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エスニシティの検索結果1 - 1 件 / 1件

  • 空間的実践とエスニシティからみた在日インド人と在日ネパール人 - 戦術から戦略へ

    IT IT 1)Emerging of an Indian community in Tokyo. The Indian Geography Journal 2007( ) 2) 2010 ( 3) 2009 ( 4) 1 2008 5)Spatial Reorganisation of the Indian Community Crossing Border: A Case Study of the Global City Tokyo, Japanese Journal of Human Geography 2013( ) 6) 4 , 2015( ) 7) 2005 8 , 2006(2007 ) ( ), 9) Transformation of Rural Community Neighbouring the Industrial Estate: Case Study of Vil
