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  • [Collection] ICON SETS | Over *1000* different Icon Packs [INDEX not up2date]

    [Collection] ICON SETS | Over *1000* different Icon Packs [INDEX not up2date]

      [Collection] ICON SETS | Over *1000* different Icon Packs [INDEX not up2date]
    • New Stats: Book Publishing Is Growing; E-Book Revs and Sales Up Over 1000% – Old GigaOm

      One positive story in a week of terrible economic news: BookStats, a new annual statistical survey of raw sales revenue and unit data provided by nearly 2,000 publishers that is being released today, shows a lot of bright spots for the U.S. book publishing industry. Book sales are expanding, not shrinking. Between 2008 and 2010, total revenues and sale units grew for the publishing industry as a w
