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ILLiadの検索結果1 - 2 件 / 2件

  • O'Reilly Radar: Illiad, a new ebook reader

    One of the joys of attending conferences is finding the unexpected product that someone brought with them. At EuroOSCON, this came in the form of the Illiad, a new ereader from iRex Technologies BV. The Illiad is an incredibly light and thin electronic book reader with a touchscreen and stylus. The resolution on the electronic paper screen is excellent. The hardware currently comes with the follow

    • ILLiad resource sharing management software

      Empower library users with self-service ILL options Library users can track the status of their requests every step of the way through the easy-to-use interface of ILLiad. Whether they are in the library, a remote library location or an office, users can monitor requests so they know when to expect delivery of needed items. Learn more about ILLiad Reduce local maintenance of hardware and software

        ILLiad resource sharing management software