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"design system"の検索結果401 - 440 件 / 470件

  • The 2022 Design Systems Survey by Sparkbox

    Every year, we are surprised by what we learn from the perspectives of people who work with design systems day in and day out. This year, we took particular interest in learning from both the people building and maintaining a design system and those who use or contribute to it in addition to their other responsibilities. We shared this survey for four weeks across our social media network, in Slac

      The 2022 Design Systems Survey by Sparkbox
    • Design systems - Alla Kholmatova

      Design Systems Many teams are now taking a more systematic approach to design. But why do some design systems thrive and others become bloated and fragmented? What makes a well-functioning system? What do effective systems have in common? Finally, how do you actually go about laying the foundations for a shared design language? These are the questions I set out to answer in this book. I hope you'l

      • Design systems — In the wild

        If there has been one thing digital product designers have collectively drooled over in the past few years, it has to be design systems. And no wonder. The most developed design systems are the ideal of what we want our products to be — holistic, systematic and well-documented wonders. Some even come with their own branding and marketing. Tech giants, product houses and consultancies alike have th

          Design systems — In the wild
        • noteのデザインシステムのはじまりとこれから

          noteのデザインシステムのはじまりとこれから     スライドショー  共有ログインお使いのブラウザのバージョンはサポートが終了しました。 サポートされているブラウザにアップグレードしてください。閉じる ファイル編集表示ヘルプユーザー補助機能デバッグ  ドライブに変更を保存できませんでした新しい変更を表示      ユーザー補助機能  閲覧のみ     プレゼンテーションの HTML ビュー

          • デザインシステムを導入する為にやって良かったこと5選|YUCCA

            こんにちは。クラウドワークスでデザイナーをしているYUCCAです。 今回「デザインシステムを導入する為にやって良かった事5選」のお話をしたいと思いますが、デザインシステムと一言で言ってもいろんな側面を持ち抽象度が高いので、前提としてこの記事でのデザインシステムのスコープや私たちのデザインシステム「norman」について軽く紹介させてください。 クラウドワークスのデザイン基盤チームでは、スケーラビリティを持ちながらUIデザインの品質を高められようにする為の一貫した仕組み(デザインシステム)づくりをしています。 このデザインシステムを私たちは「norman」と呼んでいます。 クラウドワークスで使用されている自社CSSフレームワークは2013年から根本的には変わっていない背景があります。なぜ変わっていないのかをここでは省略しますが、10年くらい前のものなので、レガシーなデザインが引き起こす様々な

            • Your Sketch library is not a design system redux

              I wrote a post where I talk about how a set of components living inside static design tools like Sketch isn’t itself a design system. Pardon my clickbait. Perhaps a better title would have been “Your Sketch library is not a(n entire) design system.” No doubt tools like Sketch are super valuable, and having a set of reusable components inside them helps design teams establish thoughtful and consist

                Your Sketch library is not a design system redux
              • Looking to Horizon: Why We Built A Design System

                When I joined Twitter over two years ago, I discovered a group of devoted designers and engineers working on a Hack Week passion project called Feather. Feather became a web component library focused on serving Twitter’s internal and enterprise products. Feather’s mission was to provide consistent and thoughtful experiences at scale. As the number of Feather’s components, patterns, and internal cu

                  Looking to Horizon: Why We Built A Design System
                • Choosing the right component library for your design system: MUI vs Chakra

                  Design systems can be very complex, or very simple depending on the needs of an organization. At the center of every design system though, is a component library. The goal of this project is to choose which component library is the best fit for Udacity’s next generation design system. TL;DRAfter testing the two libraries the results were nearly identical in every category— except for theming. Them

                    Choosing the right component library for your design system: MUI vs Chakra
                  • Schema by Figma

                    I agree to receive emails from Figma, and that my data will be processed in accordance with Figma’s Privacy Policy.

