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Serbia'sの検索結果41 - 80 件 / 144件

  • Novak Djokovic: Up to tennis star to explain PCR grey area, says Serbia PM

    Serbia's prime minister says it is up to Novak Djokovic to explain a "grey area" over his Covid test result. The unvaccinated Serbian tennis star says he was granted a medical exemption to enter Australia after testing positive for Covid in mid-December.

      Novak Djokovic: Up to tennis star to explain PCR grey area, says Serbia PM
    • Serbia election: Pro-EU Prime Minister Vucic claims victory

      Prime minister Aleksandar Vucic had called for an early vote to continue with pro-EU reforms Serbia's pro-EU PM Aleksandar Vucic has claimed victory in general elections after pollsters' projections showed his Progressive Party won 50% of the votes. He said Serbs "again gave us the honour to lead the government". Mr Vucic called the poll early seeking a mandate to continue with reforms required to

        Serbia election: Pro-EU Prime Minister Vucic claims victory
      • Macedonia clears migrant backlog, 5,000 enter Serbia

        GEVGELIJA, Macedonia (Reuters) - More than 5,000 migrants crossed into Serbia on Sunday, resuming a journey to western Europe after an overwhelmed Macedonia gave up its attempts to stem the flow of mainly Syrian refugees by force. Macedonia laid on buses and trains to carry them north after days of havoc caused by the closure of its southern frontier by security forces, who used stun grenades and

          Macedonia clears migrant backlog, 5,000 enter Serbia
        • BBC NEWS | Europe | Q&A: Karadzic on trial

          Page last updated at 15:36 GMT, Thursday, 5 November 2009 The trial of Radovan Karadzic at the UN's International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in The Hague opened on 26 October 2009. The former Bosnian Serb leader is accused of having direct responsibility for the worst atrocities of the Bosnian war - described as the worst crimes committed in Europe since World War II. What

          • The Global Refugee Crisis, Region by Region (Published 2015)

            Tens of thousands of migrants and refugees are working their way north through the Balkans. Afghan migrants waited after being detained by Hungarian police on Sunday in Asotthalom, after crossing the Serbia-Hungary border. Sergey Ponomarev for The New York Times More than 40,000 people have crossed into Macedonia in the past two months. Last weekend, 7,000 people moved on to Serbia, according to t

              The Global Refugee Crisis, Region by Region (Published 2015)
            • The Killer in the Kremlin: Samuel Ramani on Putin's Strategy

              GEOPOLITICSAs always, we are providing our Ukraine coverage free for everyone. But we’re a nonprofit dedicated to bringing high-minded, nonpartisan, authoritative analysis to a global audience. That takes resources. So if you find our work useful or interesting, please consider joining our community and making a donation. You can do that by upgrading to a paid subscription, becoming a founding mem

                The Killer in the Kremlin: Samuel Ramani on Putin's Strategy
              • Ivanovic Death is Failure for All of Kosovo

                Serbia, the Kosovo Albanians and the international factors in Kosovo, such as the EU, all bear responsibility for creating the conditions that led to this shocking assassination. The assassination of the Kosovo Serb politician Oliver Ivanovic in Mitrovica on Tuesday is shocking news. And while the usual Balkan-style conspiracies over his death emerge in public, the mafia-style execution of a man w

                  Ivanovic Death is Failure for All of Kosovo
                • Serbia arrests Goran Hadzic, the last Yugoslav war fugitive

                  Serbia arrests Goran Hadzic, the last Yugoslav war fugitive Former leader of Krajina enclave inside Croatia is wanted by war crimes tribunal in The Hague for 'ethnic cleansing' They gave no details but confirmed a report by B92 television news in Belgrade that Hadzic had been caught after spending eight years on the run. Serbia's president, Boris Tadic, has called a press conference at which he is

                    Serbia arrests Goran Hadzic, the last Yugoslav war fugitive
                  • EU leaders grant Serbia candidate status

