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"New #App"の検索結果1 - 15 件 / 15件

  • Didthis A New App for Hobbyists | The Mozilla Blog

    Everyone has a hobby. More generally, everyone has things they’re interested in or passionate about. And pursuing those interests is one of the big reasons that we use the Web. The online world is a great place to connect with our fellow hobbyists and enthusiasts, to learn from them, and to share our own knowledge and accomplishments. But so much of this happens today in online spaces where things

      Didthis A New App for Hobbyists | The Mozilla Blog
    • Can't decide between Bluesky, Mastodon and Nostr? Nootti's new app lets you post to all three. | TechCrunch

      Can’t decide between Bluesky, Mastodon and Nostr? Nootti’s new app lets you post to all three. Managing a social presence these days can be tough. It’s even tougher for those who are experimenting with the new wave of Twitter-like services, like Mastodon, Nostr and Bluesky, where staying active means a lot of duplicate posts to different networks. Thankfully, developers are starting to address our

        Can't decide between Bluesky, Mastodon and Nostr? Nootti's new app lets you post to all three. | TechCrunch
      • A New App For Painting in VR

        Mix your colors, dip your brush in and start painting in VR with this new app. Oisoi Studio has released a new app for Oculus App Lab. This app allows you to become a real painter, learn the basics of colors, the painting process, and composition. You will be able to sharpen your skills by experimenting with the tools and techniques at hand. This app is suitable for everyone, the Oisoi team commen

          A New App For Painting in VR
        • Starting a New App With Redux? Consider Context API First

          Auth0 Marketplace Discover and enable the integrations you need to solve identity Explore Auth0 Marketplace If you're bootstrapping a new React application today, ingrained habits might lead you to pick Redux. After all, you need to manage the state. Should you start with Redux, though? That has become a valid question. The latest versions of React have improved their offerings for state handling

            Starting a New App With Redux? Consider Context API First
          • Why Google’s new app icons are pretty bad!

            By now you have probably seen Google’s new app icons for its Workspace (formerly G Suite) productivity tools like Gmail, Drive and Meets. Maybe you’re also struggling with them like so many others who find them confusing: It will become clear why so many of us are struggling with the new logos if we change the frame of reference how we look at them: Those logos need to be treated as icons because

              Why Google’s new app icons are pretty bad!
            • Digital Debrief – New App + Web Properties in Google Analytics

              The wait is over, the new App + Web property feature has officially launched to open public beta! Do keep in mind this is still a Beta – the product is early, doesn’t yet have all the features we all want, and is changing regularly. And, the team wants your feedback! I’m super excited for where this new Google Analytics release is headed, and know there is a lot more to come to continue to improve

                Digital Debrief – New App + Web Properties in Google Analytics
              • ICYMI: Instagram's New App Could Be Here By June

                Instagram’s new Twitter-like, text app may be here as soon as the end of June Two questions Tarte’s CEO should have asked herself before recording a GRWM video in response to claims of bias TikTok’s banned in Montana; don’t expect the state's most popular TikToker, Hank Green, to protest If you're new here, subscribe! What’s Your Strategy for Instagram’s New Text-App?! You might have read about a

                  ICYMI: Instagram's New App Could Be Here By June
                • HerokuにデプロイしたRailsアプリが「Heroku | Welcome to your new app!」と表示される際の対処法 - Qiita

                  HerokuにデプロイしたRailsアプリが「Heroku | Welcome to your new app!」と表示される際の対処法RailsHeroku 概要 HerokuにデプロイしたRailsアプリが「Heroku | Welcome to your new app!」と表示される際の対処法を記述させて頂きます。 原因 エラーメッセージによれば、Bundlerはローカル環境(x86_64-darwin-22、Mac OS)で動作するように設定されたGemfile.lockを使っていますが、Herokuの環境はLinux(x86_64-linux)なので問題が生じています。という内容です。 対策 Railsプロジェクトのディレクトリに移動します。そして、以下のコマンドを実行します。

                    HerokuにデプロイしたRailsアプリが「Heroku | Welcome to your new app!」と表示される際の対処法 - Qiita
                  • [AWS]よくあるミス →Usage: rails new APP_PATH [options] - Qiita

