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Srebrenicaの検索結果121 - 160 件 / 218件

  • スレブレニツァ虐殺の犠牲者307人を慰霊碑に埋葬

    ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ中部のヴィソコ(Visoko)で、1995年のスレブレニツァ虐殺事件の犠牲者の遺体を見送るイスラム系住民(2008年7月9日撮影)。(c)AFP/ELVIS BARUKCIC 【7月10日 AFP】ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナのスレブレニツァ(Srebrenica)で11日、1995年に起こった虐殺事件の追悼集会が開かれ、殺害されたイスラム教徒307人の遺体が慰霊碑の下に埋葬される。これに先立って9日、中部の町ヴィソコ(Visoko)から307人の遺体がスレブレニツァに移送された。 今回埋葬される遺体は、92-95年のボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ紛争終結後、集団埋設地から発掘され、DNA鑑定で身元が確認された15-84歳の犠牲者。 2003年に完成した慰霊碑には、これまでに約2900人の犠牲者が埋葬されたが、依然として数千人の遺体の身元が不明のまま60以上の集団埋設地に埋め

    • Explosion at Turkish Police Station Was 'Terror Attack'

      Explosion at Turkish Police Station Was Act of Terror, Authorities Say Published Apr 12, 2017 at 8:46 AM EDT Updated Apr 17, 2017 at 9:16 AM EDT The explosion at a police station in the city of Diyarbakir in southeastern Turkey killed three on April 11. Reuters/Sertac Kayar An explosion that hit a police station on April 11 in the southeastern Turkish city of Diyarbakir was a "terror attack," acco

        Explosion at Turkish Police Station Was 'Terror Attack'
      • The American Scholar: The Apologist - Michael McDonald

        The celebrated Austrian writer Peter Handke, who won the 2019 Nobel Prize for Literature, appeared at the funeral of Serbian dictator Slobodan Milosevic. Should we “Indignation . . . is the most gratifying of emotions. Nothing is quite so soothing as the feeling of superiority over sinners who have committed offenses that we are sure to be innocent of and that allow us to purse our lips in disdain

          The American Scholar: The Apologist - Michael McDonald
        • https://www.zcommunications.org/srebrenica-the-star-witness-by-edward-herman

          • Obama's Syria legacy: Measured diplomacy, strategic explosion

            How did a man who took office espousing a new era of engagement with the world end up a spectator to this century's greatest humanitarian catastrophe? Barack Obama was not against using force to protect civilians. Yet he resisted, to the end, a military intervention to stem Syria's six-year civil war, even as it killed or displaced half the country's population, brutally documented in real time on

              Obama's Syria legacy: Measured diplomacy, strategic explosion
            • Boris Bojtschenko Healer English - lasopaseo

              The lawyer for former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic say he will conduct his own defense before the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia in The Hague, where he faces charges of genocide and war crimes committed in Bosnia in the 1990s. Karadzic was arrested near Belgrade on Monday and could be extradited to The Hague within days, but the fact that he's been on the run for

                Boris Bojtschenko Healer English - lasopaseo
              • Libyan no-fly zone: Gaddafi's forces and rebels are hard to tell apart from the air

                Once again our aircraft are in action over a foreign country. I patrolled a no-fly zone over Bosnia for three months as a Tornado F3 navigator during 1994-95, yet this feels very different. This feels more of a UN protectorate centring on Benghazi. It is clear that some Libyan fast jets were attacking civilian targets, and we have stopped that. But the real damage was being carried out by Gaddafi'

                  Libyan no-fly zone: Gaddafi's forces and rebels are hard to tell apart from the air
                • New mass grave discovered in Srebrenica

                  Satellite imagery helps Bosnia prosecution office locate grave near the village of Kozluk as Dayton Accords marked. Forensic experts say they have found a mass grave in northeast Bosnia containing remains that are most likely victims of the 1995 Srebrenica genocide. Eldar Jahic, an investigator of Bosnia’s prosecution office, said on Monday that the grave was found thanks to satellite images of an

                    New mass grave discovered in Srebrenica
                  • Data on Balkan Wars Found in Home of Suspect (Published 2010)

                    THE HAGUE � For their latest raid on the Belgrade home of Gen. Ratko Mladic, the police had studied architectural plans and brought a new device provided by a foreign government: a camera capable of looking through wood, bricks, even reinforced concrete. This time, investigators found a false wall, missed by earlier searches, hiding a cache so rich that it is still resonating in the Balkans and in

                      Data on Balkan Wars Found in Home of Suspect (Published 2010)
                    • Ratko Mladic jailed for life over Bosnia war genocide

                      Former Bosnian Serb commander Ratko Mladic has been jailed for life for genocide and other atrocities in the 1990s Bosnian war. Known as the "Butcher of Bosnia", Mladic led forces during the massacre of Bosnian Muslims (Bosniaks) in Srebrenica and the siege of Sarajevo.

