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  • Overview

    The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Compression Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small unregarded yellow sun. Orbiting this at a distance of roughly ninety-two million miles is an utterly insignificant little blue green planet whose ape-descended life forms are so amazingly primitive that they still think digital watches are a pretty

    • 3 Ways to Visually Organize Your Bookmarks

      If you find yourself regularly bookmarking webpages, it might be worth visually organizing them. Here are our top three ways to do so. Having the option to save bookmarks within your browser is fantastic. Except when you go to find the link you need, and can't actually find it. It may have even been faster to try searching for the page again, but instead, you’re staring at a list of text and icons

        3 Ways to Visually Organize Your Bookmarks
      • The ZedRipper: Part 1 – chrisfenton.com

        Meet the ZedRipper – a 16-core, 83 MHz Z80 powerhouse as portable as it is impractical. The ZedRipper is my latest attempt to build a fun ‘project’ machine, with a couple of goals in mind: Finally use one of the giant FPGA boards I had lying aroundPlay a little ‘alternate-history computer engineering’ with a hardware-focused approach to multitaskingBuild a machine that I could write fun, small pro

        • What's New in Emacs 28.1?

          What’s New in Emacs 28.1? Learn what's new in Emacs 28.1 It’s that time again: there’s a new major version of Emacs and, with it, a treasure trove of new features and changes. Notable features include the formal inclusion of native compilation, a technique that will greatly speed up your Emacs experience. A critical issue surrounding the use of ligatures also fixed; without it, you couldn’t use li

          • Solid.js feels like what I always wanted React to be

            Edit: thanks all for checking out this post! If you think Solid looks as promising as I do, please consider visiting the Solid.js GitHub repo and giving them a “Star” for their great work. I started working with React professionally about three years ago. This was, coincidentally, right around when React Hooks came out. I was working in a codebase with a lot of class components, which always felt

              Solid.js feels like what I always wanted React to be
            • Modern CSS Layouts: You Might Not Need A Framework For That — Smashing Magazine

              It’s easy to get lost in a sea of CSS frameworks and libraries, each promising easier styling and smoother layouts. But amidst this abundance, the modern CSS features we have today offer simpler and more flexible approaches without the added dependencies or abstractions. Brecht De Ruyte demonstrates four CSS utility classes (plus a bonus) using techniques that allow them to be used practically any

                Modern CSS Layouts: You Might Not Need A Framework For That — Smashing Magazine
              • Ruby's Roots and Matz's Leadership — Engineering Blog

                I recently had the excellent fortune to be invited to a gathering at CookPad in Bristol, where Matz, Koichi, Yusuke Endoh (a.k.a. Mame) and Aaron Patterson all gave great talks about Ruby. I was especially interested in Matz’s first talk, which was about where he got inspiration for various Ruby features, and about how he leads the language - how and why new features are added to Ruby. You can fin

                • Making a SNES game in 2020 - Yo-Yo Shuriken by Dr. Ludos

                  Making new games for retro consoles is something that amateur developers can do quite easily thanks to today's technology. Last year, I released a new game for my favorite console: the Super Nintendo (SNES). The project went as far as an actual physical release, with a cartridge and a cardboard box like the 90's. In this article, I'll present you the numerous steps of this incredible journey: desi

                    Making a SNES game in 2020 - Yo-Yo Shuriken by Dr. Ludos
                  • 勝間式超コントロール思考 読んで - スナフキンのように旅人として自由に生きたい

                    昨日に引き続き またまた 勝間和代さんの本です 今回はこちら 勝間式超コントロール思考 主体的に生きるため 日常の中に隠れるコントロール不能の罠 仕事をコントロール した気にさせる ワーケーションのすすめ お金をコントロールする 無駄なコスト 月額980円で勉強できる 健康をコントロールする 睡眠はアプリで管理 自分の健康状態を万全に保つ 人間関係をコントーロール 怒りのコントロール 家事のコントロール 娯楽をコントロール 感想 勝間式超コントロール思考 人生を最適化する 究極の思考法 時間、お金、人間関係が 思い通りに動き出す 仕事時間が1日4時間になる 一生お金に困らなくなる 人間関係の悩みから自由になる 自分の周りをイメージ通りにデザインする →それを習慣化する 自分も他人も大事にしつつ、時間やお金を効率的に使いながら 自分のイメージ通りに特事を進める方法 コントロールすること=受け

