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"Design Token"の検索結果1 - 5 件 / 5件

  • Design Token-Based UI Architecture

    Design tokens are design decisions as data and serve as a single source of truth for design and engineering. Utilizing deployment pipelines, they enable automated code generation across platforms, allowing for faster updates and improved consistency in design. Organizing tokens in layers—progressing from available options to tokens that capture how they are applied—ensures scalability and a better

      Design Token-Based UI Architecture
    • 2024-12-28のJS: pnpm 10.0 RC.1、State of JavaScript 2024、Design Token-Based UI Architecture

      JSer.info #720 - pnpm 10.0 RC 1がリリースされました。 Release pnpm 10.0 RC 1 · pnpm/pnpm インストールするパッケージのlifecycle scriptをデフォルトで実行しないように変更が含まれています。 パッケージのpostinstallなどのlifecycle scriptの実行を許可するにはpnpm.onlyBuiltDependenciesの設定にパッケージ名を追加する必要があります。 feat!: use an allow list of built dependencies by default by zkochan · Pull Request #8897 · pnpm/pnpm これは、rspack v1.1.7でパッケージがハイジャックされマルウェアを実行するlifecycle scriptが含まれていた問題

        2024-12-28のJS: pnpm 10.0 RC.1、State of JavaScript 2024、Design Token-Based UI Architecture
      • Creating & Crafting a Design Token System

        Video to my official “Tokens Studio for Figma” talk on March 2nd 2023: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7utmznIOWLU and Figma resource: https://www.figma.com/community/file/1209842880001121589 IntroIn my last article, I talked about how to do the roundtrip of one single design token from Figma to code and back — and why this is so significant in the design-development-process and the goal of a sing

          Creating & Crafting a Design Token System
        • GitHub - diez/diez: The Design Token Framework — Adopt a unified design language across platforms, codebases, and teams

          Diez's toolkit comes in four parts: Compiler — Diez includes a novel open-source compiler that converts (transpiles) TypeScript tokens into native packages for iOS, Android, and Web. Framework — Diez's framework is a library of common design token patterns, including pre-written prefabs for Typography, Colors, Images, Drop Shadows, Dimensions, and more. Prefabs can be configured, nested, and reuse

            GitHub - diez/diez: The Design Token Framework — Adopt a unified design language across platforms, codebases, and teams
          • Creating a flexible design token taxonomy for Intuit’s Design System

            This article covers how we evolved our tokens at Intuit to create a flexible taxonomy for a small but powerful set of semantic tokens. Intuit is the parent company for some well-known products such as Quickbooks, TurboTax, Mint, Mailchimp, and Credit Karma. Each product has their own design system. Several of them have their own dedicated design systems teams, as well as both Product and Marketing

              Creating a flexible design token taxonomy for Intuit’s Design System