                        Ratko Mladic jailed for life over Bosnia war genocide
                      • Serbia: Nationalists protest over Ratko Mladic arrest

                        BBC's Duncan Kennedy said the demo was held by a few thousand people for whom Mladic remains a hero Thousands of people have protested in Serbia's capital Belgrade against the arrest of ex-Bosnian Serb army chief Ratko Mladic. They hailed Gen Mladic as a hero and said he should not be handed over the UN's war crimes tribunal in The Hague. There were clashes with police as the demonstration ended.

                          Serbia: Nationalists protest over Ratko Mladic arrest
                        • Twelve years on, a killer on the loose

                          A heavy morning mist lifts to reveal sweeping meadows above the riverside town of Foca in Eastern Bosnia: receding mountain ridges and nestled hamlets surrounded by haystacks. But what the emergent sun does not illuminate is the whereabouts of the man believed hidden in this vast landscape, with its closed doors and its impervious inhabitants: Radovan Karadzic, former leader of the Bosnian Serbs.

                            Twelve years on, a killer on the loose
                          • plime.com : popular links

                            Plime is now in read-only mode and will remain as an archive of old plime activity. This means you cannot login, post a comment or news post, edit your profile, etc. Mutant fruit tree to be uprooted to high value locationWhat the title says. picked by IndustrialSteel 7 months ago1 comments edit related share plime.com Japanese seniors volunteer for Fukushima 'suicide corps' The group, consisting o

                            • Iraq’s democracy on trial | | Independent Editor's choice Blogs

                              The murder of 50 defenceless Iranian pro-democracy dissidents by Iraqi troops recently must add to the headache of the wives and husbands, children, brothers and sisters and grandparents of those who gave their lives to help Iraqis find their way to democracy after Saddam Hussein. Not least because seven out of every 10 UK, US and Coalition troops were killed by Iranian-made and supplied roadside

                              • オランダ最高裁、「スレブレニツァの虐殺」で政府の責任を認める (AFP=時事) - Yahoo!ニュース

                                ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナのポトチャリのメモリアルセンターから数百メートルのBudak村で見つかった大量虐殺の犠牲者の遺骨(2007年7月11日撮影、資料写真)。 【AFP=時事】ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ紛争中の1995年7月に同国東部スレブレニツァ(Srebrenica)で、国連(UN)平和維持活動に参加していたオランダ軍部隊の施設から退去させられた後にセルビア人勢力によって殺害されたムスリム系住民の遺族が、住民の保護を怠ったとしてオランダ政府の責任を認めるよう求めていた裁判で、同国の最高裁は6日、政府の責任を認めた高裁判決を支持する判断を下した。 旧ユーゴ・スレブレニツァ虐殺から18年、新生児など409人を新たに埋葬  訴えていたのはセルビア人勢力のもとに送られて殺害された電気技師リゾ・ムスタフィッチ(Rizo Mustafic)さんの遺族と、セルビア人勢力に両親と兄弟を殺害された元国連

                                • 404 Not Found

                                  Sorry, we can’t find what you are looking for. Take a deep breath. Everything’s going to be okay.

                                  • Serbian PM forced to flee Srebrenica massacre memorial

                                    POTOCARI, Bosnia (Reuters) - Serbia’s prime minister was forced to flee a ceremony held to mark 20 years since the Srebrenica massacre on Saturday, when mourners hurled stones and bottles at him in what his government later described as an attempted assassination. Bodyguards surrounded Aleksandar Vucic and rushed him away through a crowd that turned on him moments after he entered the cemetery and

                                      Serbian PM forced to flee Srebrenica massacre memorial
                                    • Ratko Mladic shuns 'monstrous' war crimes charges

                                      Ex-Bosnian Serb army head Ratko Mladic has made his first appearance at The Hague war crimes tribunal, but said he would not enter a plea to the "monstrous" and "obnoxious" charges. He is charged with crimes in the 1992-95 Bosnian war, including the massacre of about 7,500 people in Srebrenica. Gen Mladic told the court he had been "defending my people and my country". He also said he was "gravely

