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481 - 520 件 / 814件

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*privacyの検索結果481 - 520 件 / 814件

  • AllAnonymity: Protect Your Privacy and Learn How to Hide Your IP

    Protecting your privacy since 2008Find the best resources to protect your privacy online Here at AllAnonymity.com we care about your privacy. We’re a team of security researchers that love to tinker with privacy tools such as VPNs and proxies that help you hide your IP address. Browse our library of content or check out our security tools.

    • FastEver 2 Privacy Policy – rakko entertainment

      rakko entertainment built the FastEver 2 app as a Commercial app. This SERVICE is provided by rakko entertainment and is intended for use as is. This page is used to inform visitors regarding my policies with the collection, use, and disclosure of Personal Information if anyone decided to use my Service. If you choose to use my Service, then you agree to the collection and use of information in re

      • When American and European Ideas of Privacy Collide (Published 2010)

        WASHINGTON — “On the Internet, the First Amendment is a local ordinance,” said Fred H. Cate, a law professor at Indiana University. He was talking about last week’s ruling from an Italian court that Google executives had violated Italian privacy law by allowing users to post a video on one of its services. In one sense, the ruling was a nice discussion starter about how much responsibility to plac

          When American and European Ideas of Privacy Collide (Published 2010)
        • Teens, Social Media, and Privacy

          Teens, Social Media, and Privacy Teens share a wide range of information about themselves on social media sites;1 indeed the sites themselves are designed to encourage the sharing of information and the expansion of networks. However, few teens embrace a fully public approach to social media. Instead, they take an array of steps to restrict and prune their profiles, and their patterns of reputatio

            Teens, Social Media, and Privacy
          • Evernote’s new privacy policy raises eyebrows

            Evernote is testing out machine learning algorithms on all the reams of content it has accumulated over the past eight years. But when it announced this move with a new privacy policy that goes into effect January 24, 2017, the company also pointed out something that many users hadn't realized: Evernote staffers will sometimes look at the content of your notes. There are actually a number of perfe

              Evernote’s new privacy policy raises eyebrows
            • A Bill of Privacy Rights for Social Network Users | Electronic Frontier Foundation

              Social network service providers today are in a unique position. They are intermediaries and hosts to our communications, conversations and connections with loved ones, family, friends and colleagues. They have access to extremely sensitive information, including data gathered over time and from many different individuals. Here at EFF, we've been thinking a lot recently about what specific rights

                A Bill of Privacy Rights for Social Network Users | Electronic Frontier Foundation
              • The Platform for Privacy Preferences 1.0 (P3P1.0) Specification

                このドキュメントは The Platform for Privacy Preferences 1.0 (P3P1.0) Specification W3C Candidate Recommendation 15 December 2000 http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/CR-P3P-20001215 の和訳です。 この文書には和訳上の誤りがありえます。 内容の保証はいたしかねますので、必ずW3C Webサイトの正式版文書を参照して下さい。 また、著作権等については本文書に含まれる記述に加え、こちらも必ず参照してください。 Platform for Privacy Preferences 1.0 (P3P1.0) 仕様書 W3C勧告候補 2000年12月15日 この版: http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/CR-P3P-20001215 最新公開版: h

                • 携帯電話の位置情報プライバシーを高めるPretty Good Phone Privacy - YAMDAS現更新履歴

                  www.wired.com 携帯電話の位置情報が携帯電話事業者に渡るというのは仕組み上当たり前で、これをどうこうするのは無理だとばかり思い込んでいたのだが、そうでもないらしい。 プリンストン大学の Paul Schmitt と南カリフォルニア大学の Barath Raghavan が発表した Pretty Good Phone Privacy(リンク先 PDF ファイル)という方式によれば、端末側の簡単なソフトウェアの改修で、携帯事業者の技術インフラには手をつけることなく携帯電話の位置情報プライバシーを高められるという。もちろん 5G にも適用可能である。 この Pretty Good Phone Privacy(PGPP)という名称は、実は今年が誕生30周年である Pretty Good Privacy(PGP) を踏まえているのは言うまでもない。 その詳しい実現方法は論文を読んでいただ