                    Mr Barroso (right) told Serbia's President Boris Tadic that Belgrade deserved candidate status European Union leaders have granted Serbia "candidate status", at a summit in Brussels. Belgrade has made a series of democratic reforms and captured war crimes suspects to satisfy EU demands. It applied for EU membership in 2009. The summit came two days after foreign ministers from the 27-member bloc r

                      EU leaders grant Serbia candidate status
                    • Serbia bans Srebrenica anniversary rallies

                      Hasan Hasanovic is a survivor of the massacre and the Srebrenica Memorial Centre Curator Serbian authorities have banned gatherings in Belgrade to commemorate the Srebrenica massacre, after right-wing groups threatened disruption. Saturday is the 20th anniversary of the massacre, in which some 8,000 Muslim men and boys were killed by Bosnian Serb forces during the Bosnian war. Activists had planne

                        Serbia bans Srebrenica anniversary rallies
                      • Serbia Says Jailed Mladic Will Face War Crimes Trial (Published 2011)

                        Ratko Mladic, center, observed the positions of Bosnian government forces in Gorazde in 1994.Credit...Emil Vas/Associated Press Ratko Mladic, the former Bosnian Serb general held responsible for the massacre of some 8,000 Muslim men and boys at Srebrenica in 1995, was arrested on Thursday, signaling Serbia’s intention of finally escaping the isolation it brought on itself during the Balkan wars, t

                          Serbia Says Jailed Mladic Will Face War Crimes Trial (Published 2011)
                        • U.S. May Bypass the U.N. for Kosovo Independence (Published 2007)

                          UNITED NATIONS, July 13 � Declaring the need for a timely decision on Kosovo’s desire for independence from Serbia, the United States threatened Friday to seek a solution outside the United Nations if Russia persisted in blocking Security Council action. “We are determined to move forward, either within the Council or otherwise,” Zalmay Khalilzad, the American ambassador, said in a conference call

                            U.S. May Bypass the U.N. for Kosovo Independence (Published 2007)
                          • Albanian prime minister: EU faces ‘nightmare’ if Balkan hopes fade

                            Albanian prime minister: EU faces ‘nightmare’ if Balkan hopes fade A ‘little union’ with Kosovo is possible should Brussels turn its back on the region, Edi Rama tells POLITICO. TIRANA, Albania — Albania’s prime minister said a union between Albania and Kosovo cannot be ruled out if EU membership prospects for the Western Balkans fade. In an interview with POLITICO that also covered a political cr

                              Albanian prime minister: EU faces ‘nightmare’ if Balkan hopes fade
                            • Open Society Foundations - Wikipedia

                              Open Society Foundations (OSF), formerly the Open Society Institute, is a grantmaking network founded by business magnate George Soros.[2] Open Society Foundations financially supports civil society groups around the world, with the stated aim of advancing justice, education, public health and independent media.[3][4] The group's name was inspired by Karl Popper's 1945 book The Open Society and It

                                Open Society Foundations - Wikipedia
                              • Pipedreams

                                EUROPEANS may not always like it, but America still matters most for their security. As Kosovo edges towards independence, NATO ponders further expansion and Russia rips Europe's threadbare energy policy to rags, every debate involves America. And the mood is gloomy. “Russia is getting stronger; we are getting weaker”, concludes one European political leader. That is alarmingly clear in Serbia, wh

                                • Former extreme nationalist becomes Serbian president

                                  Serbia's hopes of fast-track integration into Europe suffered a severe setback when President Boris Tadic was voted out of office in a victory for a more nationalist rival in the latest European election to kick out an incumbent. With most of the vote counted, Tomislav Nikolic, a former strident nationalist, took the presidency from the pro-western Tadic by two to three percentage points. The outc

                                    Former extreme nationalist becomes Serbian president
                                  • BBC NEWS | Europe | Putin urges consensus on Kosovo

                                    Serbia's leader said independence would be resisted peacefully Russian President Vladimir Putin has said any decision on Kosovo's fate must be agreed by Belgrade and Pristina. His UN envoy earlier said that world bodies would not recognise Kosovo if it declared unilateral independence. The Serb province's ethnic Albanians are set to declare independence with conditional US and EU backing, despite

                                    • Visit Serbia

                                      Spend a pleasant and active holiday on one of Serbia’s most beautiful mountains....