                                        Ratko Mladic shuns 'monstrous' war crimes charges
                                      • Medicina Bucal Silvio Boraks .epub - funlasopa

                                        Suzuki Gv 700 Gl Service Manual 1984 1987, La Medicina Naturale Alla. Cosmic Weather Report Borax Mark Lonsdale Ellias, Aag Ka Darya Urdu. Recognition And Scene Interpretation Hoiem Derek Savarese Silvio,. PermalinkJoin GitHub todayGitHub is home to over 36 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together. Sign up passwords: '123456,password

                                          Medicina Bucal Silvio Boraks .epub - funlasopa
                                        • 2006-03-13

                                          下記休暇中、バスの運転手がセルビア人だった。妙に気に入られて夜の飲みについてきた。いろいろと喋るうちに「今日ミロシェビッチが死んだ。死刑と一緒だよ。セルビア人にとっては英雄だ」と言っていた。コメントしがたかった。 スイスでスノボをしてきた。忙しくて今期はこれが初。泊まったところがクラブとホテルを一緒にしたリゾートホテルで、若者向けに特化したコンセプトだった。 http://www.cube-hotels.com/en/Cube_Concept.html ブレゲンツの美術館のような半透明ミルキーガラスの外面をもつ箱状のかなり巨大な建物で、ミニマルな外見はオーストリア、スイス建築業界のトレンド。各々の部屋は半分にしきられていて、廊下側の半分は色つきガラスで透明になっている。この外から見える部分は部屋の鍵がないと入れないのだが、外からは丸見えでごそごそとスキー靴を履いたり着替えている人を見ること

                                          • Understanding the mechanics of hatred - BBC Ideas

                                            Understanding the mechanics of hatred Caption: What does it take to hate? Caption: by Allan Little, for BBC Radio 4 Allan Little: Hatred is a powerful motivating force. It can stir huge numbers of people to inhumanity. Combine it with fear, and it becomes the means by which ordinary people can be persuaded to murder their own neighbours. To take part willingly, even gladly, in genocide. Allan Litt

                                              Understanding the mechanics of hatred - BBC Ideas
                                            • Srebrenica residents try to move on from massacre

                                              Burial sites for 136 newly-identified victims of the Srebenica massacre For people in Srebrenica, it is tempting to feel that the town only exists for a few days a year - at least as far as the rest of the world is concerned. The first indication that the season has started comes when the journalists roll in ("always the same questions," groans one resident) and bash at laptops in the hotel restau

                                                Srebrenica residents try to move on from massacre
                                              • Srebrenica Massacre, After 20 Years, Still Casts a Long Shadow in Bosnia (Published 2015)

                                                transcript Marching to Remember Srebrenica MassacreMarchers, including a survivor of the 1995 Srebrenica massacre, commemorated the 20th anniversary of the mass killing of Muslim men and boys by Bosnian Serb forces. SHOWS: NEZUK, BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA (JULY 8, 2015) (REUTERS - ACCESS ALL) (SOUNDBITE) (Bosnian) SREBRENICA MASSACRE SURVIVOR, RESID DERVISEVIC, SAYING: “Everything that happened here

                                                  Srebrenica Massacre, After 20 Years, Still Casts a Long Shadow in Bosnia (Published 2015)
                                                • Ratko Mladic trial shown footage of general in Srebrenica

                                                  Bosnian Serb wartime commander accused of ordering the killing of up to 8,000 Muslim men and boys in July 1995 Ratko Mladic, the Bosnian Serb wartime commander, has been confronted with video and documentary evidence that he personally ordered the killing of up to 8,000 Muslim men and boys from the town of Srebrenica in July 1995. The 70-year-old former general has denied the charges, claiming he

                                                    Ratko Mladic trial shown footage of general in Srebrenica
                                                  • ワレサとは俺のことかとヴァウェンサ言い - Danas je lep dan.