                    携帯電話の位置情報プライバシーを高めるPretty Good Phone Privacy - YAMDAS現更新履歴
                  • Protect Your Privacy When Downloading

                    Click to viewEarlier this week, a Lifehacker reader caught downloading copyrighted material using BitTorrent told us about the scary warning letter she received from her ISP after a big media company filed a complaint. Fact is, whether you're downloading copyrighted material or not, no one likes to have their activities online monitored. Let's take a look at ways you can protect your downloading a

                      Protect Your Privacy When Downloading
                    • Privacy on the Blockchain | Ethereum Foundation Blog

                      Privacy on the BlockchainPosted by Vitalik Buterin on January 15, 2016 Blockchains are a powerful technology, as regular readers of the blog already likely agree. They allow for a large number of interactions to be codified and carried out in a way that greatly increases reliability, removes business and political risks associated with the process being managed by a central entity, and reduces the

                        Privacy on the Blockchain | Ethereum Foundation Blog
                      • Facebook Privacy List for Adblock Plus

                        Introduction Facebook Privacy List is a filter subscription for Adblock Plus. It helps protect your privacy by blocking Facebook plugins and scripts (such as the "Like" button) when you visit non-Facebook websites. These plugins and scripts may share your Facebook information with non-Facebook websites. Frequently Asked Questions Why should I be concerned about Facebook privacy? Because Facebook i

                        • The Tor Project | Privacy & Freedom Online

                          Defend yourself against tracking and surveillance. Circumvent censorship. BLOCK TRACKERS Tor Browser isolates each website you visit so third-party trackers and ads can't follow you. Any cookies automatically clear when you're done browsing. So will your browsing history. DEFEND AGAINST SURVEILLANCE Tor Browser prevents someone watching your connection from knowing what websites you visit. All any

                            The Tor Project | Privacy & Freedom Online
                          • Windows Privacy Tray - WinPT

                            Update: The project is currently working on a new release. WinPT is a taskbar front-end for GnuPG which includes key management, encryption via the clipboard, direct file encryption and support for OpenPGP smartcards. WinPT is designed to make life easier for people who want encryption, and to make security less daunting for people who are new to securing data. The latest version of WinPT is

                            • Privacy/Features/DOMCryptAPISpec/Latest - MozillaWiki

                              DOMCrypt Specification DRAFT Version 0.4 Updated 2011-07-26 Author David Dahl <ddahl@mozilla.com> Author Adam Barth <adam@adambarth.com> Introduction This document describes a proposed Javascript Cryptography API available in web browsers to allow any web page script the ability to generate asymmetric key pairs, encrypt, decrypt (asymmetric and symmetric crypto), sign, verify, HMAC, and hash data

                              • Own-Mailbox: Your mailbox protecting your privacy! by Revolutek — Kickstarter

                                Funding for this project was canceled by the project creator on Oct 4 2015

                                  Own-Mailbox: Your mailbox protecting your privacy! by Revolutek — Kickstarter
                                • WordPressのプライバシー設定で指定しているプライバシーポリシーページを判別する条件分岐「is_privacy_policy」

                                  EUのGDPRへの対応を支援するために、WordPress4.9.6から管理画面に「プライバシー設定」という項目が追加されました。 参考:WordPress 4.9.6 プライバシー・メンテナンスリリース [設定] – [プライバシー]にアクセスすると、プライバシーポリシーページを設定することができます。 今回は、このプライバシー設定で指定されているプライバシーポリシーページをテーマ内で判別する方法をご紹介したいと思います。 WordPressのプライバシー設定で指定しているプライバシーポリシーページを判別する条件分岐 プライバシーポリシーページを判別するには、is_privacy_policy()を使います。いつの間にか条件分岐が追加されていたと思ったら、WordPress5.2で導入されたみたいです。 具体的には、以下のように条件分岐させることが可能です。 <?php if( is_p

                                  • Personal Privacy and Online Safety | Lookout

                                    Keep your privacy and your personal data safe with a single solution that automatically scans every site, link, and Wi-Fi network you connect to, blocking scams and risks before they can do you harm. It all happens quietly in the background, 24/7.