                                      • black label society berserkers mp3 - qotiko’s blog

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                                          black label society berserkers mp3 - qotiko’s blog
                                        • BBC News - New mass grave 'of Kosovo Albanians' found in Serbia

                                          A new mass grave thought to hold the bodies of about 250 Kosovo Albanians has been found in Serbia, the country's war crimes prosecutor has told the BBC. It said the information had come from Eulex, the EU police mission in Kosovo, and Serbia was sending investigators. The victims are believed to have been killed during the 1998-99 conflict, when Serbian forces fought ethnic Albanian rebels in Kos

                                          • Serbian paramilitaries join pro-Russian forces in Crimea | Reuters

                                            [1/2]Bratislav Zivkovic, a member of a Serbian Chetnik paramilitary group, mans a checkpoint on the highway between Simferopol and Sevastopol in the Crimean peninsular, March 13, 2014. REUTERS/Thomas Peter Acquire Licensing Rights By Aleksandar Vasovic BAKCHISARAY, Ukraine (Reuters) - Bearded men in camouflage uniforms and black fur hats and armed with knives, were checking traffic on Thursday alo

                                              Serbian paramilitaries join pro-Russian forces in Crimea | Reuters
                                            • Crna Gora Broj Stanovnika 2018 - lasopaboom

                                              ^ After 2003, no city was the official capital, but legislative and executive institutions remained located in Belgrade. Podgorica served as the seat of the Supreme Court.^ Membership as the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.^De facto currencies used in Montenegro and Albanian parts of Kosovo.^ Kosovo is the subject of a territorial dispute between the Republic of Kosovo and the Republic of Serbia. T

                                                Crna Gora Broj Stanovnika 2018 - lasopaboom
                                              • Serbia: Nationalists protest over Ratko Mladic arrest

                                                BBC's Duncan Kennedy said the demo was held by a few thousand people for whom Mladic remains a hero Thousands of people have protested in Serbia's capital Belgrade against the arrest of ex-Bosnian Serb army chief Ratko Mladic. They hailed Gen Mladic as a hero and said he should not be handed over the UN's war crimes tribunal in The Hague. There were clashes with police as the demonstration ended.

                                                  Serbia: Nationalists protest over Ratko Mladic arrest
                                                • “We Are Their Voice”: German Far-Right Builds Balkan Alliances

                                                  For decades, the Balkans was seen as exporting instability to Western Europe. Now, Germany’s far-right is trying to extend its own ideology into southeastern Europe. A flash of anger passed over Markus Frohnmaier’s face like a shadow. The Bundestag MP bristles at being portrayed in the media as a Russian-controlled right-wing radical with links to extremists. It’s “insane” to say he is a racist, h

                                                    “We Are Their Voice”: German Far-Right Builds Balkan Alliances
                                                  • Serbian PM forced to flee Srebrenica massacre memorial

                                                    POTOCARI, Bosnia (Reuters) - Serbia’s prime minister was forced to flee a ceremony held to mark 20 years since the Srebrenica massacre on Saturday, when mourners hurled stones and bottles at him in what his government later described as an attempted assassination. Bodyguards surrounded Aleksandar Vucic and rushed him away through a crowd that turned on him moments after he entered the cemetery and

                                                      Serbian PM forced to flee Srebrenica massacre memorial
                                                    • 宥和すべき時、罰すべき時:ヒトラー、プーチン、ハマス - himaginary’s diary

