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DSLRsの検索結果41 - 80 件 / 486件

  • 10 Easy Steps To Advanced Photography Skills — Smashing Magazine

    A camera does not work like an eye; film does not work like memory. There is a fine line between a photo that is quite nice and one that is quite breathtaking. At some unknown point, a photo can cross the Rubicon and be forever a piece of beautiful art. That hinterland between a regular photo and evocative art is a shifting area from person to person and taste to taste. However, that zone can be n

    • Dance Photography

      (... and indoor action photography in general) Parents at my daughter's dance study asked for advice on photographing dancers. This page reviews my path from knowing nothing about photography to getting some decent results. I hope it can help you as well. 1: Initial Disappointment The typical scenario: Your kid gets a role in a dance performance, you proudly snap some photos with your fancy new co

      • Image sensor format - Wikipedia

        In digital photography, the image sensor format is the shape and size of the image sensor. The image sensor format of a digital camera determines the angle of view of a particular lens when used with a particular sensor. Because the image sensors in many digital cameras are smaller than the 24 mm × 36 mm image area of full-frame 35 mm cameras, a lens of a given focal length gives a narrower field

          Image sensor format - Wikipedia
        • AnalogRev: Cheap "Full Frame" SLR Alternatives

          In this video, we ponder whether there is an alternative to the cheapish full frame DSLRs that recently hit the market - Canon 6D(http://bit.ly/Canon6Dbody), Nikon D600(http://bit.ly/NikonD600body), Sony a99(http://bit.ly/SoA99) - and we work out that film could be the best option...but just what can we get? Watch the video to find out... Thanks to: Cecilia at Filme - http://thefilme.com/conte

            AnalogRev: Cheap "Full Frame" SLR Alternatives
          • digital photography manual mode tips : oqoho

            = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =========> Download Link digital photography manual mode tips= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = My rules of thumb: For action, determine your shutter speed first, then ISO sensitivity, then aperture. For medium to low light, set your ISO sensitivity first, then shutter speed

              digital photography manual mode tips : oqoho
            • film flash effect : yduyuxi

              = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =========> Download Link film flash effect= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 3 min - Uploaded by Film LearninSTRIKE is a pack of over twenty 4K lightning animations inspired by TV's The Flash for Adobe. 1 minA short example video of how to create 'Film Flash' effect transiti

                film flash effect : yduyuxi
              • The Shack (2017) 1080p Online - Movie on Vimeo

                Did you know? DSLRs are powerful tools for video making, as long as your settings are right for the available light .

                  The Shack (2017) 1080p Online - Movie on Vimeo
                • ペンタックスが2012年中に3機種の一眼レフを発表?

                  Photo Rumorsに、ペンタックスの新しいデジタル一眼レフに関する噂が掲載されています。 ・Three new Pentax DSLRs by the end of the year, fourth full frame camera a possibility ロシアコンシューマーエレクトロニクス&フォトエキスポ2012から、ペンタックスに関するいくつかの噂が入っている。3機種のカメラが2012年の終わりまでに登場すると予想される。 エントリーモデルのデジタル一眼レフ。 K-r とK-5の間に位置する一眼レフ。 K-5の後継機。 4つ目の情報は不明確だが、ペンタックスの担当者が古いKマウントのフルサイズ用レンズを売却しないように述べており、これは4番目のカメラがフルサイズ機であることを示唆しているのかもしれない。 記事の信憑性はよく分かりませんが、ソースはペンタックスフォーラムへの

                  • The Merricam - No-Cost "Steadicam" DIY

                    Support an indie filmmaker and like this on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/merricam This video will show you my way of converting a tripod to a camera stabilizer (or "MerriCam") using only a screwdriver. I used the Sunpak Platinum Plus 7500 Pro tripod for this video, along with the Canon HV20. All demo shots were done with no practice. This technique is not meant for very large or heavy cam

                      The Merricam - No-Cost "Steadicam" DIY
                    • 明日のアップルイベントになにを期待すべきか

