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clickjackingの検索結果1 - 22 件 / 22件

  • yebo blog: セキュリティ専門家が "Clickjacking" を警告

    2008/09/26 セキュリティ専門家が "Clickjacking" を警告 heise Securityによると、OWASP会議 (Open Web Application Security Project) で、Robert "RSnake" HansenとJeremiah Grossman 両氏は多くのWebブラウザやWebサイトが持つ重大なセキュリティの欠陥に関する発表を行う予定だったが、急遽キャンセルになったそうだ。公にする前にベンダーに警告を送ることになったとのこと(Grossman氏のブログ)。その重大な欠陥というのはユーザを意図しないサイトに誘導させるための偽リンクで、ユーザのクリックを乗っ取る(ハイジャック)ところから、"Clickjacking" と呼ばれる。偽リンクはJavaScriptやIFRAMEなどを使って作られるが、ブラウザの問題(欠陥)と考えてよいだろう

    • Clickjacking Details ha.ckers.org web applicati...

      Today is the day we can finally start talking about clickjacking. This is just meant to be a quick post that you can use as a reference sheet. It is not a thorough advisory of every site/vendor/plugin that is vulnerable - there are far too many to count. Jeremiah and I got the final word today that it was fine to start talking about this due to the click jacking PoC against Flash that was released

      • Clickjacking - KENJI’S BLOG

        まっちゃ445でも話題にあがったclickjacking。 ブラウザに透明なフレームを貼付けて、ユーザーに意図しないリンクをクリックさせる攻撃方法 http://www.planb-security.net/notclickjacking/iframetrick.html ソースコードは↓こんな感じ <html> <title>Real Clickjacking?</title> <head> <style> span.fakebutton_1{background-color:red;font-weight:bold;font-size:12px; position:absolute;top:463px;left:365px;z-index:-10} span.fakebutton_2{background-color:orange;font-weight:bold;font-size:

        • Clickjacking?:Geekなぺーじ

          本家Slashdotで「Alarm Raised For "Clickjacking" Browser Exploit」という記事がありました。 Zdnet上の「Clickjacking: Researchers raise alert for scary new cross-browser exploit」という記事を話題にしたものです。 Zdnetでの記事は、OWASP NYC AppSec 2008 Conferenceで発表されるはずだった「Clickjacking」という脆弱性についてでした。 「Clickjacking」は結局発表されずに、ベンダが対策を出来る期間をあけるということでした。 Clickjackingは、IE、Firefox、Safari、Opera、Adobe Flashなど多くのブラウザで実現可能であり、かつJavaScriptとは関係がない技術ということらし

          • GUYA.NET � Blog Archive � Malicious camera spying using ClickJacking

            Update: Adobe has fixed this issue by framebusting the Settings Manager pages. Now, 99.9% of the users are protected from this specific exploit. Congrats on the fast response. —- Turn every browser into a surveillance zombie. The wet dream of every private eye and peeping tom. Imagine this scenario, you play a short game on the web and by doing that you unknowingly grant someone full access to you

            • Flash Player workaround available for "Clickjacking" issue

              Release date: October 7, 2008 Vulnerability identifier: APSA08-08 Platform: All Platforms Summary Adobe is aware of recently published reports of a ‘Clickjacking’ issue in multiple web browsers that could allow an attacker to lure a web browser user into unknowingly clicking on a link or dialog. It has been determined that this potential ‘Clickjacking’ issue affects Adobe Flash Player. Adobe recom

              • Webcam ClickJacking

                Go to http://guya.net for more info - Exploiting ClickJacking flaw to remotely connect to the user's webcam and microphone.

                  Webcam ClickJacking
                • WARNING: Facebook Clickjacking Attack Spreading Through News Feed

                  WARNING: Facebook Clickjacking Attack Spreading Through News Feed A new malware attack is spreading via Facebook's news feed, according to reports from users on Twitter. The attack consists of a message starting with the phrase "try not to laugh xD," followed by this link: "http://www.fbhole.com/omg/allow.php?s=a&r=72306" (don't open it). The attack, which seems to repost the message without your

                    WARNING: Facebook Clickjacking Attack Spreading Through News Feed
                  • Clickjackingってなに? : security | メモリークラフト

                    ほとんどのブラウザが持っている重大なセキュリティ欠陥だそうです。 簡単に言うと、リンクにマウスオーバーしたときにブラウザのステータスバーに表示されるURLとは違うURLに遷移できてしまうというものだそうです。 つーことで、実際に試してみました。 うそリンクその1 ctoa日記へリンク(と見せかけてsuz-labへジャンプ) このコードは以下のようになっています。 <em> <a id="test1" href="http://blog.livedoor.jp/hiroki0907/" onMouseDown="document.getElementById('test1').removeAttribute('href')" onMouseUp="location.href='http://suz-lab.blogspot.com/';"> ctoa日記(と見せかけてsuz-lab

                    • Clickjacking Attacks Unresolved

                      Clickjacking Attacks UnresolvedLin-Shung Huang and Collin Jackson (Carnegie Mellon University) Clickjacking attacks were originally described by Robert Hansen and Jeremiah Grossman in 2008 [1][2]. In these attacks, the attacker tricks the user into interacting with a malicious web page, but routes the user’s input to another web page that would result in undesirable consequences. A commonly used t

                      • WARNING: Facebook Clickjacking Attack Spreading Through "Likes"

                        WARNING: Facebook Clickjacking Attack Spreading Through "Likes" The messages that are being used in the link text include, "LOL This girl gets OWNED after a POLICE OFFICER reads her STATUS MESSAGE," "This man takes a picture of himself EVERYDAY for 8 YEARS!!," "The Prom Dress That Got This Girl Suspended From School" and "This Girl Has An Interesting Way Of Eating A Banana, Check It Out!" When a u

                          WARNING: Facebook Clickjacking Attack Spreading Through "Likes"
                        • Jeremiah Grossman: Clickjacking: Web pages can ...