                      勝間式超コントロール思考 読んで - スナフキンのように旅人として自由に生きたい
                    • 凛として時雨 全楽曲レビュー ~時雨の「歴史」と「これから」を語りたい~ - 霏々

                      さて、ついに凛として時雨について記事を書く時がやってきました。 これまでの様々な記事の中にも、度々凛として時雨に関する内容を盛り込んできたように思いますが、「はて、凛として時雨の音楽をどうやって言語化すればよいのか?」という苦悩がずっと付き纏っていて、凛として時雨を中心においた記事を書くには至りませんでした。 今でも凛として時雨(以下、時雨)の音楽に散りばめられた要素を言語化する自信なんて微塵もありません。しかし、あるいは切り口を変えれば、一つの形を成す記事にすることは可能ではないか、と思い、PCと向き合っている次第でございます。 というわけで、今回の記事では、とりあえず時雨の「歴史」について書けるだけ書いてみようと思います。4thアルバムである「still a Sigure virgin?(通称、時雨処女)」辺りからのファンなので、歴はまぁ浅いのですが、可能な限り過去に遡りながら色々と時

                        凛として時雨 全楽曲レビュー ~時雨の「歴史」と「これから」を語りたい~ - 霏々
                      • JRuby Prism - A new parser for a new era

                        JRuby Prism - A new parser for a new era Thomas E. Enebo - Feb 23, 2024 Introduction JRuby has added support for the new backend parser Prism via the gem: jruby-prism-parser. Installing this gem will give you access to enable Prism (export JRUBY_OPTS="-Xparser.prism"). At this stage jruby-prism-parser is at the technology preview stage but capable of running pretty much everything: Rake, RSpec, Ru

                        • Native Emacs/macOS UX integrations via Swift modules

                          25 November 2023 Native Emacs/macOS UX integrations via Swift modules Once you learn a little elisp, Emacs becomes this hyper malleable editor/platform. A live playground of sorts, where almost everything is up for grabs at runtime. Throw some elisp at it, and you can customize or extend almost anything to your heart's content. I say almost, as there's a comparatively small native core, that would

                          • https://cheats.rs/rust_cheat_sheet.pdf

                            Rust Language Cheat Sheet 26. August 2021 Contains clickable links to The Book , Rust by Example , Std Docs , Nomicon , Reference . Data Structures Data types and memory locations defined via keywords. Example Explanation struct S {} Define a struct with named fields. struct S { x: T } Define struct with named field x of type T. struct S ​(T); Define "tupled" struct with numbered field .0 of type

                            • C++20 Concepts: The Definitive Guide - The Code Pad

                              C++20 introduces concepts as a way to write powerful self-documenting templates. At their core, concepts are logical binary expressions that can be used to constrain the template parameters of any class or function template. These logical expressions are evaluated at compile time to determine whether the template parameters satisfy the given constraints. The purpose of this tutorial is to be a def

                                C++20 Concepts: The Definitive Guide - The Code Pad
                              • hurtig levering Macrobid ) online salg — Hoere Rejsen

                                Goddag, fremmede! Det ser ud til, at du er ny. Hvis du vil involveres, klik på en af disse knapper! Europæisk apotek Klik her - Gå til apotek hurtig levering Macrobid - 100% lovligt alternativ til PRODUKTER. - Kvalitet og farmaceutisk dosering. - Hurtige resultater garanteret. - Andre betalingsmetoder: MasterCard / Visa / AMEX / PayPal / Indtast her - Lav pris for medicin af høj kvalitet - Hurtig

                                • GitHub - mkirchner/linked-list-good-taste: Linus Torvalds' linked list argument for good taste, explained

                                  In a 2016 TED interview (14:10) Linus Torvalds speaks about what he considers good taste in coding. As an example, he presents two implementations of item removal in singly linked lists (reproduced below). In order to remove the first item from a list, one of the implementations requires a special case, the other one does not. Linus, obviously, prefers the latter. His comment is: [...] I don't wan

                                    GitHub - mkirchner/linked-list-good-taste: Linus Torvalds' linked list argument for good taste, explained
                                  • 30+ Useful Pure CSS Code Snippets - 1stWebDesigner

