う-政府捜査官が私を追っている(EN) http://www.asyura2.com/14/genpatu37/msg/161.html 投稿者 ナルト大橋 日時 2014 年 3 月 25 日 17:37:05: YeIY2bStqQR0. 記事元 Japanese Journalist: Fukushima workers die suddenly but it’s not reported, says nurse at plant — Gov’t agents following me for surveillance (VIDEO) 日本のジャーナリスト:-福島の作業員は突然死ぬ、しかしそれは報告されていない、と原子力発電所の看護師は言う-政府捜査官が私を追っている(映像) Published: March 21s

                                                                              おしどりマコ:福島の作業員は突然死ぬ、しかし報告されないと看護師は言う-政府捜査官が私を追っている(EN) ナルト大橋
                                                                            • 1st(S)

                                                                              1 SPEECH  TOPICS  ①                         [[  2022 ~ 2020  ]] 日付: 2 SPEECH  TOPICS  ②                         [[  2019 ~ 2012  ]] 日付: 3 SPEECH  TOPICS  ③                         [[  2012 ~ 2005  ]] 日付: 4 [2021-3 B] ---- Should the governments do more to promote free trade? 日付: 5 [2021-1 A] ---- A single world government would benefit the planet 日付: 6 [2020-1 A] Should foreign policy be based on

                                                                              • central government jobs

                                                                                • sarkari naukri

                                                                                  Locating a career is really hard for most people. It's the desire of each individual to locate a task according to their desires. Even so, using the increasing number of people hunting for employment, it becomes tough to discover one. You have to have seen persons heading from just one firm to a different publishing their resumes. It is possible to now say goodbye to these kinds of inconvenience t

                                                                                    sarkari naukri