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  • Introduction to Machine Learning

    Machine Learning is making a buzz in the industry. And it’s the right time to get familiar with it. Let’s get the basics right. Let’s get started. What is Machine Learning What the heck is machine learning? If I had to quote it in a single sentence, I would say, ‘Machine Learning is a way to find a pattern in data to predict the future. The above is not the only definition of machine learning. The

      Introduction to Machine Learning
    • Internationalization with Remix

      Experts are constantly discussing how to make the web better. Accessibility, UI/UX, web performance, you name it. You might not hear about internationalization (i18n) as much as other topics, but it is still essential to making the web better. In this article, we'll gain an understanding of the impact of i18n, explore the fundamental logic, and learn how to implement i18n in a Remix app. I also ta

        Internationalization with Remix
      • IBM’s Granite code model family is going open source

        IBM is releasing a family of Granite code models to the open-source community. The aim is to make coding as easy as possible — for as many developers as possible. Over the last several decades, software has been woven into the fabric of every aspect of our society. But for all the increased productivity that modern software has brought to how we work, the actual act of writing, testing, debugging,

          IBM’s Granite code model family is going open source
        • Rust is for the Engine, Not the Game - Barrett's Club

          Last updated on June 6, 2024. Rust is for the Engine, Not the Game Macros are cool! But, if we're going to create another language anyways... LogLog Games recently posted Leaving Rust gamedev after 3 years, a must-read article for folks who're doing game development in Rust. It focuses on a small indie developer organization and their experiences with Rust development. If you haven't given it a re

            Rust is for the Engine, Not the Game - Barrett's Club
          • Data Security: Importance, Spheres, and Best Practices

            Data Security refers to practices employed in securing data from unauthorized tampering or corruption in an IT ecosystem. The entire digital world is run on data, and hence the statement, “data” is the new oil.” Data is in files, databases, accounts, and networks in forms like emails, passwords, texts, names, IDs, or electronic cash. We need to ensure the security of all these items from threat or

              Data Security: Importance, Spheres, and Best Practices
            • Plasma Next: Plasma without Online Requirements

              Leona Hioki, Albus Dompeldorius, Yutaka Hashimoto Abstract We introduce a new kind of blockchain scaling solution, which can be classified as a kind of Plasma, but without the online requirement of users. Our design satisfies the following requirements: O(1) state growth per block relative to the number of users before withdrawals No need for channels or individual liquidity preparations between r

                Plasma Next: Plasma without Online Requirements
              • すべての検索ランキングシステムのアップデートをなぜGoogleはアナウンスしないのか?

                [レベル: 初級] なぜ Google は、すべての検索ランキングシステムのアップデートをアナウンスしないのでしょうか? 理由を、Google 検索の広報担当の Search Liason が説明しました。 すべてのアップデートを告知しない理由 Google は、広範囲なコア アップデートについては情報提供するが、広範囲なコア アップデートの延長に思える大きなランキング変動については説明しないのはどうしてなのか? こんな問いかけに SearchLiason の X 公式アカウントは次のように返答しました。 コア アップデートに関する情報は、こちらのページでご確認いただけます: https://developers.google.com/search/updates/core-updates 次のように書かれています。 Google では常に検索エンジンのアルゴリズムを更新しており、その更新

                • Writing Truly Memory Safe JIT Compilers

                  Last month the V8 team published an excellent blog post on what they call the V8 Sandbox. This isn’t a sandbox for your JavaScript code — it’s intended to mitigate browser exploits caused by bugs in the JIT compiler itself. That’s important work because they report that most Chrome exploits start with a V8 memory safety bug. V8 is written in C++, so it may seem like these are the sort of bugs you’

                    Writing Truly Memory Safe JIT Compilers
                  • An even faster Microsoft Edge

                    Over the past month, you may have noticed that some of Edge’s features have become faster and more responsive. That’s because Edge is on a journey to make all user interactions in the browser blazing fast starting with some of our newest features and core features. Starting with Edge 122, the Browser Essentials UI is now much more responsive. The UI is now 42% faster for Edge users and a whopping

