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81 - 120 件 / 146件

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Discriminationの検索結果81 - 120 件 / 146件

  • Sex workers in mining towns facing discrimination

    An interesting controversy has arisen out of the mining boom, with sex workers reporting discrimination from hoteliers. The sex industry has long been a lucrative market in the male dominated mining communities, but now the issue has created problems between those working offering the services and local accommodation venues, The Sydney Morning Herald reports. Deputy Commissioner of the Queensland

      Sex workers in mining towns facing discrimination
    • Attack discrimination with smarter machine learning

      This page is a companion to a recent paper by Hardt, Price, Srebro, which discusses ways to define and remove discrimination by improving machine learning systems. As machine learning is increasingly used to make important decisions across core social domains, the work of ensuring that these decisions aren't discriminatory becomes crucial. Here we discuss "threshold classifiers," a part of some ma

      • Japan’s half-black Miss Universe says discrimination gives her ‘extra motivation’

        Ariana Miyamoto typically maintains the sort of deferential politeness you’d expect from a beauty contestant in a country that embraces formality. And yet, the biracial beauty queen — who was crowned Miss Universe Japan in March and then immediately criticized for not being Japanese enough — has signaled her willingness to fight back against racism and other traditional attitudes that have led to

          Japan’s half-black Miss Universe says discrimination gives her ‘extra motivation’
        • U.S. Department of Labor sues Palantir for racial discrimination | TechCrunch

          U.S. Department of Labor sues Palantir for racial discrimination The U.S. Department of Labor is suing Palantir Technologies, the software and data analysis company contracted by the federal government, for alleged racial discrimination against Asian people in its hiring and selection processes. The aim of the lawsuit is to put an end to Palantir‘s alleged discriminatory hiring practices, accordin

            U.S. Department of Labor sues Palantir for racial discrimination | TechCrunch
          • Nike ad showing racial discrimination faced by Japanese girls provokes backlash

            TOKYO — A Nike advertisement highlighting racial discrimination faced by schoolgirls in Japan, and suggesting they can overcome it through sports, has provoked a fierce debate and backlash in a nation unaccustomed to openly discussing such issues. The video showing three young soccer players is based on the “real life experience of athletes,” Nike Japan said, conveying how they “overcome their dai

              Nike ad showing racial discrimination faced by Japanese girls provokes backlash
            • Harassment - Gender, Sex & Pregnancy Discrimination Case Law | findUSlaw

              In order to prove the Bona Fide Occupational Qualifications defense, an employer must prove three elements: a direct relationship between sex and the ability to perform the duties of the job, the BFOQ relates to the "essence" or "central mission of the employer's business," there is no less-restrictive or reasonable alternative.

              • Discrimination in Online Ad Delivery - ACM Queue

                April 2, 2013 Volume 11, issue 3 PDF Discrimination in Online Ad Delivery Google ads, black names and white names, racial discrimination, and click advertising Latanya Sweeney Do online ads suggestive of arrest records appear more often with searches of black-sounding names than white-sounding names? What is a black-sounding name or white-sounding name, anyway? How many more times would an ad have

                • Doctors who are mothers face discrimination

                  ) By Andrew M. Seaman (Reuters Health) - About two thirds of female physicians with children have experienced gender discrimination and one third report discrimination due to pregnancy, maternity leave or breastfeeding, according to a survey conducted last year. The female doctors who reported maternal discrimination were also more likely to report feeling burned out and more likely to value workp

                    Doctors who are mothers face discrimination
                  • Japan's foreign residents face discrimination due to COVID-19

                    OITA – Since the outbreak of the coronavirus, there have been an increasing number of reports that foreign residents living in areas with prominent international communities in Japan are being subject to discrimination and hateful remarks. A 22-year-old Indian student at Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University was targeted in a verbal attack while walking around Beppu Station, Oita Prefecture, in the

                      Japan's foreign residents face discrimination due to COVID-19
                    • Hijab at work: EU court is authorising discrimination

                      Being further pushed out of roles which allow for progress and decision-making within companies will further increase the pay gap that Muslim women suffer, writes Janmohamed [Andrew Winning/Reuters] On March 14, the European Court of Justice ruled that when it comes to the workplace, the ban on the wearing of “any political, philosophical or religious sign” such as headscarves need not constitute

