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CUESに関するエントリは2件あります。 designデザインui などが関連タグです。 人気エントリには 『Don’t Use Inverted Color Cues on Toggle Buttons』などがあります。
  • Don’t Use Inverted Color Cues on Toggle Buttons

    A user made the mistake of posting their private information publicly. They accidentally set their account to public when they wanted it set to private. What caused this error wasn’t the user, but bad toggle button design. The user misperceived the toggle button that controls the public and private modes. The cue for the active state looked inactive to them. Their misperception was caused by the i

      Don’t Use Inverted Color Cues on Toggle Buttons
    • Stop Misusing Icon Cues on Menus

      Designers use icon cues to communicate interface affordances to users. There are two affordances all menus have. The disclosure affordance discloses the menu to display a view. The closure affordance closes the menu to hide a view. Using the right icon cues are important, but designers are using the wrong ones. This mistake has created an inconsistent and confusing interface language across the we

        Stop Misusing Icon Cues on Menus