                      Schema by Figma
                    • Introducing Design System Manager + Brand.ai is joining InVision

                      Every digital business faces a crucial challenge when they begin to scale—how to ship better products, faster, while still creating consistent user experience on every screen. It’s incredibly hard to do. To solve for this, the world’s most successful digital product companies leverage the power of comprehensive design systems to scale consistently. It’s how they collect and connect interdependent

                        Introducing Design System Manager + Brand.ai is joining InVision
                      • The Language of Modular Design

                        As many of us move away from designing pages toward designing systems, one concept keeps cropping up: modularity. We often hear about the benefits of a modular approach; modules are scalable, replaceable, reusable, easy to test, quick to put together—“They’re just like LEGO!” Modularity might appear to be a simple concept at first, but making it work for your team demands significant effort and co

                          The Language of Modular Design
                        • Design Technologists: Front-End Development in the Design System Era

                          Let’s be honest. The relationship between designers and the engineers who execute their designs can be rocky. A historical reenactment of the designers and engineers working together.Engineers get frustrated when designers design things that were “impossible” (read: would be hard to build, don’t play nice with the API, or are likely to cause cross-browser issues) and that it is the engineers who a

                            Design Technologists: Front-End Development in the Design System Era
                          • Where to put one-off components?

                            A while back, Harry Roberts introduced the concept of shame.css: a stylesheet dedicated to housing your nasty, hacky, quick-fix CSS The idea is to isolate all the stuff that doesn’t belong in your beautiful, well-architected CSS architecture, in order to revisit it when the team has time to refactor code and create more sturdy solutions. Application-specific components At the heart of a design sys

                              Where to put one-off components?
                            • Can I get an Encore? Spotify’s Design System, Three Years On

                              "For an audio company, you’re awfully quiet..." We last spoke publicly about what Spotify is doing in the design system space in 2019 when we introduced a new system called Encore. Since then it's been radio silence. We haven’t really said much or talked publicly despite being asked about it. We’ve had our heads down learning, thinking, and shipping. So, maybe you’re curious. What have we been up

                                Can I get an Encore? Spotify’s Design System, Three Years On
                              • The Delightful Storybook Workflow

                                A big advantage of Storybook is the ability to customize it to fit your team’s needs through add-ons, config, and the API. With all these options at your fingertips it’s easy to lose sight of the big picture — the Storybook workflow. I surveyed 4 professional teams and Storybook’s own maintainers to boil down a core workflow that balances productivity, setup, and delight. This article walks throug

                                  The Delightful Storybook Workflow
                                • Things you could be doing instead of designing & building that card component for the umpteenth time

                                  Things you could be doing instead of designing & building that card component for the umpteenth time Making that card pattern more accessible Making that card pattern more responsive Making that card pattern more performant Making that card pattern more agnostic so it can handle different content patterns Making that card pattern more resilient to extreme content edge cases Creating a thoughtful v

                                    Things you could be doing instead of designing & building that card component for the umpteenth time
                                  • 5 steps for systematizing motion design

                                    The design community has started to apply some rigor toward documenting and systematizing components in both design and code, but motion is often left out of the discussion. However, the requirements of using motion in design falls perfectly in line with the guidelines of a design system: repeatability, time savings, and UX consistencies. By excluding motion from your design system, you potentiall

                                      5 steps for systematizing motion design
                                    • Size in Design Systems

                                      Higher density drives efficiency. Frequently used interfaces show you more and offer more diverse tasks via many interactive paths all without scrolling. On the other hand, a deep marketing message warrants a lengthy webpage that drives to a dominant call-to-action in a far less compact density. Yet, “rich app vs marketing webpage” is an incomplete contrast. Density can vary in the same product, p

                                        Size in Design Systems
                                      • The Lightning Design System — the Next Generation of Living Style Guides

                                        Sixteen years ago, Salesforce reinvented CRM in the cloud. Today our Lightning Design System reinvents enterprise UX at scale. We are giving our customers the same toolkit we used internally to develop our new Lightning Experience. Downloading the Design System gives you all our CSS, HTML, icons, color palettes, and a custom font. It works across our platforms: Visualforce, Heroku, and the new Lig

                                          The Lightning Design System — the Next Generation of Living Style Guides
                                        • Atomize Design System

                                          Atomize is an advanced UI design framework for Figma. It helps designers create visually appealing and consistent user interfaces for the web.