                                    In this post, we’ve rounded up a collection of useful pure CSS code snippets for elements that are commonly used when designing and developing a website. We’ve included a few that may be less common, but might be useful for you if you are looking for a way to level up or add interest in your project. From parallax to animations to tabs and accordions, this list should be helpful for you to refer t

                                      30+ Useful Pure CSS Code Snippets - 1stWebDesigner
                                    • GitHub - blaCCkHatHacEEkr/PENTESTING-BIBLE: articles

                                      -1- 3 Ways Extract Password Hashes from NTDS.dit: https://www.hackingarticles.in/3-ways-extract-password-hashes-from-ntds-dit -2- 3 ways to Capture HTTP Password in Network PC: https://www.hackingarticles.in/3-ways-to-capture-http-password-in-network-pc/ -3- 3 Ways to Crack Wifi using Pyrit,oclHashcat and Cowpatty: www.hackingarticles.in/3-ways-crack-wifi-using-pyrit-oclhashcat-cowpatty/ -4-BugBou

                                        GitHub - blaCCkHatHacEEkr/PENTESTING-BIBLE: articles
                                      • 運動を良くする大学生ほど「感情知性が高く、自己効力感が高い」という研究の話 - 60倍幸せになれる「人生の攻略本」

                                        今回は大学生活でうまく行きたいなら、運動しろ!という研究の話です。 運動をする大学生ほど、感情知性と自己効力感が高い!という結果が出たんですね。 感情知性と自己効力感はどちらも、生活に置いて重要な能力なんです。 これらの解説も含めて見ていきましょう。 この記事の内容 ・運動と感情知性と自己効力感の関係 ・感情知性とは ・自己効力感とは この記事を書いた人 シアニン(id:antoshia2n) 年間2000本の研究論文を読むサイエンスブロガー。科学的な知識をベースにした分析が得意。コーヒーと猫を愛する。 大学生の運動と感情知性と自己効力感 感情知性とは 自己効力感とは 運動と感情知性と自己効力感まとめ 大学生の運動と感情知性と自己効力感 中国の南西大学の2020年の研究では、835人の集めて、以下の内容をチェックしました。 ・習慣的な運動強度 ・感情知性 ・自己効力感 運動が増えるほど、感

                                          運動を良くする大学生ほど「感情知性が高く、自己効力感が高い」という研究の話 - 60倍幸せになれる「人生の攻略本」
                                        • Frontend Design, React, and a Bridge over the Great Divide

                                          Frontend Design, React, and a Bridge over the Great Divide Frontend designers create the HTML, CSS, and presentational JavaScript code that powers web products’ user interfaces. I see frontend design as helpful mortar that bridges the gap between design and development. Of course “frontend designer” may or may not be the right title for it. Some others titles that companies use are: UI developer C

                                            Frontend Design, React, and a Bridge over the Great Divide
                                          • Properly Testing Concurrent Data Structures

                                            Properly Testing Concurrent Data Structures Jul 5, 2024 There’s a fascinating Rust library, loom, which can be used to thoroughly test lock-free data structures. I always wanted to learn how it works. I still do! But recently I accidentally implemented a small toy which, I think, contains some of the loom’s ideas, and it seems worthwhile to write about that. The goal here isn’t to teach you what y

                                            • 12 Languages in 12 Months

                                              I stumbled across Exercism last year and was immediately charmed. It's a website devoted to teaching programming languages. It's got a great UI, offers free mentoring (by a human!), and is entirely open source. Last January, they announced a new program called 12in23, where they challenged participants to try 12 new programming languages in 2023. Each month would have a theme (such as "Analytical

                                                12 Languages in 12 Months
                                              • Docker as an Integrated Development Environment

                                                My Docker based IDEMotivationOne thing that many people who write code do, is install software (such as Apache WebServer, NGinx, PHP, NodeJS, Java, Scala, (Neo)Vim, Eclipse and many, many more) they need to be able to perform development tasks on their local machine. It’s inevitable, I’ll get a new machine that I’ll need to setup and configure to make it just the way I’m used to. When setting up a

                                                  Docker as an Integrated Development Environment
                                                • 小さなものは見えない - 潜在意識と引き寄せの法則でどん底から人生逆転