                                                    そろそろポーランドの「連帯」政権樹立から20周年が迫っているわけだけれど,その立役者となったひとの名前は「ワレサ」として知られていると思う。 確かに彼の名は Lech Walesa と綴られることが多い。これを素直に読めば「レフ・ヴァレサ」であり(ポーランド語のwの発音はドイツ語と同じ),新聞などで「ヴ」が使われないことを考え合わせるなら「ワレサ」は最も妥当な表記であるように思えるだろう。 けれど,彼の名をポーランド語で綴ると, Lech Wałęsa となる。łは「ウ」のような音であり*1,ęは「ェン」のように発音される*2。なので彼の苗字は間違っても「ワレサ」ではなく,ヴァウェンサかワウェンサだろう。なのに何故日本で「ワレサ」と呼ばれているのかといえば,おそらくは海外からの報道の段階で特殊なフォントであるłやęがlやeに置き換えられてしまったからだと思う。そして,そういうフォントの置き

                                                    • Viewpoint: Hague tribunal justice 'works'

                                                      The court decided to go after 'those most responsible' - the leaders Former Bosnian Serb military commander Ratko Mladic is now in The Hague, where he will go on trial at the international war crimes tribunal. Will justice be delivered? Judge Richard Goldstone, former chief prosecutor for the Yugoslavia and Rwanda tribunals, believes the court has set important benchmarks. He held the posts from 1

                                                        Viewpoint: Hague tribunal justice 'works'
                                                      • Syria: Red Crescent allowed into Baba Amr - Thursday 8 March

                                                        • UN's Lady Amos visits Baba Amr with relief team • Syrian authorities grant access after six day wait • Bashar al-Assad vows to fight on against 'terrorists' • Read the latest summary Valerie Amos meets Syrian foreign minister Walid al-Moualem in Damascus. Photograph: AFP/Getty Images 8.40am: (all times GMT) Welcome to Middle East Live. The UN's Valerie Amos is heading for Damascus to urge the As

                                                          Syria: Red Crescent allowed into Baba Amr - Thursday 8 March
                                                        • In Jail or on the Run, Karadzic and Mladic Could Still Win Bosnia's War

                                                          As my colleagues Dan Bilefsky and Doreen Carvajal report, European countries have apparently reduced the pressure on Serbia’s government to arrest Ratko Mladic, the Bosnian Serb general still wanted on war crimes charges by an international tribunal in The Hague for his part in the massacre of 8,000 men and boys after forces under his command seized the Bosnian town of Srebrenica in 1995. Even if

                                                            In Jail or on the Run, Karadzic and Mladic Could Still Win Bosnia's War
                                                          • Fears of New Ethnic Conflict in Bosnia (Published 2008)

                                                            A sign in Sarajevo promoting ties between the Bosnian Army and European peacekeepers.Credit...Johan Spanner for The New York Times SARAJEVO, Bosnia and Herzegovina — Thirteen years after the United States brokered the Dayton peace agreement to end the ferocious ethnic war in the former Yugoslavia, fears are mounting that Bosnia, poor and divided, is again teetering toward crisis. On the surface, t

                                                              Fears of New Ethnic Conflict in Bosnia (Published 2008)
                                                            • Ratko Mladic arrested, Serbian president confirms

                                                              Serbian president Boris Tadic announces the arrest of Ratko Mladic, the Bosnian Serb military leader wanted for war crimes Reuters Police in Serbia have arrested Ratko Mladic, the Bosnian Serb military leader wanted by the United Nations for war crimes committed during the Bosnian war, including the Srebrenica massacre. The arrest of Mladic – who had let it be known that he would rather kill himse

                                                                Ratko Mladic arrested, Serbian president confirms
                                                              • 動画:元セルビア人指導者カラジッチ被告に終身刑の確定判決 国際刑事法廷

                                                                【3月21日 AFP】オランダ・ハーグ(The Hague)の国際刑事法廷メカニズム(MICT)は20日、ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ内戦のセルビア人勢力指導者、ラドバン・カラジッチ(Radovan Karadzic)被告(73)の上訴審で、同被告に終身刑の確定判決を言い渡した。 MICTは判決理由として、同内戦における被告の戦争犯罪の「すさまじい規模と組織的残虐行為」を挙げた。判決が読み上げられる中、カラジッチ被告は険しい表情で無言のまま被告席に立っていた。 旧ユーゴスラビアの分裂解体を招いた戦争での犯罪を裁く公判は、今回の上訴審を含めて残りわずかとなっている。 国連(UN)旧ユーゴスラビア国際戦犯法廷(ICTY)は2016年、ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ内戦で起こったスレブレニツァ(Srebrenica)の虐殺におけるジェノサイド(大量虐殺)の罪と、1990年代を通じた戦争犯罪により、カラジッ

                                                                  動画:元セルビア人指導者カラジッチ被告に終身刑の確定判決 国際刑事法廷
                                                                • Andy Worthington: A Truly Shocking Gitmo Story

