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  • The Techno-Optimist Manifesto | Andreessen Horowitz

    You live in a deranged age — more deranged than usual, because despite great scientific and technological advances, man has not the faintest idea of who he is or what he is doing. Walker Percy Our species is 300,000 years old. For the first 290,000 years, we were foragers, subsisting in a way that’s still observable among the Bushmen of the Kalahari and the Sentinelese of the Andaman Islands. Even

      The Techno-Optimist Manifesto | Andreessen Horowitz
    • My techno-optimism

      My techno-optimism 2023 Nov 27 See all posts Special thanks to Morgan Beller, Juan Benet, Eli Dourado, Karl Floersch, Sriram Krishnan, Nate Soares, Jaan Tallinn, Vincent Weisser, Balvi volunteers and others for feedback and review. Last month, Marc Andreessen published his "techno-optimist manifesto", arguing for a renewed enthusiasm about technology, and for markets and capitalism as a means of b

        My techno-optimism
      • M-x Reloaded: The Second Golden Age of Emacs

        The people who live in a Golden Age usually go around complaining how yellow everything looks. – Randall Jarell Yesterday I wrote that I think Emacs is currently experiencing its (second) Golden Age.1 Today I’ll expand on this and I’ll offer my perspective on the reasons and factors that lead to it. The Road to Success Yesterday someone mentioned on X the following: I think @emacs was kind of revi

          M-x Reloaded: The Second Golden Age of Emacs
        • The invisible problem – Scott Jenson

          Whenever I explain my research at Google into mobile text editing, I’m usually met with blank stares or a slightly hostile “Everyone can edit text on their phones, right? What’s the problem?” Text editing on mobile isn’t ok. It’s actually much worse than you think, an invisible problem very few appreciate. I wrote this post so you can understand why it’s so important. But as it’s a rather nuanced

          • Inside the Chaos at OpenAI

            Updated at 8:15 a.m. ET on November 20, 2023 To truly understand the events of this past weekend—the shocking, sudden ousting of OpenAI’s CEO, Sam Altman, arguably the avatar of the generative-AI revolution, followed by reports that the company was in talks to bring him back, and then yet another shocking revelation that he would start a new AI team at Microsoft instead—one must understand that Op

              Inside the Chaos at OpenAI
            • 【エッセイ#16】読んだらもうダイバーシティを同じ目で見られない(JPN/ENG)(スペシャル) - Kamakura Yuuki's Talks

              「ダイバーシティ」は現実の「人類補完計画」 Things about “diversity” nobody wants to talk about 文字数 8,724字 *長いので、このブログを覚えて、いつか時間があるときに見に来ていただけたら嬉しいです(頻繁にアップしていないので) 真剣な論理です。 みなさんこんにちは、お久しぶりです。鎌倉です。 Hi, everyone. This is Kamakura. It’s been a while since last time I posted -_- 作文が難しくて、意外と内容も長くなり、毎日書いたり削除したりしてましたTT The essay was really difficult to write, and also unexpected additions kept popping up. Every day I was kin

                【エッセイ#16】読んだらもうダイバーシティを同じ目で見られない(JPN/ENG)(スペシャル) - Kamakura Yuuki's Talks
              • Codification, Technology Absorption, and the Globalization of the Industrial Revolution

                NBER WORKING PAPER SERIES CODIFICATION, TECHNOLOGY ABSORPTION, AND THE GLOBALIZATION OF THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION Réka Juhász Shogo Sakabe David Weinstein Working Paper 32667 http://www.nber.org/papers/w32667 NATIONAL BUREAU OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH 1050 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02138 July 2024 We give special thanks to Chris Meissner and John Tang for sharing their trade data for Belgium an

                • xavxav - Visions of the future: formal verification in Rust

                  May 22, 2024 In response to a recent Boats article, I mentioned that Rust’s type system drastically changes things for verification. This comment seems to have aroused a lot of interest, so I figured I’d expand on it, explaining how Rust simplifies formal verification and why this had the verification community excited for a while now. I assume that most of you reading this post won’t be experts i