                        Hijab at work: EU court is authorising discrimination
                      • Algorithmic bias: from discrimination discovery to fairness-aware data mining

                        Algorithmic bias: from discrimination discovery to fairness-aware data mining A Tutorial at KDD'16 Welcome to the mini-website on the tutorial titled Algorithmic bias: from discrimination discovery to fairness-aware data mining, which will take place at KDD'16 in San Francisco, California Abstract Algorithms and decision making based on Big Data have become pervasive in all aspects of our daily (o

                        • REPORT_Airbnbs Work to Fight Discrimination and Build Inclusion_09292016

                          Airbnb’s Work to Fight Discrimination and Build Inclusion A Report Submitted to Airbnb By Laura W. Murphy, President, Laura Murphy & Associates September 8, 2016 About Airbnb / 2 A Message from Laura Murphy / 3 Summary / 10 Chapter One: Airbnb’s Nondiscrimination Review / 13 Chapter Two: Key Findings and Lessons Learned / 16 Chapter Three: Policy Changes / 19 Conclusion / 26 Appendix One: The Airb

                          • Discrimination of normal aging, MCI and AD with multimodal imaging measures on the medial temporal lobe - ScienceDirect

                            Discrimination of normal aging, MCI and AD with multimodal imaging measures on the medial temporal lobe This study aimed to compare the discrimination accuracy of hippocampal volume (HC-Vol), parahippocampal cingulum fractional anisotropy (PHC-FA), hippocampal glucose metabolism (HC-Glu), and any combination of the three measurements among normal control (NC), mild cognitive impairment (MCI), and

                            • Covid-19: Most positive rapid tests 'were correct' and vaccine passports 'risk discrimination'

                              Here are five things you need to know about the coronavirus pandemic this Thursday morning. We'll have another update for you this evening. Most positive rapid coronavirus tests taken since 8 March appear to have returned a correct result, according to data seen by the BBC. Analysis of data from Public Health England shows 82% sent off for a confirmatory PCR test returned the same positive result.

                                Covid-19: Most positive rapid tests 'were correct' and vaccine passports 'risk discrimination'
                              • Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 - Wikipedia

                                Age Discrimination in Employment Act Amendments of 1978, Pub. L.Tooltip Public Law (United States) 95–256 Age Discrimination in Employment Act Amendments of 1986, Pub. L.Tooltip Public Law (United States) 99–592 Older Workers Benefit Protection Act, Pub. L.Tooltip Public Law (United States) 101–433 Civil Rights Act of 1991, Pub. L.Tooltip Public Law (United States) 102–166 United Air Lines, Inc. v

                                  Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 - Wikipedia
                                • Kenyans Say Chinese Investment Brings Racism and Discrimination - The New York Times

                                  Richard Ochieng’, 26, at his home in Nairobi, Kenya. His Chinese boss called him and other Kenyans monkeys.Credit...Andrew Renneisen for The New York Times RUIRU, Kenya — Before last year, Richard Ochieng’, 26, could not recall experiencing racism firsthand. Not while growing up as an orphan in his village near Lake Victoria where everybody was, like him, black. Not while studying at a university

                                    Kenyans Say Chinese Investment Brings Racism and Discrimination - The New York Times
                                  • Are Emily and Greg More Employable than Lakisha and Jamal? A Field Experiment on Labor Market Discrimination Marianne Bertrand and Sendhil Mullainathan ∗ June 20, 2004 Abstract We study race in the labor market by sending fictitious resumes to help-wa

                                    Are Emily and Greg More Employable than Lakisha and Jamal? A Field Experiment on Labor Market Discrimination Marianne Bertrand and Sendhil Mullainathan ∗ June 20, 2004 Abstract We study race in the labor market by sending fictitious resumes to help-wanted ads in Boston and Chicago newspapers. To manipulate perceived race, resumes are randomly assigned African American or White sounding names. Whit

                                    • Reddit defends anti-discrimination policy against "white-power racist-sexist neckbeards"

                                      At this point, it seems pretty incontrovertible to say that Reddit is going through some serious inner turmoil -- but at least the current and former CEOs seem to be on roughly the same page about how to handle it. In the wake of interim CEO Ellen Pao's ouster from the company last week, newly appointed CEO and site co-founder Steve Huffman defended Reddit's controversial new anti-discrimination p