                                                                  Inside the New Print Edition of Our Subscriber-Only Newsletter! How the SEC Abetted Madoff's Heist, Then Covered Its Tracks First the Swindle, Now the Whitewash. Eamonn Fingleton on how the SEC helped Madoff steal $50 billion and has now covered its tracks. Danny Weil on the latest big chapter in the smash and grab saga of neo-liberalism: privatizing Public Schools. Goodbye unions; hello “privat

                                                                  • euro|topics - Press review

                                                                    The Serbian parliament on Wednesday officially apologised to the Bosniaks for the Srebrenica Massacre. In July 1995 the general of the Bosnian Serbs, Ratko Mladić, had around 8,000 Muslim Bosnians murdered and the Serbian leadership failed to intervene. The apology deserves praise, commentators write, even if it is motivated by pragmatic interests. The conservative daily Lidové noviny calls Serbia

                                                                    • Nije bilo genocida u Srebrenici!

                                                                      Profesor iz Јapana Јukije Osa Nije bilo genocida u Srebrenici! 02.09.2018. 10:15 Подијели: Profesor sa Јapanskog Rikio univerziteta Јukije Osa smatra da u Srebrenici u julu 1995. godine srpska vojska nije počinila genocid i da te događaje opet treba istražiti. Јukije Osa, koja je u Јapanu 2007. godine doktorirala na temi Srebrenica, kaže da se u Srebrenici dogodilo masovno ubistvo, ali da formulac

                                                                        Nije bilo genocida u Srebrenici!
                                                                      • Peter Handke Won Nobel Prize After Two Jurors Fell for Conspiracy Theory

                                                                        Austrian-born author Peter Handke in the garden of his home outside of Paris on Oct. 10, 2019. Photo: Francois Mori/AP This is a story about a conspiracy theory that was born in the 1990s, hibernated in obscurity for two decades, and in 2019 appears to have duped jurors into awarding the Nobel Prize for Literature to Peter Handke, who has denied the Serb genocide of Muslims in Bosnia. The short ve

                                                                          Peter Handke Won Nobel Prize After Two Jurors Fell for Conspiracy Theory
                                                                        • What If There Is No Ethical Way to Act in Syria Now?

                                                                          Syrian girl Noor, famous for broadcasting clips on social media about the regime-bombardments on Eastern Ghouta, after being evacuated from Arbin in March 2018. (Zein Al Rifai / AFP / Getty Images) For seven years now, America has been struggling to understand its moral responsibility in Syria. For every urgent argument to intervene against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to stop the mass killing

                                                                            What If There Is No Ethical Way to Act in Syria Now?
                                                                          • Dutch Court Rules That UN Has Immunity In Srebrenica Case

                                                                            Yesterday, a Dutch district court ruled that the United Nations has immunity from a suit that sought to hold the international organization liable for failing to prevent the massacre at Srebrenica. The decision (in English) is here. Background on the case (from the plaintiffs' attorneys) is here; IWPR story here; AFP story here; Reuters story here; comment by the Invisible College Blog here. The p

                                                                            • Hugh Roberts · Who said Gaddafi had to go?

                                                                              So Gaddafi is dead and Nato has fought a war in North Africa for the first time since the FLN defeated France in 1962. The Arab world’s one and only State of the Masses, the Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriyya, has ended badly. In contrast to the bloodless coup of 1 September 1969 that overthrew King Idris and brought Gaddafi and his colleagues to power, the combined rebellion/civil war/ Na

                                                                                Hugh Roberts · Who said Gaddafi had to go?
                                                                              • War Child and the Bosnian war 15 years on

                                                                                Paul McCartney, Noel Gallagher and Paul Weller – in their one-off guise as the Smokin' Mojo Filters – record a version of the Beatles's Come Together for War Child guardian.co.uk Jasmin Elezovic picks up his guitar and sings another song – it is late, but what the hell. A caustic love song called "Usne Vrele Visnje" (Hot Cherry Lips), typical of a band called Azra, with a yearning intensified thes

                                                                                  War Child and the Bosnian war 15 years on
                                                                                • The Thin Red Line

                                                                                  President Obama has been reluctant to use military force to contain the Syrian crisis, but the pressure is mounting for him to intervene. “All the options are horrible,” a former aide said.Photograph by Jason Reed/Reuters Just after midnight on April 25th, a Syrian medical technician who calls himself Majid Daraya was sitting at home, in the city of Daraya, five miles from the outskirts of Damascu

                                                                                    The Thin Red Line