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  • What exactly is "I'mma?"

    When I chat, I'll sometimes hear "I'mma ..." as in: "I'mma go now" or "I'mma open that for you" I am not sure how it's written, I have never gotten a precise answer when I've asked. Where does it come from, and what does it mean?

      What exactly is "I'mma?"
    • What exactly is TTY?

      Let’s start with an interview question: We know that there are some common shortcuts in the terminal, Ctrl+E to move to the end of a line, Ctrl+W to delete a word, Ctrl+B to move a letter forward, and pressing the up key to bring up the last shell command used. Among these 4 shortcuts, there is one that is implemented differently from the others, which one is it? The answer is Ctrl+W. Because Ctrl

        What exactly is TTY?
      • What exactly was the point of [ “x$var” = “xval” ]? – Vidar's Blog

        In shell scripting you sometimes come across comparisons where each value is prefixed with "x". Here are some examples from GitHub: if [ "x${JAVA}" = "x" ]; then if [ "x${server_ip}" = "xlocalhost" ]; then if test x$1 = 'x--help' ; then I’ll call this the x-hack. For any POSIX compliant shell, the value of the x-hack is exactly zero: this comparison works without the x 100% of the time. But why wa

        • メモ:Exactly-once semanticsとKafkaとAWS Lambda - まつざっきブログ

          OSDIで行われた以下の発表の資料を読んでいて、「Exactly-once semanticsってなんだっけ?」と疑問に思い、調べたことのメモ。 "Fault-tolerant and transactional stateful serverless workflows" https://t.co/i4L2jLYIlQ from Zhang et al was a good read. Stateful serverless is a great research area, and this is a smart approach to some aspects of the problem. A couple comments:— Marc Brooker (@MarcJBrooker) 2020年11月10日 Fault-tolerant and transactional sta

            メモ:Exactly-once semanticsとKafkaとAWS Lambda - まつざっきブログ
          • Cloud Pub/Sub Exactly-once Delivery feature is now Generally Available (GA) | Google Cloud Blog

            Cloud Pub/Sub announces General Availability of exactly-once delivery Today the Google Cloud Pub/Sub team is excited to announce the GA launch of exactly-once delivery feature. With this availability, Pub/Sub customers can receive exactly-once delivery within a cloud region and the feature provides following guarantees: No redelivery occurs once the messages has been successfully acknowledged No r

              Cloud Pub/Sub Exactly-once Delivery feature is now Generally Available (GA) | Google Cloud Blog