                  • 旧統一教会を「信教の自由」で擁護するCESNURとはどんな組織なのか

                    ルイージ・コルヴァーリア(Luigi Corvaglia)訳:みつを原文 2023/08/14翻訳 2023/12/07Share 1995年、オウム真理教と呼ばれるグループが、人々を殺し、数千人を毒で殺傷した東京地下鉄での神経ガス攻撃の主体者であった時、少数の「学者」グループが教団を擁護するために日本に到着した。支援グループはゴードン・メルトン​​​​​​(Goldon Melton)が率いていた。興味深いのは、学者たちは日本の土を踏む前からこのカルト教団より報酬を受けていたことだ。ゴードン・メルトンとは何者か? 彼は、イタリアの組織CESNURのアメリカ支部の責任者であり、現在もその地位にある。別のカルト、文鮮明の旧統一教会に政治的支援を与えたことを理由に安倍晋三を暗殺した人物による事件の後、同じことが今起きているようだ。今回は、CESNURのリーダーであり創設者であるマッシモ・イント

                    • 7 Quick Tips about Vue Styles You (Might) Didn’t Know

                      Single file components consist of three distinct entities: template, script and styles. All of them are important but the latter is often being neglected even though it can become complex and often cause frustration and bugs. A better understanding can improve code reviews and decrease debugging time. Here are 7 tips to help you with that: Styling Scoped And Slotted ContentScoped Selector Performa

                        7 Quick Tips about Vue Styles You (Might) Didn’t Know
                      • The Performance Inequality Gap, 2024 - Infrequently Noted

                        The global device and network situation continues to evolve, and this series is an effort to provide an an up-to-date understanding for working web developers. So what's changed since last year? And how much HTML, CSS, and (particularly) JavaScript can a new project afford? The Budget, 2024 JavaScript-Heavy Markup-Heavy Calculate Your Own Situation Report Mobile Desktop Takeaways The Great Branch

                          The Performance Inequality Gap, 2024 - Infrequently Noted
                        • MVP is Over. You Need to Think About MVE.

                          Most startups start with a light-bulb moment. The founder suddenly clearly sees a problem with no apparent solution. How can I solve that? they think. Unfortunately, that’s not the correct question (at least not on its own). And that’s a big reason why a reported 10% of startups fail in the first year, and another 70% fail in years two through five. Ultimately, only one in ten survive. I know this

                            MVP is Over. You Need to Think About MVE.
                          • The Best Anime Series of 2023

                            Like many segments of the entertainment industry, this year in anime was defined by an abundance of excellent works that came into being despite an array of labor issues. But unlike the American film and television industry, where creatives got a well-deserved happy ending in tentative new union contracts, 2023 signaled the continuation of brutal trends for those who create anime. Many series expe

                              The Best Anime Series of 2023
                            • Different Types of Cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, altcoin, and tokens

                              I still remember the days when I could count the various types of cryptocurrencies available. But this is certainly not the case as of today. The crypto market has grown exponentially. These different types of Crypotos have been coming up to solve different use cases or pain points. The underlying technology of cryptocurrency is blockchain. Cryptocurrencies are a relatively new type of money. A cr

                                Different Types of Cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, altcoin, and tokens
                              • How to think in writing

                                The reason I've spent so long establishing this rather obvious point [that writing helps you refine your thinking] is that it leads to another that many people will find shocking. If writing down your ideas always makes them more precise and more complete, then no one who hasn't written about a topic has fully formed ideas about it. And someone who never writes has no fully formed ideas about anyt

                                  How to think in writing
                                • Why AI wont take your job just yet

                                  Since the emergence of generative AI products like Chat GPT and GPT4 last year, there has been a silent, collective sense of dread amongst workers across most industries. At first, it was fun, we were asking Chat GPT numerous useless questions like how to rule the world and so forth, making funny tweets and memes about it and even using it to do our assignments and projects. But after a while, it

                                    Why AI wont take your job just yet
                                  • When Do We Stop Finding New Music? A Statistical Analysis

                                    Say Anything (1989). Credit: 20th Century Studios.Intro: Spotify's Comfort Food DJI recently tried Spotify's new DJ feature in which an AI bot curates personalized listening sessions, introducing songs while explaining the intention behind its selections (much like a real-life disc jockey). Every four or five pieces, the bot interjects to set up its next block of music, ascribing a theme to these

                                      When Do We Stop Finding New Music? A Statistical Analysis