                                                      というNBER論文が上がっている(H/T Mostly Economics;ungated版へのリンクがある著者の一人のページ)。原題は「When to Appease and When to Punish: Hitler, Putin, and Hamas」で、著者はDavid K. Levine(ロンドン大学ロイヤル・ホロウェイ)、Lee E. Ohanian(UCLA)。 以下はその要旨。 Much has been written about deterrence, the process of committing to punish an adversary to prevent an attack. But in sufficiently rich environments where attacks evolve over time, formulating a strat

                                                        宥和すべき時、罰すべき時:ヒトラー、プーチン、ハマス - himaginary’s diary
                                                      • Hasta la vista, baby - Wikipedia

                                                        "Hasta la vista, baby" is a catchphrase associated with Arnold Schwarzenegger's titular character from the 1991 science fiction action film Terminator 2: Judgment Day. Origin and use[edit] The term "Hasta la vista", literally "Until the view", is a Spanish farewell that can generally be understood as meaning "Until the (next) time we see each other" or "See you later" or "Goodbye". In 1970, Bob Ho

                                                          Hasta la vista, baby - Wikipedia
                                                        • Is Serbia's EU bid dying?

                                                          Is Serbia's EU bid dying?Recent events spell trouble for Serbia's hopes of joining the EU soon SERBIA'S government has banned a Gay Pride march scheduled to take place tomorrow in Belgrade, citing threats of violence from far-right groups. Earlier this week Serbs in northern Kosovo came to blows with KFOR, the NATO-led peacekeeping force; there wre injuries on both sides. Both developments are bad

                                                          • BBC Sport - Football - Uefa begins investigation into Serbia fan violence

                                                            Uefa has launched an investigation into the violent scenes involving Serbia fans which caused their Euro 2012 qualifier in Italy to be abandoned. Pre-match clashes in Genoa had already delayed the kick-off before the match was called off after only six minutes. The referee and match delegate's report will be consulted during the process. Possible sanctions from Uefa include a reprimand or fine, st

                                                            • BBC NEWS | Europe | Kosovo talks end without a deal

                                                              Nato troops have been stationed in several flashpoints in Kosovo Mediators in talks between Kosovo and Serbia have concluded that no agreement can be reached on Kosovo's final status ahead of a UN deadline on 10 December. The troika of the EU, US and Russia spent 120 days trying to broker a deal. Kosovo is still a province of Serbia, but ethnic Albanian leaders there have threatened to declare ind

                                                              • With Russia as an ally, Serbia edges toward NATO

                                                                BELGRADE (Reuters) - Serbia is performing a delicate balancing act between its European aspirations, partnership with NATO and its centuries-old religious, ethnic and political alliance with Russia. Russian President Vladimir Putin attends a military parade to mark 70 years since the city's liberation by the Red Army in Belgrade, Serbia, October 16, 2014. REUTERS/Marko Djurica/File Photo Belgrade

                                                                  With Russia as an ally, Serbia edges toward NATO
                                                                • The Innovation Paradox: Developing-Country Capabilities and the Unrealized Promise of Technological Catch-Up

                                                                  The Innovation Paradox The Innovation Paradox Developing-Country Capabilities and the Unrealized Promise of Technological Catch-Up Xavier Cirera and William F. Maloney © 2017 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank 1818 H Street NW, Washington, DC 20433 Telephone: 202-473-1000; Internet: www.worldbank.org Some rights reserved 1 2 3 4 20 19 18 17 This work is a produc

                                                                  • UNHCR chief says it is "absolute nonsense" to blame refugees for terror | UNHCR

                                                                    PRESEVO, Serbia, Nov 17 (UNHCR) - UN High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres said today it was "absolute nonsense" to try to blame refugees for terror attacks, stressing that they were its "first victims" and could not be held responsible for what happened in Paris, Beirut and elsewhere. Speaking on a one-day visit to Serbia, Guterres urged European governments not to make any unilateral m

                                                                      UNHCR chief says it is "absolute nonsense" to blame refugees for terror | UNHCR
                                                                    • Holocaust denial - Wikipedia

                                                                      Holocaust denial is an antisemitic conspiracy theory[1][2] that asserts that the Nazi genocide of Jews, known as the Holocaust, is a fabrication or exaggeration.[3][4][5] Holocaust denial includes making one or more of the following false claims:[6][7][8] Nazi Germany's "Final Solution" was aimed only at deporting Jews from the territory of the Third Reich and did not include their extermination.