                      《Update:ささやかなアップグレードだって?》 [これが iPad 3?:photo] いつもならウワサでない確定情報に基づいたニュースを直前に流す WSJ のような大手紙でさえ、今回はイベント前日になっても沈黙を守っている。よほどアップルの統制が効いているということか。 直前のニュースらしきものといえば、ガジェットサイトの新顔 The Verge のものくらい・・・ そんななかで Mat Honan が冷めたシニカルな目で見ている。 Gizmodo: “What to Expect at Apple’s Event Tomorrow” by Mat Honan: 06 March 2012 *     *     * ナイショの話 とにもかくにも、世界中がチョー重要と認めるハズだ。 First and foremost, it will be universally acknowle

                      • 7 Most Popular Micro Four Thirds Lenses - Daily Camera News

                        By dcnadmin on February 19, 2017 (updated November 30, 2018) In this article you will find the most popular Micro Four Thirds lenses we choose for recommendation. Want to buy a new lens for your mirrorless system camera, but you can not decide which one to get? Here are some of our choices! As you know the Micro Four Thirds system has a 2x crop factor, so we’ve included the 35mm equivalent in the

                          7 Most Popular Micro Four Thirds Lenses - Daily Camera News
                        • 海外旅行にどうしても三脚を持って行きたい!フルサイズ一眼も長時間露光も耐えれるモノを考える。 | DSLR's JOURNAL

                          海外など飛行機を使って旅行に行くとき三脚はどうしますか? 三脚は持って行かないことが多いと思います。 でも、 ・ちょっとした記録撮影でカメラの置き場所に困る。 ・きれいな夜景や星空に出会ってしまった!! だいたいは、 カバンの上や高さのあるところに何とか角度を付けてカメラを置いて撮影することが多いかと思います。 ちょうどいい高さでカメラを置くところがあればしのげますが、 だだっ広い何も無いところではやっぱり三脚が欲しい。 普段はハスキーの三脚を使っていますが、 これを持って飛行機旅行に行く気はしません。重い!でかい! できれば「機内持ち込みができるカバンに入る三脚」かつ、ある程度しっかりしたものを探してみました。 ベルボン ウルトレックシリーズ ULTREK 45LUT-43QUT-53QUT-63Q

                            海外旅行にどうしても三脚を持って行きたい!フルサイズ一眼も長時間露光も耐えれるモノを考える。 | DSLR's JOURNAL
                          • Beauty and the Beast (1991) 1080p Online - Movie on Vimeo

                            Did you know? DSLRs are powerful tools for video making, as long as your settings are right for the available light .

                              Beauty and the Beast (1991) 1080p Online - Movie on Vimeo
                            • Best DSLR cameras: Classic models with lasting appeal

                              Once upon a time, DSLRs were the only interchangeable lens option in the camera world. These days, mirrorless cameras are the dominant force, with most major camera brands abandoning the older form factor. Perhaps you've landed on this page after a search for the best DSLRs without realizing that the major camera manufacturers are no longer making DSLRs. For most, the best interchangeable lens cam

                                Best DSLR cameras: Classic models with lasting appeal
                              • キヤノンが一眼レフでは自社製センサーを採用し続ける?

                                Canon Rumors とNorthlightに、キヤノン機へのソニーの積層型センサーの採用を否定する内容の噂が掲載されています。 ・Canon to Continue Using Canon Sensors in DSLRs (Canon Rumors) キヤノンが近日中に登場する2機種のプロ用カメラでソニーの積層型センサーを採用するという噂が流れている。私(Canon Rumors)と Northlight は、いずれも、この噂に異議を唱え、キヤノンは間違いなく自社で設計・製造したセンサーを当面は一眼レフに使い続けるというメールを受け取っている。キヤノンは以前にコンパクトカメラで、ソニーセンサーを採用したことがあり、最新のPowerShot G7 X でも採用している。 ・Our general camera rumours page (Northlight) 今朝、「キヤノンは一眼

