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  • ChatGPTが論文のライティングスタイルにもたらした変化|genkAIjokyo|ChatGPT/Claudeで論文作成と科研費申請

    Preprintあげたのでご報告!📣 ChatGPTが使いがちな英単語ってありますよね。「delve」「realm」「utilize」あたり。 (限界助教先生の記事面白かったです、以下👇参照)https://t.co/aYK0KDgJ7L… pic.twitter.com/ognOJecixR — 松井健太郎 睡眠・精神医学 (Kentaro Matsui) (@matsuikentaro1) May 17, 2024 論文執筆は、多くの研究者にとって時に苦痛を伴う作業です。英語を母語としない研究者にとっては特に、言語の壁が大きな障害となります。ChatGPTは、この障壁を一気に取り払ってくれます。翻訳、校正、要約作成—かつては数日を要したこれらの作業が、数分で完了する。その魅力は、抗いがたいものです。 特定の分野、特にコンピューターサイエンスや工学系の論文において、ChatGPT特有

    • Opinion | Hillary Clinton: I’ve Debated Trump and Biden. Here’s What I’m Watching For.

      Last week I had the time of my life at the Tony Awards introducing a song from “Suffs,” the Broadway musical I co-produced about the suffragists who won women the right to vote. I was thrilled when the show took home the awards for best original score and best book. From “Suffs” to “Hamilton,” I love theater about politics. But not the other way around. Too often we approach pivotal moments like t

        Opinion | Hillary Clinton: I’ve Debated Trump and Biden. Here’s What I’m Watching For.
      • Amplifying Voices for Gender Equity in the Technology Industry

        Amplifying Voices for Gender Equity in the Technology Industry A pivotal element in magnifying voices for gender equity is nurturing a culture of inclusion within tech organizations. By Shalini Nair, Co-Founder and Board Director, Ennoventure, Inc. In this digital era, where innovation and progress stand as the driving forces propelling us into the future, the tech industry finds itself entangled

          Amplifying Voices for Gender Equity in the Technology Industry