                                            Atomize Design System
                                          • Distilling How We Think About Design Systems

                                            Have you all heard of this cool new thing called design systems? They’re popping up everywhere. They’re not really new, but more of a distillation of a lot of things we’ve been starting to do for a long time now. They help us with creating consistency, productivity, and creating better user experiences. Companies are quickly getting behind the benefits that they can bring your teams. But, design s

                                              Distilling How We Think About Design Systems
                                            • Space, Size & Style

                                              Content (Shape), Space, Size and Style are the basic elements of design. No matter how simple the design is, these elements are always present. Let’s look at a circle for example. As we can see, it has a specific Shape, a specific Size, a specific Style (White color fill) and the Space around it. If we take away any of these elements, the circle cannot exist. Imagine removing these elements and yo

                                                Space, Size & Style
                                              • Create your design system, part 1: Typography

                                                Typography is arguably the essential part of a website. When we think about the content of a web page, we think about words. In this article, we’ll take a look at how to set a typography system in CSS. This article is part of a series on design systems inspired by our library of web components. The library relies on a solid system of CSS globals. So this is us sharing the things we’ve learned sett

                                                  Create your design system, part 1: Typography
                                                • SPEEDA DesignSystem 'FALCON' | Figma

                                                  SPEEDA Design Systems "FALCON" には、デザインの基盤となる「コンポーネント」や「テンプレート」が含まれています。 コンポーネントはカスタマイズができ、再利用が可能です。 [ Ver.3.0 2023.11.09 ] 追加点: デザイン原則イラストモジュールPrimitive Color / Semantic colorVariable設定Accordion / Notification Barなど各コンポーネント [ Ver.2.0 2022.07.01 ] ----- SPEEDA Design Systems "FALCON" includes "...

                                                  • Principles of Designing Systems

                                                    I’m wary of design principles. I find some inspirational (like my favorite, Salesforce Lightning’s Beauty, which focuses on craft). Yet, in-house teams can spend months defining principles too vague (“Be Magical!”) or generic (“Simplicity!”, as if most efforts crave complexity) to be useful. These principles then surface rarely if ever, even in design discussions that include principle authors. So

                                                    • Creating a Design System Language…

                                                      It seems like the current buzz word in the design industry and everyone wants one. But how exactly can a product benefit from having a living, breathing design language? I’m going to try break down the very basics so you can understand why it’s needed. “ Creating an underlaying language will unite our design philosophies and methodologies across our platform.” So why do we need a Design Language?…

                                                        Creating a Design System Language…
                                                      • GitLab Design System

                                                        Get started Figma guides Resources Repository Foundations Color Typography Spacing Layout Elevation Animation Iconography Illustration Components Form elements Infinite scroll Label Link Modal Pagination Path Popover Progress bar Segmented control Skeleton loader Socks Sorting Spinner Stepper Table Tabs Toast Toggle Tooltip Tree Patterns Objects Data visualization Content Usability and interaction

                                                          GitLab Design System
                                                        • Home - Morningstar Design System

                                                          Community Driven, Shared Value, Accessible Experiences MDS is a collection of design and technical standards to help teams build high-quality, cohesive experiences. Get Started

                                                          • “Distinct Design Systems,” an article by Dan Mall

                                                            Do we have too many design systems? Clearly, I’m biased: most of SuperFriendly’s work nowadays involves either creating a design system or modifying one as part of a larger effort for a client. But why even go through any of that effort in the first place? When I started researching design systems for Unity, the design system we made for ExxonMobil, my biggest observation was that the digital desi

                                                            • 小さく始めるDesign System /Design System

                                                              メドレー開発本部の社内勉強会「TechLunch」で発表した内容を掲載しました。 人材採用システムのジョブメドレーにおいて、Design Systemを「小さく始める」手法で導入を進めているので、そのプロセスについて紹介させていただきました。 発表者:舘野 真

                                                                小さく始めるDesign System /Design System
                                                              • デザインシステムプラットフォーム『Adele』登場。各社が公開するデザインシステムを横串で検索・参照可能に | inquire.jp

                                                                (デザインビジネスマガジン『designing』より転載) プロトタイピングツールやデザインシステム制作ツールを提供するUX Pinは、様々な企業・サービスが公開しているデザインシステムやデザインガイドライン等をまとめた、デザインシステムプラットフォーム『Adele』を公開した。 リリース当初は43のシステムが登録。検索機能が充実しており、レポジトリの種類から使用言語、コンポーネントの有無、JSのライブラリやフレームワークの種別、カラーパレットやタイポグラフィー、アクセシビリティガイドラインやUIキットの有無など、計30の切り口で検索できるようになっている。 システムの一覧画面 現状登録されているデザインシステムは『BBC』や『BuzzFeed』といったメディアから『Trello』『Dropbox』『Firefox』『Salesforce』などのサービス、『Audi』『IBM』といった企業