                                • Olympus XZ-1 Review

                                  Back in 2001, when it was possible to charge $999 for a compact camera, Olympus produced the C-3040Z, C-4040Z and C5050Z which featured some of the brightest zooms to ever appear on such cameras. Sadly, as the years have gone on and prices have dropped, Olympus moved away from this part of the market and it's been a long time since we looked to it for class-leading compacts. Despite the falling pr

                                  • How to Take Group Photos: 18 Essential Tips

                                    Want to take group photos that everyone will love? Our expert advice on angles, clothing, settings, and more will help you nail the perfect shot. Capturing top-notch group photos can be a real challenge – unless you know the right approach. In this article, I dive deep into the world of group photography, and I share my best advice, including: How to pose the group like a pro How to keep everyone

                                      How to Take Group Photos: 18 Essential Tips
                                    • From the lab: Lumia 920 low-light shootout with Nokia 808, iPhone 5, HTC One X and Galaxy S III

                                      From the lab: Lumia 920 low-light shootout with Nokia 808, iPhone 5, HTC One X and Galaxy S III It looks like Nokia's controversial marketing move, which involved using pro DSLRs to "simulate" low-light shooting, was even less necessary than the smartphone maker may have thought. During our visit to the company's Tampere, Finland research and development complex, we were given access to a comprehe

                                        From the lab: Lumia 920 low-light shootout with Nokia 808, iPhone 5, HTC One X and Galaxy S III
                                      • キヤノン「EOS Kiss X10」はサードパーティー製のフラッシュが使えない

                                        キヤノン「EOS Kiss X10」はサードパーティー製のフラッシュが使えない PetaPixelに、キヤノンEOS Kiss X10のホットシューの互換性に関する記事が掲載されています。 ・Canon Made Its New Entry-Level DSLRs Incompatible with 3rd-Party Flashes もし、キヤノンのエントリーレベルの一眼レフの購入を考えているなら、次のことを知っておくべきだ。キヤノンは、最新のローエンドカメラ(Kiss X10)で、サードパーティー製フラッシュを使用できないようにしているようだ。 Michael The Mavenの動画チャンネルで、キヤノンSL3(Kiss X10)のホットシューの中央の接点が省略されていることを警告する3分の動画が公開されている。 ホットシューの中央の接点は、メーカーに依存しない汎用のフラッシュシンク

                                          キヤノン「EOS Kiss X10」はサードパーティー製のフラッシュが使えない
                                        • Tilt–shift photography - Wikipedia

                                          Example of a photograph taken with a tilt–shift lens. The lens was shifted downwards to avoid perspective distortion: all vertical lines of the skyscrapers run parallel to the edges of the image. Tilting around the vertical axis resulted in a very small region in which objects appear sharp. (The depth of field is actually not reduced but tilted in reference to the image plane.) The picture shows H

                                            Tilt–shift photography - Wikipedia
                                          • Panasonic Lumix DMC-GF1 Review: 1. Introduction: Digital Photography Review

                                            When Panasonic showed us the first Micro Four Thirds camera, the DMC-G1, our first question was 'why does it look like an SLR?'. We'd been hoping for a much more compact body, something that more effectively straddled the line between the convenience of a compact and the quality and versatility of a digital SLR. Well, a couple of months ago we were ushered into a private meeting with Panasonic to

                                            • Battles - Futura | A Take Away Show

                                              | Subscribe for more: http://bit.ly/blogosubs La Blogotheque presents Battles | Futura | A Take Away Show "Nous étions tous épuisés, le groupe en particulier : ils avaient perdu de leur rigueur, ils se laissaient plus aller, John le premier qui face à sa batterie, montrait qu'il luttait avec son instrument malgré la fatigue. Jouer « Futura » ce soir là, pour eux, c'était lutter contre la bête. Le

                                                Battles - Futura | A Take Away Show
                                              • canon support for windows 7 : yufisyjef

                                                = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =========> Download Link canon support for windows 7= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Contact Support. 4 x 6, 5 x 7, 8 x 10, Letter, Legal, U.S. #10 Envelopes. Windows®7, Windows Vista®, Windows XP/2000. Bluetooth® v2.0 (Optional)7. To see if your product is compatible with

                                                  canon support for windows 7 : yufisyjef
                                                • The 50 Best Gadgets of All Time

