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  • 10 Things Serverless Architects Should Know | Amazon Web Services

    AWS Architecture Blog 10 Things Serverless Architects Should Know Building on the first three parts of the AWS Lambda scaling and best practices series where you learned how to design serverless apps for massive scale, AWS Lambda’s different invocation models, and best practices for developing with AWS Lambda, we now invite you to take your serverless knowledge to the next level by reviewing the f

      10 Things Serverless Architects Should Know | Amazon Web Services
    • Deploy a NestJS App with Serverless Framework | Theodo

      Here in Theodo we are [very enthusiastic about NestJS framework](https://www.theodo.fr/expertise/developpement-nodejs-nest). It is quite young but we consider it currently one of [the best NodeJS frameworks](https://blog.theodo.com/2019/03/choose-best-nodejs-framework/). Recently, we asked ourselves if it was possible to **deploy serverless NestJS applications**. ![](./serverless-nestjs-1.png) Ser
