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  • No more boot loader: Please use the kernel instead DevConf.CZ

    06-15, 09:30–10:05 (Europe/Prague), E112 (capacity 156) We are working on a new scheme to replace the GRUB bootloader with a fast, secure, Linux-based, user-space solution: nmbl (for no more boot loader). Most people are familiar with GRUB, a powerful, flexible, fully-featured bootloader that is used on multiple architectures (x86_64, aarch64, ppc64le OpenFirmware). Although GRUB is quite versatil

      No more boot loader: Please use the kernel instead DevConf.CZ
    • Nostr and ATProto - Shreyan Jain

      This post could’ve been titled “Nostr vs ATProto”, but that really isn’t what I wanted to do here. While I will be comparing and contrasting them a lot, and that’s kind of even the point of writing this, I didn’t want to really pit the two against each other at all, and especially not with the title. I also want to try avoiding commenting on the differences between the communities that have formed

      • beaconDB

        ethically sourced: opt-in only data collection privacy friendly: published information is obfuscated to protect transmitters and contributors abuse resistant: updating existing data requires information only available in physical range of a beacon contribute beaconDB has recently started to accept submissions. to add coverage for your area you can use the following apps on your phone: NeoStumbler:

        • Deep-ML

          ML Code Challenges Title Category Difficulty Status Matrix times Vector linear algebra Easy Unsolved Calculate Covariance Matrix linear algebra Medium Unsolved Solve Linear Equations using Jacobi Method linear algebra Medium Unsolved Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) linear algebra Hard Unsolved Determinant of a 4x4 Matrix using Laplace's Expansion linear algebra Hard Unsolved Linear Regression U

          • Cornelius・ミーツ・アンビエント|テクノロジー&ヒーリング体験のドキュメントとしての最新作『Ethereal Essence』を語る | Qetic

            今年でソロ活動30周年を迎えるCorneliusこと小山田圭吾が、近年のアンビエント的楽曲を集めた作品集『Ethereal Essence』をリリースした。本作には、アナログ7インチシングル「火花」のカップリング曲“Quantum Ghost”や、テレビ東京のドラマ『サ道』主題歌のリアレンジ曲“サウナ好きすぎ、より深く”、谷川俊太郎展(2018)展示楽曲“ここ”、坂本龍一のトリビュートアルバム『A Tribute to Ryuichi Sakamoto』に提供した“Thatness And Thereness”のカバーなど、これが初CD化・初配信となるものも含めた13曲が収録されている。 2001年の4thアルバム『Point』以降、自身の作品にアンビエント的な要素を取り入れてきた小山田だが、あえてそこに焦点を当てた本作は、彼がアンビエントミュージックに対してどのように向き合い、どう距離を

              Cornelius・ミーツ・アンビエント|テクノロジー&ヒーリング体験のドキュメントとしての最新作『Ethereal Essence』を語る | Qetic