                                      Personal Privacy and Online Safety | Lookout
                                    • Avast Online Security & Privacy

                                      Avast Browser Security and Web Reputation Plugin. リアルタイムのオンライン脅威、トラッカー、および詐欺から Google Chrome ブラウザを保護します。 アバスト オンライン セキュリティ&プライバシーを使って、安心して閲覧しましょう。Facebook から銀行まで、訪問するすべてのサイトをチェックするため、あなたやあなたのデータを危険にさらすものは何もありません。4 億人のアバスト ユーザーのコミュニティに参加しましょう。 - あなたのデータを盗もうとするフィッシング サイトを特定し、ブロックします。 - リンクの上にカーソルを重ねるのみで、あらゆるウェブサイトのリスク評価を素早くチェックします。 - 閲覧行動のデータを収集する侵略的なトラッキング Cookie をブロックします。 - オンライン広告をブロックし、広告主のデータベー

                                        Avast Online Security & Privacy
                                      • MAC address randomization joins Apple's heap of iOS 8 privacy improvements | AppleInsider

                                        With consumers growing more conscious about protecting their privacy, Apple has begun tackle the issue head on with numerous enhancements to its next-generation mobile operating system including a new feature that makes it more difficult to track and identify individual iOS devices. Beginning with iOS 8, Apple's handheld devices will generate and use random Media Acccess Control, or MAC, addresses

                                          MAC address randomization joins Apple's heap of iOS 8 privacy improvements | AppleInsider
                                        • Gift of GOP for 4th day: Their Privacy

                                          1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52

                                          • Privacy International

                                            Charities protest Capita AGM over controversial government GPS tracking contract Campaigners assembled outside Capita PLC’s Annual General Meeting in the City of London on Thursday 11th May are contesting the outsourcing company’s £114m contract to deliver 24/7 GPS monitoring services, used by the Home Office to surveil people without British citizenship.

                                            • 【コラム】最新IT用語解説 (8) P3P(Platform for Privacy Preferences) | エンタープライズ | マイコミジャーナル

                                              今回はInternet Explorer 6.0(IE 6.0)の日本語版が出たばかりということで、同ブラウザがプライバシー保護に関する規格として採用したという「P3P」について解説してみたい。Napstarなどの音楽配信ソフトでよく使われる「P2P」(Peer to Peer)とよく似て紛らわしいこの言葉、いったいどんな規格なのだろうか。 ■P3Pは単なるCookieブロック機能ではない! P3Pはその正式名称を「Platform for Privacy Preferences」といい、HTMLなどの規格を策定しているW3C(World Wide Web Consortium)によってこれまで検討が進められていた規格だ。現在のバージョンは1.0だが、実はまだこの規格、正式に成立しているわけではなく、昨年12月に「Candidate Recommendation」と呼ばれる仮承認状態に移行

                                              • Edward Snowden Explains How To Reclaim Your Privacy

                                                Edward Snowden Explains How To Reclaim Your Privacy The NSA whistleblower sat down with <em>The Intercept</em>’s Micah Lee in Moscow. LAST MONTH, I met Edward Snowden in a hotel in central Moscow, just blocks away from Red Square. It was the first time we’d met in person; he first emailed me nearly two years earlier, and we eventually created an encrypted channel to journalists Laura Poitras and G

                                                  Edward Snowden Explains How To Reclaim Your Privacy
                                                • TrueVault - Data Privacy Compliance Software

                                                  Get Compliant with TrueVault Polaris You don't have to be a privacy expert - or hire one - to get your business compliant with the CCPA, GDPR, and more. TrueVault Polaris simplifies compliance through guided workflows and process automation, giving businesses of all sizes a full suite of privacy tools. See the full list of privacy laws covered by TrueVault Polaris Save Time, Save Money Polaris hel