                                        Reddit defends anti-discrimination policy against "white-power racist-sexist neckbeards"
                                      • 'Gay cake' case: Ashers bakery to appeal discrimination decision

                                        A judge said as a business, Ashers was not exempt from discrimination law. The Christian-run bakery at the centre of a discrimination case over a so-called 'gay cake' has decided to appeal. Ashers bakery was ordered to pay £500 for refusing to make a sponge cake with a pro-gay marriage slogan on it. A Belfast court found that customer Gareth Lee had been discriminated against on the grounds of his

                                          'Gay cake' case: Ashers bakery to appeal discrimination decision
                                        • discriminationとdistinctionの違い

                                          私より前の回答を補足します。 distinctionの形容詞形distinctは、歴然と違っているという意味です。合理的に考えれば違いがわかって当たり前、distinctな事柄には普通とは異なった対応の仕方が許容されます。また科学のように客観性を重視する営みでは、一見しただけでは同様に見える物事同士で、何が違うのかはっきりさせることが目的です。 一方、discriminateは、より細かく論理立てては「これこれが違っている」と説明しにくいような違いを識別することです。discriminating taste inといえば、「~には好みがうるさい」とか「非常に優れた識別眼のある」という意味です。芸術や味覚など感性的、非論理的分野に関連して用いられる語です。 社会関係において、非論理的な差異に基づいて待遇を区別することを差別と呼ぶのは、discriminateの言葉にしにくい違いに反応するとい

                                          • Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women - Membership

                                            Inter-Parliamentary Union International Women's Rights Action Watch (Asia Pacific) International Women's Rights Action Watch Note: OHCHR is not responsible for the content of external websites and the provision of links on this page does not imply that OHCHR or CEDAW associates itself with such content. A total of 104 experts have served as members of the Committee since 1982. The officer

                                            • example of women discrimination

                                              マスコミにおける女性蔑視を考える これは理工学部(日吉キャンパス設置)総合教育セミナーの教材のページです。 この漫画は、00年4月からタイトルを変え、このページでお勧めしたような 『猫を中心としたほのぼの路線』に内容を改めるということになり、02年3月末で 連載を終了しました。 辛口度 中辛 激辛 銀田一さん一家の怪 --- 『Mr.ボオ』について (朝日新聞 夕刊の漫画における女性蔑視) <もくじ> 事の起こり 銀田一さん一家の『怪』を読み解く -- ずさんな漫画はどうやったら描けるのか 朝日新聞社に出した抗議文 これに対する広報課からの回答は『公表してほしくない』という ものでした。 朝日新聞社の対応 -- 新聞上の変化 まんがの題名が "Mr. ボオ" から"ワガハイ"に変わりました。 紙上での事前説明によると、今後は、ほのぼの路線でいくそうです。 私と同じような意見の人が多数いた

                                              • Sources: Trump executive order allowing anti-LGBTQ discrimination is coming soon - LGBTQ Nation

                                                President Donald Trump shows off his signature on an executive order about the Dakota Access pipeline, Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2017. Photo: AP Photo/Evan Vucci An executive order from President Donald Trump opening up discrimination against the LGBTQ community on the basis of religious belief is expected sometime this week, possibly as soon as today. Several sources spoke with LGBTQ Nation on the condit

                                                  Sources: Trump executive order allowing anti-LGBTQ discrimination is coming soon - LGBTQ Nation
                                                • How Airbnb Makes It Hard to Sue for Discrimination

                                                  Airbnb wants Gregory Selden to take his racial-discrimination claim to arbitration, rather than to court.Photograph by Eliot Dudik / The New York Times / Redux In March of 2015, Gregory Selden, a twenty-five-year-old black man from Virginia, was planning a trip to Philadelphia. He’d heard it could be cheaper to stay at someone’s house, through Airbnb, than to rent a hotel, so he created an Airbnb

                                                    How Airbnb Makes It Hard to Sue for Discrimination
                                                  • Fixing Discrimination in Online Marketplaces

                                                    The Problem Online marketplaces such as eBay, Uber, and Airbnb have the potential to reduce racial, gender, and other kinds of discrimination that affect transactions in the off-line world. But recent research shows that the opposite has occurred. The Reason Early platforms kept the identities of buyers and sellers relatively anonymous. But the addition of photos, names, and other means of identif

                                                      Fixing Discrimination in Online Marketplaces
                                                    • discrimination-0.1: Fast generic linear-time sorting, joins and container construction.