                      An even faster Microsoft Edge
                    • GitHub's Engineering Fundamentals program: How we deliver on availability, security, and accessibility

                      EngineeringGitHub’s Engineering Fundamentals program: How we deliver on availability, security, and accessibilityThe Fundamentals program has helped us address tech debt, improve reliability, and enhance observability of our engineering systems. How do we ensure over 100 million users across the world have uninterrupted access to GitHub’s products and services on a platform that is always availabl

                        GitHub's Engineering Fundamentals program: How we deliver on availability, security, and accessibility
                      • Is Laravel the happiest developer community on the planet?

                        Fathom Analytics CTO Jack Ellis decided to completely rewrite the company's codebase in 2019. Previously it was written in Go. Now it's written in PHP. That might be surprising given that Go is an increasingly popular language—part of a vanguard of relatively new programming languages like Rust, Swift, and Kotlin that have seen tremendous growth in recent years. PHP on the other hand, is often see

                          Is Laravel the happiest developer community on the planet?
                        • How async/await works internally in Swift

                          async/await in Swift was introduced with iOS 15, and I would guess that at this point you probably already know how to use it. But have you ever wondered how async/await works internally? Or maybe why it looks and behaves the way it does, or even why was it even introduced in the first place? In typical SwiftRocks fashion, we're going deep into the Swift compiler to answer these and other question

                            How async/await works internally in Swift
                          • 【エッセイ#16】読んだらもうダイバーシティを同じ目で見られない(JPN/ENG)(スペシャル) - Kamakura Yuuki's Talks

                            「ダイバーシティ」は現実の「人類補完計画」 Things about “diversity” nobody wants to talk about 文字数 8,724字 *長いので、このブログを覚えて、いつか時間があるときに見に来ていただけたら嬉しいです(頻繁にアップしていないので) 真剣な論理です。 みなさんこんにちは、お久しぶりです。鎌倉です。 Hi, everyone. This is Kamakura. It’s been a while since last time I posted -_- 作文が難しくて、意外と内容も長くなり、毎日書いたり削除したりしてましたTT The essay was really difficult to write, and also unexpected additions kept popping up. Every day I was kin

                              【エッセイ#16】読んだらもうダイバーシティを同じ目で見られない(JPN/ENG)(スペシャル) - Kamakura Yuuki's Talks
                            • Interview with Divij Singh of Rakuten Symphony, Japan

                              Name: Divij Singh Title: Data Science Engineer Organization: Rakuten Symphony, Japan Hometown: New Delhi, India Living in Japan: Since January 2021 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/divijsingh This is the 15th interview in the “Interviews with Foreign Information Technology Engineers in Japan” series. “ EJable.com’s Ryoko Nagai talks to Divij Singh of Rakuten Symphony, Japan. Transcript of the

                                Interview with Divij Singh of Rakuten Symphony, Japan
                              • An intro to TSConfig for JavaScript Developers

                                JavaScript is constantly evolving, from its roots as a simple scripting language into a robust, modern tool for building complex applications. To manage larger, complicated code bases, JavaScript developers are constantly looking for ways to improve their workflows, their code quality and productivity. TypeScript is a major innovation towards improving code quality and maintenance by adding types,

                                  An intro to TSConfig for JavaScript Developers
                                • 7 Habits that Programmers Must Have!