                                                                  デザインシステムプラットフォーム『Adele』登場。各社が公開するデザインシステムを横串で検索・参照可能に | inquire.jp
                                                                • Pantsuit: The Hillary Clinton UI pattern library

                                                                  Every good Pantsuit starts with the right patterns.Design systems. Pattern libraries. Styleguides. Whatever you want to call them, they are very much in style right now. A design system’s purpose is to provide consistent, tested and reusable solutions for a common UX problem. Campaigns move at lightning speed, and have some hard, non-negotiable deadlines. To empower our developers to create and sh

                                                                    Pantsuit: The Hillary Clinton UI pattern library
                                                                  • Design System Communications

                                                                    Operating a design system shares much in common with operating any product venture, from developing to supporting to marketing it. With marketing comes communications, spreading messages far and wide to engage designers and developers how they want to be engaged. Addressing their problems. Using the tools and places they observe and participate in. Marketing communications tools aren’t new. Yet, f

                                                                      Design System Communications
                                                                    • Design Better | The Curiosity Department | Substack

                                                                      “We can't recommend this enough. Discovering the DesignBetter podcast has been transformative. It's a potent blend of design wisdom, rich insights, and practical advice. A must-listen for all designers and creatives out there. Essential growth resource!”

                                                                        Design Better | The Curiosity Department | Substack
                                                                      • What I learned about leading a design system in 2017.

                                                                        I wrote this article to reflect, internalize, and remember what I have experienced professionally in 2017. I wanted to take the time to document what I have learned about leading a design system and design systems in general over the past year so that I can be intentional about my efforts to improve in 2018. I publish this in the hope that others may find something useful from my experiences. As t

                                                                          What I learned about leading a design system in 2017.
                                                                        • Ensuring consistent spacing in your UI | Getaround Tech

                                                                          Ensuring consistent spacing in your UI April 19, 2018 – Tim Petricola – 4-minute read This article was written before Drivy was acquired by Getaround, and became Getaround EU. Some references to Drivy may therefore remain in the post Drivy is growing, and the impact of this is particularly reflected in the evolution of our visual identity, conveyed by Drivy’s UI. Having more and more people involv

                                                                            Ensuring consistent spacing in your UI | Getaround Tech
                                                                          • Designing a Systems Team

                                                                            Most organizations are coming to understand systems and why they are important. However, how much does it cost? What team do we need? A System Team Serves Product (or Similar) TeamsPeter Merholz and Kristen Skinner’s excellent book Org Design for Design Orgs describes models and roles in composing design teams and orgs. In the Roles and Team Composition chapter, they describe an adjunct research t

                                                                              Designing a Systems Team
                                                                            • About - Pepabo Design

                                                                              Inhouseとは Inhouseとは、GMOペパボ株式会社の共通基盤デザインシステムです。 デザインシステムとは、ブランドがタッチポイントを活用した体験設計を効率的におこなうために、あらかじめ原則やガイドラインを定めて、その実装としてカラーパレットやコンポーネントライブラリなどのアセットを用意したものです。その上で、各サービスが個別に考えていているような、原則やガイドライン、実装していたアセットのうち、重複しているものをすべてのサービスで使えるように一般化して、あらかじめ用意しておいたものが共通基盤デザインシステムです。ペパボでは、この共通基盤デザインシステムに、「Inhouse」という名前をつけて呼んでいます。 デザインシステムに沿っていないものは作ってはいけない、というルールを設けたいわけではありません。別のデザインへリソースを回せるように、「もっとデザインする」ために、デザインシス

                                                                                About - Pepabo Design
                                                                              • GitHub - maiha2/accessibility-in-design-system: list of accessibility pages in design systems

                                                                                You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                                                  GitHub - maiha2/accessibility-in-design-system: list of accessibility pages in design systems
                                                                                • ui.reach.tech

                                                                                  ReactTraining.com is the world-renowned React training company who's committed to diversity and education in the tech community. ReactTraining