                                                                        Holocaust denial - Wikipedia
                                                                      • Eastern Europe Tests New Forms of Media Censorship (Published 2022)

                                                                        Belgrade, the capital of Serbia, last week. Like other countries in Eastern Europe, Serbia is adopting new forms of censorship to constrict the space open to critical voices and tilt public opinion in favor of those in power.Credit...Marko Risovic for The New York Times BELGRADE, Serbia — When Covid-19 reached Eastern Europe in the spring of 2020, a Serbian journalist reported a severe shortage of

                                                                          Eastern Europe Tests New Forms of Media Censorship (Published 2022)
                                                                        • Montenegro ‘Coup Plotter’ Says Evidence Was Planted

                                                                          Retired Serbian General Bratislav Dikic, the main suspect in the alleged coup attempt in Montenegro, says a Montenegrin policeman planted evidence on him. Former Serbian Gendarmerie commander Bratislav Dikic has said that – during his arrest on October 16 for planning a coup in Montenegro – a Montenegrin policeman “planted evidence” on him, namely a phone and keys to a warehouse containing weapons

                                                                            Montenegro ‘Coup Plotter’ Says Evidence Was Planted
                                                                          • How Facebook's tentacles reach further than you think

                                                                            Vladan Joler says that all Facebook users are effectively working on behalf of the company Facebook's collection of data makes it one of the most influential organisations in the world. Share Lab wanted to look "under the bonnet" at the tech giant's algorithms and connections to better understand the social structure and power relations within the company. A couple of years ago, Vladan Joler and h

                                                                              How Facebook's tentacles reach further than you think
                                                                            • BBC NEWS | Europe | Serbia backs draft constitution

                                                                              Serbian voters have approved a new constitution asserting that Kosovo is an integral part of the country. Preliminary results show 51.5% of the total electorate backed the constitution, passing the 50% threshold needed to validate the referendum. However, ethnic Albanians in Kosovo, which has been under UN control since 1999, ignored the poll. UN-sponsored talks on Kosovo's status continue. Electi

                                                                              • In Jail or on the Run, Karadzic and Mladic Could Still Win Bosnia's War

                                                                                As my colleagues Dan Bilefsky and Doreen Carvajal report, European countries have apparently reduced the pressure on Serbia’s government to arrest Ratko Mladic, the Bosnian Serb general still wanted on war crimes charges by an international tribunal in The Hague for his part in the massacre of 8,000 men and boys after forces under his command seized the Bosnian town of Srebrenica in 1995. Even if

                                                                                  In Jail or on the Run, Karadzic and Mladic Could Still Win Bosnia's War
                                                                                • メディア・パブ: iPad版の電子雑誌「Vanity Fair」、ワールドカップのスーパースターが国旗の水着姿で登場

                                                                                  米国の雑誌に勢いが出てきた。iPadの出現も雑誌を元気づけているようで、電子雑誌化の動きが本格化してきた。 有力雑誌のiPad版も姿を現し始めている。米コンデナスト社が発行しているエンターテインメント誌「Vanity Fair」は6月号からiPad/iPhone向け電子雑誌版を発行する。そして予定通り5月12日から6月号のiPad/iPhone版を4.99ドルで売り出した。 その6月号がすごい。目玉はサッカーのワールドカップに絡んだ記事で、今大会の大物選手が登場する。なんとスーパースターが国旗の水着スタイルで出演している。ポルトガルのクリスチアーノ・ロナウド選手やブラジルのカカ選手も含まれている。出演選手は次の通り。 Portugal’s Cristiano Ronaldo, Ivory Coast’s Didier Drogba, Cameroon’s Samuel Eto’o, Gha