                                                      ContentsIndexdiscrimination-0.1: Fast generic linear-time sorting, joins and container construction. discrimination-0.1: Fast generic linear-time sorting, joins and container construction. This package provides fast, generic, linear-time discrimination and sorting. The techniques applied are based on multiple papers and talks by Fritz Henglein.

                                                      • Africans in Guangzhou: Opportunities & Discrimination - chinaSMACK

                                                        Africans in Guangzhou: Opportunities & Discrimination by Fauna Saturday, September 10, 2011, 11:00 am 571 Comments From NetEase, QQ, & ifeng: In Guangzhou, there are about 200,000 Africans, increasing 30-40% every year. The locals believe their language skills are very poor, but they have very nimble business minds; Locals believe they are undisciplined and unorganized, but their religion and grou

                                                          Africans in Guangzhou: Opportunities & Discrimination - chinaSMACK
                                                        • Discrimination - Wikipedia

                                                          Discrimination is the process of making unfair or prejudicial distinctions between people based on the groups, classes, or other categories to which they belong or are perceived to belong,[1] such as race, gender, age, religion, physical attractiveness or sexual orientation.[2] Discrimination typically leads to groups being unfairly treated on the basis of perceived statues based on ethnic, racial

                                                            Discrimination - Wikipedia
                                                          • Goodbye, Net Neutrality; Hello, Net Discrimination

                                                            In 2007, at a public forum at Coe College, in Iowa, Presidential candidate Barack Obama was asked about net neutrality. Specifically, “Would you make it a priority in your first year of office to reinstate net neutrality as the law of the land? And would you pledge to only appoint F.C.C. commissioners that support open Internet principles like net neutrality?” “The answer is yes,” Obama replied. “

                                                              Goodbye, Net Neutrality; Hello, Net Discrimination
                                                            • 『『『『『『Rada Finally Passes Anti-Discrimination Bill 11:34 (GMT) : Ukraine Live Day 633: Rada Finally Passes Anti-Discrimination Bill』へのコメント』へのコメント』へのコメント』へのコメント』へのコメント』へのコメント

                                                              エンタメ 『『『『『Rada Finally Passes Anti-Discrimination Bill 11:34 (GMT) : Ukraine Live Day 633: Rada Finally Passes Anti-Discrimination Bill』へのコメント』へのコメント』へのコメント』へのコメント』へのコメント

                                                                『『『『『『Rada Finally Passes Anti-Discrimination Bill 11:34 (GMT) : Ukraine Live Day 633: Rada Finally Passes Anti-Discrimination Bill』へのコメント』へのコメント』へのコメント』へのコメント』へのコメント』へのコメント
                                                              • Charlotte Clymer 🏳️‍🌈 on Twitter: ""When I ran for president, I met more discrimination as a woman than being black. Men are men." - Shirley Chisholm http://t.co/65BMkcwTcD"

                                                                "When I ran for president, I met more discrimination as a woman than being black. Men are men." - Shirley Chisholm http://t.co/65BMkcwTcD

                                                                  Charlotte Clymer 🏳️‍🌈 on Twitter: ""When I ran for president, I met more discrimination as a woman than being black. Men are men." - Shirley Chisholm http://t.co/65BMkcwTcD"
                                                                • 『Poroshenko's party wants to criminalize LGBT discrimination - Nov. 08, 2014』へのコメント

                                                                  世の中 Poroshenko's party wants to criminalize LGBT discrimination - Nov. 08, 2014

                                                                    『Poroshenko's party wants to criminalize LGBT discrimination - Nov. 08, 2014』へのコメント
                                                                  • Is discrimination against women a religious practice of Haredi?(Dec 25, 2011) - flagburner's blog(仮)