                                                  • ACE Team - Security, Performance & Privacy

                                                    Technical Dependency Analysis Hi, I’m Kevin Harris, Principal Program Manager with Microsoft’s Enterprise Business Continuity... Author: ACE Team Date: 02/19/2010 Using the Business Impact Analysis Hi all, I’m Tom Easthope, Sr. Program Manager on the Enterprise Business Continuity team at... Author: ACE Team Date: 01/26/2010 InfoSec A&P Suite: How to Install & Configure Hi everyone, Diane here. Re

                                                      ACE Team - Security, Performance & Privacy
                                                    • Privacy in an Age of Publicity

                                                      The defense of privacy always follows the emergence of technologies for breaching it.Illustration by Nishant Choksi An extraordinary fuss about eavesdropping started in the spring of 1844, when Giuseppe Mazzini, an Italian exile in London, became convinced that the British government was opening his mail. Mazzini, a revolutionary who’d been thrown in jail in Genoa, imprisoned in Savona, sentenced

                                                        Privacy in an Age of Publicity
                                                      • Privacy Analysis of Tiktok’s App and Website | Rufposten

                                                        I did a detailed privacy check of the app TikTok and its corresponding website. Multiple law infringements, trust, transparency and data protection breaches were found. I provide all technical and legal details in this article. For a less technical view, read the article at Süddeutsche Zeitung (in german). I used mitmproxy as my setup in order to re-route all app traffic for analysis. One can see

                                                        • Audacity ® | Desktop Privacy Policy

                                                          About the Privacy Notice Audacity versions 3.0.2 and earlier are not subject to the privacy notice below as they do not include networking features With this updated version of our privacy notice below (dated 28 August 2022), we (the Audacity Team) would like to outline the changes that will come into play with Audacity 3.0.3 and later versions, as well as the purpose of those changes. As a respon

                                                          • Private.sh - the search engine that cryptographically protects your privacy

                                                            The search engine that cryptographically protects your privacy How does it work? Every single search request from our website and extension is encrypted locally on the client and proxied through our service, stripping away your public IP address ensuring that only the search provider is able to decrypt and see your query without any knowledge of who you are. The results are returned to you through

                                                            • P3Pとは 【Platform for Privacy Preferences】 - 意味・解説 : IT用語辞典

                                                              インターネット上で、Webサイトの運営者とサイトの訪問者の間で個人情報をやり取りするための技術仕様。2002年4月にWWW関連の標準化団体W3Cで標準化された。 P3Pは個人情報を保護しながら電子商取引を円滑に行なうことを目的とし、ユーザが自分の情報をどの程度Webサイトに提供するかをコントロールできるようにする。Netscape Communications社などが提唱するOPS(Open Profiling Standard)とMicrosoft社のPlatform for Privacyを元に、仕様が検討された。

                                                              • Pirsch – The Best, Privacy-friendly Google Analytics Alternative

                                                                Set Up in Minutes Simply add the script to your site, choose from a variety of plugins, or go for the API backend integration. Pirsch is the plug-and-play Google Analytics alternative. Integrates With Your Stack Pirsch offers plugins, libraries, and tutorials for the most popular CMSs, website builders, and programming languages to get you up and running in no time.

                                                                  Pirsch – The Best, Privacy-friendly Google Analytics Alternative
                                                                • Locky.jp : About WiFi Privacy

                                                                  無線LANを用いた位置推定測位とプライバシ保護について (2011年11月28日 Locky.jp 管理者 名古屋大学 河口信夫 記載) (2011年11月29日 ハッシュ化、プライバシ、MAC、SSIDに関する説明を追加) (2011年12月 1日 ハッシュの説明を一部修正) Locky.jpは無線LANを用いた位置情報・測位に関するポータルサイトです。 なお、本サイトでは、可能な限り個人の位置情報に関するプライバシに考慮した対応を行ってきたつもりでしたが、これまで、プライバシに関する記載を十分に行っておらず、申し訳ありませんでした。 今後は、可能な限り対応いたします。問題やコメントがある場合は、管理者(info @ locky.jp)までご連絡ください。 以下では、現状を説明させていただきます。 本サイトは無線LANを用いた位置情報サービス実現のために、主に以下を実施しています。 ■