                                                  A connoisseur of miscellany and minutiae, Diego curates TheCoolist’s content mission as its ebullient managing editor. When he’s not busy poring over alliterative thesauri, he’s amassing speculative fiction books, stargazing, renovating his home, rules-lawyering board games, or strumming his mandocello on the porch. Gadgets are handy electronic devices designed to solve everyday problems. However,

                                                    The 50 Best Gadgets of All Time
                                                  • Camera tests: iPhone 7 Plus Portrait mode vs a Canon DSLR

                                                    Some folks are having trouble viewing our images inside the iMore app. We're working to fix this problem, but in the meantime, we suggest visiting our website for the full version. When the iPhone 7 Plus and its dual-camera system launched, it did so missing a key feature: Portrait mode, which uses the Plus's two cameras to create a faux depth-of-field effect with a gaussian blur, simulating the l

                                                      Camera tests: iPhone 7 Plus Portrait mode vs a Canon DSLR
                                                    • Japanese Service Lets You Stick Your Head On A Doll's Body | TechCrunch

                                                      Danny Choo, culture hound based in Tokyo, visited a service called CloneFactory where he had his head scanned, printed, and stuck onto the body of a Storm Trooper. The service uses multiple DSLRs to take snapshots of your head, render it in 3D, and then print it out in plaster using a 3D printer. Hair, make-up, and coloring are added and then your head is stuck on a little plastic doll. You can th

                                                        Japanese Service Lets You Stick Your Head On A Doll's Body | TechCrunch
                                                      • World's Smallest MiniSD Reader... For Now | OhGizmo!

                                                        By Andrew Liszewski Even though I will maintain my state of denial it looks like the CF card format will inevitably be replaced by the SD card family. At the moment SD cards are even becoming quite popular in high-end DSLRs (see the D80) and from what I can tell MiniSD already has a stranglehold on the world of smartphones. Of course what’s the benefit of a tiny memory card format like MiniSD if y

                                                          World's Smallest MiniSD Reader... For Now | OhGizmo!
                                                        • Evaluating computational bokeh: How we test smartphone portrait modes

                                                          Evaluating computational bokeh: How we test smartphone portrait modes Thanks to innovative technologies such as dual cameras and multi-image stacking, modern smartphone cameras can match traditional cameras in many areas. Add ultimate portability to the mix, and it is no surprise that smartphones have become very popular among amateur documentary, landscape, and street photographers. Even some pro

                                                            Evaluating computational bokeh: How we test smartphone portrait modes
                                                          • Interview with Sony's Toru Katsumoto.

                                                            When ePHOTOzine attended the launch of the new NEX range in Croatia, we got an exclusive interview with Toru Katsumoto, Senior General Manager, Imaging Division 3. Also in attendance was Takashi Kondo, General Manager, Marketing Department 3, Corporate Planning & Marketing Division. We asked them about Sony plans for the future and what will happen to the Alpha range. Is there anything that makes

                                                            • gPhoto - Doc :: Remote controling cameras

                                                              This page lists cameras remotely controllable for capture. It is meant to be wiki-like, so if you have any additions, please mail them to gphoto-devel@lists.sourceforge.net mailinglist or to marcus@jet.franken.de. The list is incomplete and might be incorrect. If you start doing remote capturing, please begin by installing the latest libgphoto2 and gphoto2 stable releases, as remote control improv

                                                              • amateur potato breeders manual : ykahirec

                                                                = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =========> Download Link amateur potato breeders manual= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Amateur Potato Breeder's Manual. Specific, practical advice for the amateur breeder of potatoes, using the author's horizontal resistance techniques. 710Kb. This is a manual which has a

                                                                  amateur potato breeders manual : ykahirec
                                                                • AtKgIrLfRiEnDs 17 05 06 ChArLoTtE SaRtRe -. on Vimeo

                                                                  Did you know? DSLRs are powerful tools for video making, as long as your settings are right for the available light .