                                                                    何か知らんが、Benyamin Netanyahu イスラエル首相が「イスラエルは(女性への)差別を許さない」なんて述べていたらしい・・・。 ・Netanyahu: Israel is a democracy and won't tolerate discrimination(2011年12月25日 Haaretz.com) 色んな意味でコメントに困るこの発言。 一応、2011年12月25日分 Haaretz.com『 Israel is a democracy~』から前半部分を(略 ---- 以下引用 ---- “Israel is a Western liberal democracy and as such its public space is open and safe for all, men and women," Prime Minister Benjamin Netany

                                                                      Is discrimination against women a religious practice of Haredi?(Dec 25, 2011) - flagburner's blog(仮)
                                                                    • CiNii 図書 - Unlevel playing fields : understanding wage inequality and discrimination

                                                                      This issues-orientated supplement is aimed at courses covering discrimination or diversity. It provides an interdisciplinary presentation of labour market discrimination. Theoretical coverage is illustrated with real-world examples which demonstrate key points. Part 1 Introduction to wage inequality: two views on inequality and discrimination labour market inequality by the numbers. Part 2 The neo

                                                                      • US Supreme Court legalised "non-systematic discrimination"(to employees)? - flagburner's blog(仮)

                                                                        何か知らんが、米国で Walmart に対し「女性従業員に対する不当な扱いを改める」ことを求めていた裁判で、米国最高裁が「集団裁判の資格が無い」として原告の訴えを棄却したらしい。 ・集団訴訟とは認めず=ウォルマートの女性差別問題-米最高裁(2011年6月21日 時事ドットコム) ・米連邦最高裁、ウォルマート性差別訴訟を集団訴訟に認定せず(2011年6月21日 jp.wsj.com) ・米最高裁、ウォルマート女性従業員の集団訴訟を認めず(2011年6月21日 afpbb.com) 色んな意味で嫌な感じがするこの判決。 さしあたっては、2011年6月21日分 afpbb.com『米最高裁~』を全文(略 ---- 以下引用 ---- 【6月21日 AFP】 米連邦最高裁判所は20日、米小売大手ウォルマート(Wal-Mart)の女性従業員が同社を相手取り、待遇面で性別による差別を受けたとして損害賠

                                                                          US Supreme Court legalised "non-systematic discrimination"(to employees)? - flagburner's blog(仮)
                                                                        • Justices side with Secret Service in discrimination case | Alaoul News

                                                                          • cross polarization discriminationの意味・使い方・読み方 | Weblio英和辞書

                                                                            To provide a polarization shared antenna, which forms a bidirectional radio transmission lines by polarization sharing of mutually orthogonal linear polarized waves, such that cross polarization discrimination and isolation between transmission and reception ports are improved at low cost without making a configuration greatly complicated.例文帳に追加 本発明は、互いに直交する直線偏波の偏波共用により双方向の無線伝送路を形成する偏波共用アンテナに関し、構成

                                                                            • 『『『『Rada Finally Passes Anti-Discrimination Bill 11:34 (GMT) : Ukraine Live Day 633: Rada Finally Passes Anti-Discrimination Bill』へのコメント』へのコメント』へのコメント』へのコメント

                                                                              政治と経済 『『『Rada Finally Passes Anti-Discrimination Bill 11:34 (GMT) : Ukraine Live Day 633: Rada Finally Passes Anti-Discrimination Bill』へのコメント』へのコメント』へのコメント

                                                                                『『『『Rada Finally Passes Anti-Discrimination Bill 11:34 (GMT) : Ukraine Live Day 633: Rada Finally Passes Anti-Discrimination Bill』へのコメント』へのコメント』へのコメント』へのコメント
                                                                              • Why Australia does not need a Religious Discrimination Act - Faculty of Law

                                                                                Luke Beck, Monash University Social Services Minister Dan Tehan called in a recent speech for a federal Religious Discrimination Act. While Liberal Senator James Paterson has backed the call, Just Equal spokesman Brian Greig has warned such a law may be a smokescreen to allow discrimination against LGBTI people. Liberal backbench MP Tim Wilson has echoed those concerns. Tehan’s speech attempts to

                                                                                • ‎The Daily:Apple Podcast内のAn Unexpected Battle Over Banning Caste Discrimination

                                                                                    ‎The Daily:Apple Podcast内のAn Unexpected Battle Over Banning Caste Discrimination