                                                  同じ物理空間に存在していたとしても、 人によって見えるものと見えないものが違います。 つまり、見える景色は人によって違うということです。 そしてその景色こそが「現実」となるわけです。 これはRASやスコトーマが関係しています。 www.theloablog.com www.theloablog.com 簡単に言うと、重要視しているものは見えるけど、 重要だと思っていないものは見えないということです。 「それが何なの?」と思う人もいるかもしれませんが、 この「何が見えるか?」によって人生が大きく変わるのです。 小さなものにエネルギーを奪われる 他人が気になる理由 人生から「小さなもの」を消す方法 まとめ 小さなものにエネルギーを奪われる 細かいことが気になる人っていますよね。 「几帳面」と表現されることもあります。 他の人が気にならないような小さなことにも気が付く。 そういう点においては素晴

                                                    小さなものは見えない - 潜在意識と引き寄せの法則でどん底から人生逆転
                                                  • Untitled/unsorted collection of math notes

                                                    Untitled/unsorted collection of math notes Dennis Yurichev Untitled/unsorted collection of math notes Dennis Yurichev May 18, 2023 Contents 1 Unsorted parts 1 1.1 Fencepost error / off-by-one error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.2 GCD and LCM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.2.1

                                                    • Rewriting m4vgalib in Rust - Cliffle

                                                      2019-02-23 Executive summary Motivation Rust has a package manager On no_std On API design On binary size On memory safety Bounds checks On safety from data races If this isn’t your first time visiting my blog, you may recall that I’ve spent the past several years building an elaborate microcontroller graphics demo using C++. Over the past few months, I’ve been rewriting it — in Rust. This is an i

                                                      • 50 Most Recent CBETs

                                                        Herein are links to the text of the most recently-issued CBETs. The circulars are displayed in reverse chronological order, with the date of issue being shown in YYYYMMDD form after the circular number. CBET 5392 : 20240510 : COMET C/2024 G6 (ATLAS) CBET 5391 : 20240510 : COMET C/2024 G5 (LEONARD) CBET 5390 : 20240509 : COMET C/2024 G4 (PANSTARRS) CBET 5389 : 20240429 : COMET 13P/OLBERS CBET 5388

                                                        • TailwindCSS vs. UnoCSS

                                                          I’m a long time TailwindCSS user and a huge fan of utility CSS in general. I’ve rarely felt a strong need to switch, but UnoCSS has been on my mind for a bit. I got around to using it properly, so I thought it’d be fun to write up my thoughts on both in detail. This article includes a lot of small nitpicky stuff that may not matter to others, but for me, the more I can reduce microfriction, the be

                                                            TailwindCSS vs. UnoCSS
                                                          • Tools for Auditing CSS | CSS-Tricks

                                                            Auditing CSS is not a common task in a developer’s everyday life, but sometimes you just have to do it. Maybe it’s part of a performance review to identify critical CSS and reduce unused selectors. Perhaps is part of effort to improve accessibility where all the colors used in the codebase evaluated for contrast. It might even be to enforce consistency! Whatever the case and whenever that moment a

                                                              Tools for Auditing CSS | CSS-Tricks
                                                            • Firefox を使いこなす! - Qiita

                                                              0 Firefoxも結構使いやすい 最近は新しいブラウザがもてはやされていますが、色々なブラウザを使ってきた上で、Firefoxもなかなかいいブラウザだなと思っているので、開発者への感謝としてこの記事を書かせていただきます。 まだ使ったことが無い方は、ぜひ一度インストールして試してみてください。 1 設定を変更する cmd + , で環境設定ページを開くことができます。初めは、デフォルトで使っているブラウザからデータをインポートするのが良いでしょう。その他、このページで好みの設定に変更してください。 2 便利な機能 以下に Firefox の便利な機能を簡単に列挙しました。そのうちいくつかについては、以降でより詳しく説明しています。 豊富な拡張機能(アドオン) カスタマイズしやすいツールバー。ツールバー上で右クリックして「ツールバーをカスタマイズ」を選ぶと、次の画面が出てきます。ドラック&

                                                                Firefox を使いこなす! - Qiita
                                                              • Building a loading bar component  |  Articles  |  web.dev

                                                                Building a loading bar component Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. A foundational overview of how to build a color adaptive and accessible loading bar with the <progress> element. In this post I want to share thinking on how to build a color adaptive and accessible loading bar with the <progress> element. Try the demo and view the source! Light