                                                                  • Pentax enters enthusiast compact market with brass-capped MX-1

                                                                    Pentax enters enthusiast compact market with brass-capped MX-1 Pentax has announced the MX-1 - its entry into the enthusiast compact camera sector. The MX-1 features classic styling and construction, with brass top- and base-plates. It's based around a stabilized 12MP BSI CMOS sensor and a familiar-sounding 28-112mm equivalent F1.8-2.5 lens. In addition the MX-1 features a flip-out 920k dot rear s

                                                                      Pentax enters enthusiast compact market with brass-capped MX-1
                                                                    • Best DSLR Cameras For Beginners And Pros in 2023 - The Tech Lounge

                                                                      Last update on 2024-05-10 // The links above are affiliate // Images from Amazon How to Choose The Best DSLR Camera When choosing a DSLR camera, there is a laundry list of things you’ll want to keep in mind. Well, we’re going to give you a quick crash course on the features you need to hone in on. There’s more to a quality camera than the size of the sensor although that’s the best place to start…

                                                                        Best DSLR Cameras For Beginners And Pros in 2023 - The Tech Lounge
                                                                      • Olympus DSLRs - KatzEye Optics

                                                                        Out of Business Dear Fellow Photographer, After over a decade of making focusing screens, it is time for us to move on to different ventures. So it is with great sorrow that we must announce the closing of KatzEye™ Optics. We had hoped to negotiate the sale of KatzEye™, so that production of our products could continue; but unfortunately, those plans have not come to fruition and we are therefore

                                                                        • camera raw 7.2 rc free : zisiropaw

                                                                          = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =========> Download Link camera raw 7.2 rc free= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Camera Raw 7.2 and DNG Convertor 7.2 Release Candidates are now available. supported cameras in both Lightroom 4.2 RC and Camera Raw 7.2 RC... I'm going to try the Capture One 60 day free trial

                                                                            camera raw 7.2 rc free : zisiropaw
                                                                          • www.doc-diy.net :: HDR-Jack - The ultra-compact interval and HDR trigger

                                                                            This article explains how to build an ultra-compact, AVR controlled multipurpose trigger for Canon EOS cameras (e.g. EOS 350D, EOS 400D, EOS 450D, EOS 1000D). The trigger features an interval function (intervalometer) for time lapse photography and a HDR trigger mode for shooting long bracketed image series. There is also a bulb mode for astronomy or high-speed photography and a delayed trigger op

                                                                            • Wex Photo Video | Digital Cameras, DSLRs, Lenses, Video | Wex Photo Video

                                                                              Sign up to our newsletter today! Subscribe for exclusive discounts and special offers Receive invitations to our insightful Wex Events Get the latest news and know-how from our experts Sign up to our newsletter today! Exclusive discounts and special offers Invitations to our insightful Wex Events Latest news and know-how from our experts

                                                                              • Hobby Robotics » Lightning Shutter Trigger for a Camera

                                                                                Update: Check out my latest Camera Axe project for a much more robust device that handles this. I knew there were devices that could trigger a camera to fire during a lightning strike, but their circuits were more complicated than I wanted to make. I’m a software guy not a hardware guy so I decided to use an Arduino and that allowed me to write a little code that made the circuit much simpler. Bef

                                                                                • ペンタックスのデジタル一眼でデバッグモードを使用する方法が掲載

                                                                                  RiceHigh's Pentax Blogにペンタックスのデジタル一眼でデバッグモードに入る裏技が掲載されています。 ・New Method to Access the Debug Mode of Various Pentax DSLRs ロシアのペンタックスデジタル一眼のハッキングサイト「PENTAX HACK」が、とても単純な方法でペンタックスとサムスンのデジタル一眼のデバッグモードに入る方法を紹介している まず、"MODSET.(拡張子)"というファイル名を付けたテキストファイルを作成し、SDカードのルートディレクトリにコピーする。このファイルには、カメラ起動時に実行したいコマンドラインを書き込んでおく (※ロシアのサイトから補足)テキストファイルの拡張子の部分には、機種によって異なる数字が入り、K10Dは421、K20Dは442、K200Dは445、K-7は474、K-mは464