                          Venture capitalist (Grossman Ventures https://grossman.vc), Internet protector and industry creator. Founded WhiteHat Security & Bit Discovery. BJJ Black Belt. Web pages know what websites you’ve been to (without JS), where you’re logged-in, what you watch on YouTube, and now they can literally “see” and “hear” you (via Clickjacking + Adobe Flash). Separate from the several technical details on ho

                          • Facebook、clickjackingが発生、数十万のユーザーが被害 « Security-Journal

                            セキュリティ企業の英SophosはGraham Cluley’s blogで、何十万人ものFacebookユーザがいわゆる「clickjacking」(クリックジャッキング)攻撃により、ウイルス感染被害を受けていると伝えた。 clickjackingは、正常なリンクに見せ掛け有害なリンクをクリックさせる手法。 “LOL This girl gets OWNED after a POLICE OFFICER reads her STATUS MESSAGE.” “This man takes a picture of himself EVERYDAY for 8 YEARS!!” “The Prom Dress That Got This Girl Suspended From School.” “This Girl Has An Interesting Way Of Eating A B

                            • Firefox 3.0.5 Status Bar Obfuscation / Clickjacking

                              Firefox 3.0.5 Status Bar Obfuscation / Clickjacking =========================================== <html> <body> <div id="mydiv" onmouseover="document.location='http://www.milw0rm.com';" style="position:absolute;width:2px;height:2px;background:#FFFFFF;border:0px"></div> <script> function updatebox(evt) { mouseX=evt.pageX?evt.pageX:evt.clientX; mouseY=evt.pageY?evt.pageY:evt.clientY; document.getEleme

                              • Explaining the &#8220;Don&#8217;t Click&#8221; Clickjacking Tweetbomb

                                I just noticed some of my Twitter friends posting the following mysterious message: “Don’t Click: http://tinyurl.com/amgzs6” It turns out this is a Tweetbomb. If you go to that link and click on the button below, you end up tweeting the same thing: … thus all your friends see it and some of them click on it and re-post it, and so on, thus propagating the message across the entire Twittersphere. Ti

                                • Clickjacking Defense - OWASP Cheat Sheet Series

                                  Introduction Index Alphabetical Index ASVS Index MASVS Index Proactive Controls Index Top 10 Cheatsheets Clickjacking Defense Cheat Sheet¶ Introduction¶ This cheat sheet is intended to provide guidance for developers on how to defend against Clickjacking, also known as UI redress attacks. There are three main mechanisms that can be used to defend against these attacks: Preventing the browser from

                                  • Clickjacking & OAuth

                                    This post details clickjacking and how it poses a serious security threat to OAuth service providers. Clickjacking Clickjacking is when a visitor to a web page is tricked into clicking on an element that they believe to be harmless when in reality they are clicking on an element on a different website that exposes protected data or grants an attacker access. There are a number of ways to implement

                                    • CGISecurity Interview: Jeremiah Grossman provides more details on clickjacking attack

                                      UPDATE: There is a discussion on The Web Security Mailing List discussing possible solutions. Little information has been provided on ClickJacking so I decided to go digging a little bit and talk to the source to find out some additional information. Here's my interview with Jeremiah Grossman on Friday October 3rd. How did you find this flaw exactly? Was it something you were digging for or was it

                                      • Turning XSS into Clickjacking ha.ckers.org web application security lab

                                        Those of us who do a lot of work in the security world have come to realize that there is a ton of cross site scripting (XSS) out there. 80% of dynamic sites (or more) suffer from it. But how many sites allow you to do HTML file uploads comparatively? It’s a much smaller amount, and typically requires some sort of login before you’re allowed to do it. Often times it’s protected by login too, so it

                                        • IE8’s “Clickjacking Protection” Exposed – hackademix.net

                                          Yesterday I published a blind analysis of the so called “Clickjacking protection” included in IE8 RC1. “Blind” because, hype aside, there was no technical documentation available, even if the feature was targeted to web developers who — in order to protect their users — should modify the way their pages are served. After a while, Microsoft’s David Ross sent me an email confirming that my wild gues

                                          • foursquareのclickjacking脆弱性の対応状況 (修正)


                                              foursquareのclickjacking脆弱性の対応状況 (修正)
                                            • Next-Generation Clickjacking Attacks Revealed - DarkReading

                                              E-mail this page |   Print this page |   Next-Generation Clickjacking Attacks Revealed Researcher at Black Hat Europe will also release new, free tool for executing these attacks Apr 13, 2010 | 04:31 PM By Kelly Jackson Higgins DarkReading Tomorrow at Black Hat Europe a researcher will demonstrate a new, powerful breed of clickjacking attacks he devised that can bypass newly constructed defenses i