                                                                  Building a loading bar component  |  Articles  |  web.dev
                                                                • @container and :has(): two powerful new responsive APIs landing in Chromium 105  |  Blog  |  Chrome for Developers

                                                                  Container queries and :has() are a match made in responsive heaven. Luckily, both of these features are landing together in Chromium 105. This is a huge release with two highly-requested features for responsive interfaces! Container Queries: a quick summary Container queries enable developers to query a parent selector for its size and styling information, making it possible for a child element to

                                                                  • Research: Quantifying GitHub Copilot’s impact on code quality

                                                                    ProductResearch: Quantifying GitHub Copilot’s impact on code qualityFindings show that code quality is better across the board and developers felt more confident, too. Today, we’re releasing new research on GitHub Copilot Chat. By using the power of natural language, developers in our study used GitHub Copilot Chat to get real-time guidance, tips, troubleshooting, remediation, and solutions tailor

                                                                      Research: Quantifying GitHub Copilot’s impact on code quality
                                                                    • All my favorite tracing tools: eBPF, QEMU, Perfetto, new ones I built and more - Tristan Hume

                                                                      Ever wanted more different ways to understand what’s going on in a program? Here I catalogue a huge variety of tracing methods you can use for varying types of problems. Tracing has been such a long-standing interest (and job) of mine that some of these will novel and interesting to anyone who reads this. I’ll guarantee it by including 2 novel tracing tools I’ve made and haven’t shared before (loo

                                                                      • New safety rules in C++ Core Check - C++ Team Blog

                                                                        A free one-day virtual conference for the whole C++ community. Rust and C++ are two popular systems programming languages. For years, the focus of C++ has been on performance. We are increasingly hearing calls from customers and security researchers that C++ should have stronger safety guarantees in the language. C++ often falls behind Rust when it comes to programming safety. Visual Studio 2019 v

                                                                          New safety rules in C++ Core Check - C++ Team Blog
                                                                        • A Novel Micro Desktop Display For Your Raspberry Pi

                                                                          Since its debut back in 2012 there have been a variety of inventive displays used with the Raspberry Pi. Perhaps you remember the repurposed Motorola phone docks, or you have one of those little displays that plugs into the expansion port. Inevitably the smaller options become disappointing as desktop displays, because while the advert triumphantly shows them sporting a Raspberry Pi OS desktop the

                                                                            A Novel Micro Desktop Display For Your Raspberry Pi
                                                                          • I made JSON.parse() 2x faster

                                                                            Part of my job is to make JavaScript things go fast. Speed is a feature, and when working in an interpreted language, squeezing every last bit of performance can be the difference between a great product and unusable garbage. Anyway, how cool would it be to make JavaScript itself go faster? I’m not a C++ programmer, but that didn’t stop me before, so I thought I’d give it a try anyway! The objecti

                                                                              I made JSON.parse() 2x faster
                                                                            • Property wrappers in Swift | Swift by Sundell

                                                                              Articles, podcasts and news about Swift development, by John Sundell. When dealing with properties that represent some form of state, it’s very common to have some kind of associated logic that gets triggered every time that a value is modified. For example, we might validate each new value according to a set of rules, we might transform our assigned values in some way, or we might be notifying a

                                                                                Property wrappers in Swift | Swift by Sundell
                                                                              • Tech Notes: The Success and Failure of Ninja

                                                                                Around nine years ago I published Ninja, a build system that is mostly comparable to Make. At the time I was a bit embarrassed to share my side project but since then it has become widely popular. I can't list all of the users off the top of my head anymore, but some of the "big" projects that use Ninja include: Chrome, which eventually removed all of its non-Ninja builds; Android, which uses it f

                                                                                • Videos For: Mac Quayle Whats Your Ask

                                                                                  Visiteurs depuis le 27/01/2019 : 4431 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 90 The app on iPhone and iPad gives you quick and easy access to all your pictures and videos. Camera Roll/All Photos, My Photos Stream, Panoramas, Videos, and even Selfies all have their own, dedicated albums. While you can't change or delete any of those, you can add and manage albums of your own. That way, the photos you

                                                                                    Videos For: Mac Quayle Whats Your Ask