                                                                  • OECD Guidelines on the Protection of Privacy and Transborder Flows of Personal Data - OECD

                                                                    OECD Home DigitalDigital economyOECD Guidelines on the Protection of Privacy and Transborder Flows of Personal Data ... Note: These Guidelines were updated in 2013. Click here to access the revised Guidelines Background Preface OECD Council Recommendation Guidelines Part 1. General definitions Part 2. Basic principles of national application Part 3. Basic principles of international application: F

                                                                      OECD Guidelines on the Protection of Privacy and Transborder Flows of Personal Data - OECD
                                                                    • Controlling browser features with Permissions Policy  |  Privacy & Security  |  Chrome for Developers

                                                                      Combine headers with the iframe allow attribute With Feature Policy, you could add the feature to a cross-origin frame by either adding the origin to the header origin list or adding an allow attribute to the iframe tag. With Permissions Policy, if you add a cross-origin frame to the origin list, the iframe tag for that origin must include the allow attribute. If the response does not contain a Pe

                                                                      • http://www.bandtel.com/privacy-policy

                                                                        Description: Elevate your brand's communication with BandTel.com. A versatile, memorable domain to amplify your business online. Tags: band, bandtel, western premium domain, bandage, bandeau, belt, binding, bond, braid, cable, chain, circle, circuit, copula, cord, fillet, harness, hoop, ligature, line premium domain name pronounceable domain catchy domain

                                                                        • NSA broke privacy rules thousands of times per year, audit finds

                                                                          The National Security Agency has broken privacy rules or overstepped its legal authority thousands of times each year since Congress granted the agency broad new powers in 2008, according to an internal audit and other top-secret documents. Most of the infractions involve unauthorized surveillance of Americans or foreign intelligence targets in the United States, both of which are restricted by st

                                                                            NSA broke privacy rules thousands of times per year, audit finds
                                                                          • *Privacy Not Included: A Buyer’s Guide for Connected Products

                                                                            The car brands we researched are terrible at privacy and security Why are cars we researched so bad at privacy? And how did they fall so far below our standards? Let us count the ways! 1. They collect too much personal data (all of them) We reviewed 25 car brands in our research and we handed out 25 “dings” for how those companies collect and use data and personal information. That’s right: every

                                                                              *Privacy Not Included: A Buyer’s Guide for Connected Products
                                                                            • Apple Just Made Safari the Good Privacy Browser

                                                                              The next version of Safari takes on ad-trackers more aggressively than ever. Apple announced a slew of new software features at its Worldwide Developers Conference on Monday, including an augmented reality upgrade and animojis that can stick out their tongues when you do. But the company's latest desktop and mobile operating systems contain a more subtle, yet more radical, innovation. The newest v

                                                                                Apple Just Made Safari the Good Privacy Browser
                                                                              • European Privacy in Search – Transparency Report – Google

                                                                                European privacy requests for search removals In a May 2014 ruling, Google Spain v AEPD and Mario Costeja González, the Court of Justice of the European Union found that individuals have the right to ask search engines like Google to remove certain results about them. The court decided that search engines must assess each individual’s request for removal and that a search engine can only continue

                                                                                • Vanish: Enhancing the Privacy of the Web with Self-Destructing Data

                                                                                  At a minimum, if you want to play with Vanish, you will need to download the Vanish Core package. You can then choose whether to download the other packages, depending on your goals. For example, if you want to run Vanish with the Vuze backend, you should also download the Vuze Vanish Backend. However, if you intend to run Vanish on top of another backend that you or others have developed, you don