                                  Introduction As a programmer, you know that your work requires high focus, so it often takes up a lot of your time. Yes, this also happens to me, I spend a lot of time doing tasks but sometimes the results don't meet expectations. I realized several things that I had gained from my work experience and insights from my colleagues, and there was a book that was interesting and very helpful in improv

                                    7 Habits that Programmers Must Have!
                                  • Writing useful terminal TUI on Linux with dialog and jq - Fedora Magazine

                                    Why a Text User Interface? Many use the terminal on a daily basis. A Text User Interface (TUI) is a tool that will minimize user errors and allow you to become more productive with the terminal interface. Let me give you an example: I connect on a daily basis from my home computer into my Physical PC, using Linux. All remote networking is protected using a private VPN. After a while it was irritat

                                      Writing useful terminal TUI on Linux with dialog and jq - Fedora Magazine
                                    • What's Inside a Linux Kernel Core Dump

                                      Linux kernel core dumps are often critical for diagnosing and fixing problems with the OS. We’ve published several blogs related to kernel core dumps, including how to generate them, how to estimate their size, how to analyze them with Drgn, and even how to manually extract stack function arguments from them. But have you ever wondered what’s really in a core dump? In this blog, we’ll answer that

                                        What's Inside a Linux Kernel Core Dump
                                      • The Linux graphics stack in a nutshell, part 2 [LWN.net]

                                        Benefits for LWN subscribersThe primary benefit from subscribing to LWN is helping to keep us publishing, but, beyond that, subscribers get immediate access to all site content and access to a number of extra site features. Please sign up today! Displaying an application's graphical output onto the screen requires compositing and mode setting that are correctly synchronized among the various piece

                                        • POV Candle - mitxela.com

                                          1 Dec 2023 Progress: Completed A tiny volumetric display! Video Demo Naturally you can't really feel the volumetric effect on camera. It looks a lot more 3D in real life. Idea I was recently fortunate enough to find myself in the pub with some very creative and talented people. The discussion turned to electronic candles, and how one might create something that would look like a flickering candle

                                          • What is Data Science, and How to Get Into It?

                                            Modern technology has enabled the development and usage of storage, increasing the volume of information and data. As a result, data storage in recent years has been explosive. However, most of this data is untouched in databases and data lakes. For organizations and society to reap the benefits of collected data, we must interpret it. This requires high-level skills, where Data Science comes into

                                              What is Data Science, and How to Get Into It?
                                            • Syntax Highlighting code snippets with Prism and the Custom Highlight API

                                              Screenshot of the On-the-fly syntax highlighting of [contenteditable] code snippets demo with DevTools open. Thanks to Prism’s Tokenizer and the Custom Highlight API, the code is highlighted without the need for a bunch of <span> elements wrapped around each token. ~ The way syntax highlighters on the web typically work is a to wrap all tokens in <span> elements with a proper class and use CSS to

                                                Syntax Highlighting code snippets with Prism and the Custom Highlight API
                                              • Risk tolerance: why some countries prefer more complex UIs

                                                What do Switzerland, the US, Sweden, the UK, and the Netherlands have in common? They are all rich, protestant, relatively cold countries where a big part of the population consists of (former) immigrants. They also form the top 5 of the Global Innovation Index. These countries invest greatly in R&D, infrastructure, regulations (and intellectual property protection) and education. The countries ar

                                                  Risk tolerance: why some countries prefer more complex UIs
                                                • 10 Ways to Improve the Performance of Retrieval Augmented Generation Systems

                                                  The Quick-start Guide Isn’t Enough“Retrieval augmented generation is the process of supplementing a user’s input to a large language model (LLM) like ChatGPT with additional information that you (the system) have retrieved from somewhere else. The LLM can then use that information to augment the response that it generates.” — Cory Zue LLMs are an amazing invention, prone to one key issue. They mak

                                                    10 Ways to Improve the Performance of Retrieval Augmented Generation Systems
                                                  • Multi-page web apps

                                                    I received this email recently: Subject: multi-page web apps Hi Jeremy, lately I’ve been following you through videos and texts and I’m curious as to why you advocate the use of multi-page web apps and not single-page ones. Perhaps you can refer me to some sources where your position and reasoning is evident? Here’s the response I sent… Hi, You can find a lot of my reasoning laid out in this (shor

                                                      Multi-page web apps
                                                    • Why AI wont take your job just yet

