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  • Announcing v3 | Chakra UI

    Today, we're excited to announce the long-awaited release of Chakra UI v3. The feedback for Chakra v3 has been incredible and we appreciate those who took the time to test and catch bugs. Chakra v3 is a complete rewrite of Chakra to enhance it's performance, speed and consistency across components. We've also added over 25 new components, and that's just the beginning. Credits Before giving you a

      Announcing v3 | Chakra UI
    • 【朗報】Chakra UI が Next.js の App Router で使えるようになってた!!

      概要 公式ドキュメントは現在準備中の模様ですが、"use client" なしで Chakra Ui Components が Next.js のServer Components 上で動くようになったことについて解説します。 Chakra UI って何? Chakra UI は UI component library の1つです。「Create accessible React apps with speed」 と謳っていて、爆速でデザイン・機能を構築できます。 また React, Typescriptと相性が良く、Next.js フレームワークを組み合わせた web アプリの開発体験がよく、多くのプロダクトで上記スタックが採用され使われているように感じます。 Next.js AppRouter との相性が悪かった しかし Next.13 以降で導入された App router では

        【朗報】Chakra UI が Next.js の App Router で使えるようになってた!!
      • Chakra UI - A simple, modular and accessible component library that gives you the building blocks you need to build your React applications.

        Less code. More speedSpend less time writing UI code and more time building a great experience for your customers. import * as React from "react"; import { Box, Center, Image, Flex, Badge, Text } from "@chakra-ui/react"; import { MdStar } from "react-icons/md"; export default function Example() { return ( <Center h="100vh"> <Box p="5" maxW="320px" borderWidth="1px"> <Image borderRadius="md" src="h

          Chakra UI - A simple, modular and accessible component library that gives you the building blocks you need to build your React applications.