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  • Shinzo Abe Was ‘Trump Before Trump’—Except He Pulled It Off

    His authoritarian legacy will live on for decades to come, and in retaining power, he even trumped Trump. Japan’s former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe died on Thursday in a scene reminiscent of the yakuza films he loved so much, gunned down in a crowd by a lone shooter who didn’t even try to escape. The nation was shocked to learn that he had passed away when it was reported by state broadcaster NHK.

      Shinzo Abe Was ‘Trump Before Trump’—Except He Pulled It Off
    • Abigail Shrier’s <em>Irreversible Damage</em>: A Wealth of Irreversible Misinformation

      Abigail Shrier’s Irreversible Damage: A Wealth of Irreversible Misinformation A critical, science-based analysis of Abigail Shrier’s book Irreversible Damage. Controversy erupted here on Science-Based Medicine with a recent publication of a review of Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters by Abigail Shrier. As a family physician who provides affirmative care to transgend

        Abigail Shrier’s <em>Irreversible Damage</em>: A Wealth of Irreversible Misinformation
      • Parler - Wikipedia

        On January 8, two days after the storming of the Capitol, Google announced that it was pulling Parler from the Google Play Store, contending that its lack of "moderation policies and enforcement" posed a "public safety threat".[91][92] Also on January 8, Apple informed Parler that they had received complaints about its role in the coordination of the riot in Washington D.C., the existence of "obje

          Parler - Wikipedia
        • Japan’s Communists Are Hardly Radical, but Make a Handy Election Target (Published 2021)

          TOKYO — The Japan Communist Party is the oldest political party in the country. It’s the largest nonruling Communist party in the world. It’s harshly critical of China. And the Japanese authorities list it, along with ISIS and North Korea, as a threat to national security. To many in Japan, that comparison seems exaggerated. The party, which long ago abandoned Marx and Lenin and never really had t

            Japan’s Communists Are Hardly Radical, but Make a Handy Election Target (Published 2021)
          • 『ブギーマン』感想(ネタバレ)…ドアはちゃんと閉まりますか?

            2023年、ブギーマンが映画館を訪問 あなたの家には「あれ、閉めたはずなのに、開いちゃってるぞ?」というドアはありませんか? 一回ガチャリと閉めても、閉まった状態を保持せず、すぐにカチャっとドアが開いてしまう。これは心霊現象…ではなく、ドアの調整が必要なだけです。 ドアには「ラッチ」という部分があって、そこをドライバーで調整すると開き戸が完全に閉まるようになります。ドアは使っているうちにだんだんと調整が要るほどにズレてくるんですね。私の家の部屋のドアもそうなりました(ちゃんと簡単に直りました)。場合によっては丁番の調整がさらに必要になるケースもあります。一度それぞれの自分の家のドアをチェックしてみてください。 でも今回紹介する映画にでてくるドアは、ちょっと小手先の道具で修正するだけではどうにもならないレベルの話です。 それが本作『ブギーマン』。 少し誤解のないように説明しておくと、『ブギー

            • Generisches Lithium 300Mg Ohne Rezept Sicher Kaufen - ask me/اسالني

              Müssen Sie wirklich LASIK machen lassen? lithobid Wenn Sie nicht verrückt nach Nüssen essen, können Sie davon profitieren. Solche natürlichen Lösungen werden dazu beitragen, dauerhafte Lösungen für Ihren Zustand zu bieten. das ist was du wirklich brauchst. lithium bestellen auf rechnung Es ist wie wenn Sie ein Kind waren und nachts Angst vor dem Boogeyman in Ihrem Schrank haben. Lithium Die Roids

              • Bill Gates, at Odds With Trump on Virus, Becomes a Right-Wing Target (Published 2020)

                In a 2015 speech, Bill Gates warned that the greatest risk to humanity was not nuclear war but an infectious virus that could threaten the lives of millions of people. That speech has resurfaced in recent weeks with 25 million new views on YouTube — but not in the way that Mr. Gates probably intended. Anti-vaccinators, members of the conspiracy group QAnon and right-wing pundits have instead seize

                  Bill Gates, at Odds With Trump on Virus, Becomes a Right-Wing Target (Published 2020)