                                                      Since the emergence of generative AI products like Chat GPT and GPT4 last year, there has been a silent, collective sense of dread amongst workers across most industries. At first, it was fun, we were asking Chat GPT numerous useless questions like how to rule the world and so forth, making funny tweets and memes about it and even using it to do our assignments and projects. But after a while, it

                                                        Why AI wont take your job just yet
                                                      • GitHub - kubetail-org/kubetail: Web-based, real-time log viewer for Kubernetes

                                                        Viewing application logs in a containerized environment can be challenging. Typically, an application consists of several services, each deployed across multiple containers which are load balanced to ensure an even consumption of resources. Although viewing individual container logs is easy using tools such as kubectl or the Kubernetes Dashboard, simultaneously monitoring logs from all the contain

                                                          GitHub - kubetail-org/kubetail: Web-based, real-time log viewer for Kubernetes
                                                        • Top Places to Visit and the Best Things to Do in Tokyo

                                                          Initially, we named this guide “Tourist Attractions in Tokyo,” but we realized that the title did not do justice. Tokyo offers so many places to visit and things to do that even most long-time residents might not be able to experience them all. So, whether you plan to visit Tokyo as a tourist, for business, or to live there, we hope this guide to Tokyo’s attractions will be useful to everyone equa

                                                            Top Places to Visit and the Best Things to Do in Tokyo
                                                          • When Do We Stop Finding New Music? A Statistical Analysis

                                                            Say Anything (1989). Credit: 20th Century Studios.Intro: Spotify's Comfort Food DJI recently tried Spotify's new DJ feature in which an AI bot curates personalized listening sessions, introducing songs while explaining the intention behind its selections (much like a real-life disc jockey). Every four or five pieces, the bot interjects to set up its next block of music, ascribing a theme to these

                                                              When Do We Stop Finding New Music? A Statistical Analysis
                                                            • TETRINGS

                                                              THE TETRIS EFFECT After viewing the Tetris movie, I found myself lying awake, thoughts racing. It's a common occurrence... this time I was fixated on how to create a three-dimensional version of Tetris. Now, Tetris is notoriously difficult to express in three Dimensions. In two Dimensions the player can clearly see all the pieces. However, extend this into three dimensions and the pieces begin to

                                                              • Vulnerability Exploitability eXchange (VEX) beta files now available

                                                                Red Hat Product Security is pleased to announce that official Red Hat vulnerability data is now available in a new format called the Vulnerability Exploitability eXchange (VEX). In April 2023, we mentioned in an article titled “The future of Red Hat security data”, that Red Hat was working on providing a new security data format. This new format has been created to replace the old OVAL data format

                                                                  Vulnerability Exploitability eXchange (VEX) beta files now available
                                                                • Panic! at the Tech Job Market

                                                                  Panic! at the Job Market “I have the two qualities you require to see absolute truth: I am brilliant and unloved.” ready for another too-long article about personal failure while blaming the world for our faults? let’s see where we end up with 7,000 9,000 10,000 11,500 words this time1. this post is sponsored by me. funding appreciated: https://github.com/sponsors/mattsta TOC: Job Openings vs. Int

                                                                  • Introduction to Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)

                                                                    Artificial General Intelligence, or AGI, is considered the future of Artificial Intelligence to give machines human-like intelligence. . Artificial Intelligence (AI) began with master craftsmen collating ideas, which some believed to be myths, stories, and rumors. However, we have been creating and developing Artificial Intelligence for decades now. The leaders of Artificial Intelligence attended

                                                                      Introduction to Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)
                                                                    • How to Get the Most out of Postgres Memory Settings | Tembo

                                                                      How to Get the Most out of Postgres Memory Settings Jun 10, 2024 • 18 min read It’s no secret that databases use a lot of RAM. When Postgres needs to build a result set, a very common pattern is to match against an index, retrieve associated rows from one or more tables, and finally merge, filter, aggregate, and sort tuples into usable output. Every one of these steps relies on memory, and Postgre

                                                                        How to Get the Most out of Postgres Memory Settings | Tembo