                    #DBを作成 [ec2-user@ip-●●●●●● ~]$ rails db:create RAILS_ENV=production Usage: rails new APP_PATH [options] Options: [--skip-namespace], [--no-skip-namespace] # Skip namespace (affects only isolated applications) -r, [--ruby=PATH] # Path to the Ruby binary of your choice # Default: /home/ec2-user/.rbenv/versions/2.5.1/bin/ruby -m, [--template=TEMPLATE] # Path to some application template (can be a fil

                      [AWS]よくあるミス →Usage: rails new APP_PATH [options] - Qiita
                    • New App - Threads API Documentation - 開発者コミュニティフォーラム - Meta for Developers

                      Hi. I would like to ask if the API documentation for newly-published app (Threads) is available or currently not available? Thanks.

                      • rails new APP_PATHで悩んだ - Qiita

                        c:\workspace\cd hoge c:\workspace\hoge\rails new hoge Usage: rails new APP_PATH [options] (省略) ってなった。ググると仲間が多い。 エクスプローラーでhogeの中身が物足りないことに気が付いた! コマンドプロンプトを管理者で実行してからやり直すだけだった。

                          rails new APP_PATHで悩んだ - Qiita
                        • rails tutorial 【第二章】herokuプッシュ後に「Heroku | Welcome to your new app!」と表示されてしまう。 - Qiita

                          rails tutorial 【第二章】herokuプッシュ後に「Heroku | Welcome to your new app!」と表示されてしまう。RubyRails タイトル通りです。herokuにプッシュ後に「hell,world」が表示されずに「Heroku | Welcome to your new app!」と表示されてしまう問題の解決方法です。 原因 「git remote -v」で表示されたリモートリポジトリと実際にデプロイしているリポジトリが異なっていたため 解決方法 リポジトリ変更コマンド「git remote set-url heroku 新しいherokuのgitリポジトリURL」を実行して再度プッシュすると「hell,world!」が表示されました。 参考記事→https://teratail.com/questions/166277

                            rails tutorial 【第二章】herokuプッシュ後に「Heroku | Welcome to your new app!」と表示されてしまう。 - Qiita
                          • rails new app名 --skip-bundleってなに? - Qiita

                            別問題をあれこれ調べているときに出会った内容に「rails new app名 --skip-bundle するといい!」とあったのだが出来なかった。 基本的なことすぎて記事にもなっていなかったので一応残しておく。 実施したこと rootで次のコードを実行 $ rails new app名 --skip-bundle #~略~ Could not find gem 'rails (~> 6.0.2, >=' in any of the gem sources listed in your Gemfile. Run `bundle install` to install missing gems.

                              rails new app名 --skip-bundleってなに? - Qiita
                            • 【エラー】rails new APP_PATH [options] - Qiita

                              Usage: rails new APP_PATH [options] Options: [--skip-namespace], [--no-skip-namespace] # Skip namespace (affects only isolated engines) [--skip-collision-check], [--no-skip-collision-check] # Skip collision check -r, [--ruby=PATH] # Path to the Ruby binary of your choice # Default: /Users/fujitanisougaku/.rbenv/versions/2.6.6/bin/ruby -m, [--template=TEMPLATE] # Path to some application template (

                                【エラー】rails new APP_PATH [options] - Qiita
                              • New App: "Leica LUX" | Leica Camera JP

                                ライカカメラ社(Leica Camera AG、本社:ドイツ・ウェッツラー、以下ライカ)は、ライカのカメラとレンズで撮影したかのような写真が実現できるiPhoneアプリ「Leica LUX」を発表します。「Leica LUX」は、優れたレンズで撮影するライカ独特の写真の世界と、ライカならではの印象的な美しさが宿る写真の仕上がりをiPhoneで体感できるアプリです。写真撮影の初心者から上級者まで、気の向くままに撮影するスナップ写真からアーティスティックな写真まで、幅広くお楽しみいただけます。 ライカのレンズを感じさせる 「Leica LUX」は、卓越した光学性能で知られるライカレンズで撮影したかのような絶妙な仕上がりの写真を実現できるアプリです。「Aperture」モードでは、「ライカ ズミルックスM f1.4/28mm ASPH.」や「ライカ ノクティルックスM f1.2/50mm ASP

                                  New App: "Leica LUX" | Leica Camera JP