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drizzleの検索結果281 - 296 件 / 296件

  • Vegan Lunch Box

    This year it was just my girlfriend and me at home on Thanksgiving, so I got to enjoy a quiet, simple-yet-festive all-vegan, salt-free, sugar-free meal. First I made Cabbage Rolls, a recipe from my second cookbook that I still come back to over and over when I'm looking for a hearty holiday main dish. The rolls are filled with a vegan loaf made from walnuts, brown rice, and garbanzo beans. Our sid

    • Build a GraphQL server running on Cloudflare Workers. (The Guild)

      Summary Building a GraphQL servers with Cloudflare Workers is now at a “production ready” stage Database connection over TCP is also works well (although it’s beta, so there might be some eage cases) Node.js compatibility with Cloudflare Workers is not perfect, so it is better to use a Web Server Framework that was built to support CF Workers Motivation Cloudflare Workers is often used as a proxy

        Build a GraphQL server running on Cloudflare Workers. (The Guild)
      • drizzle.org - Drizzle 7.1.33-stable has been released

        Drizzle 7.1.33-stable has been released April 4th, 2012 07:25 am (Pacific) by Vijay Samuel The Global Drizzle Development Team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Drizzle 7.1.33-stable. The first stable release of Drizzle 7.1 and the result of 12 months of hard work from contributors around the world. Improvements in Drizzle 7.1 compared to 7.0 - Xtrabackup is included (in-tree) b

        • Drizzle PHP Extension in Launchpad

          Version control system: Bazaar Programming languages: C, PHP All bugs Latest bugs reported Bug #819235: Expose libdrizzle version in extension Reported on 2011-08-01 Bug #818657: Segfaults due to double free Reported on 2011-07-30 Bug #818627: Incorrect module version Reported on 2011-07-30 Bug #818622: Segfault in drizzle_con_uds/drizzle_con_host Reported on 2011-07-30 Bug #749471: Safe-by-design

          • Free Weather API - WeatherAPI.com

            { "location": { "name": "London", "region": "City of London, Greater London", "country": "United Kingdom", "lat": 51.52, "lon": -0.11, "tz_id": "Europe/London", "localtime_epoch": 1572750327, "localtime": "2019-11-03 3:05" }, "current": { "temp_c": 9, "temp_f": 48.2, "is_day": 0, "condition": { "text": "Clear", "icon": "//cdn.weatherapi.com/weather/64x64/night/113.png", "code": 1000 }, "wind_mph":

            • 1
 good evening! steve.yen@northscale.com

 good evening! steve.yen@northscale.com
 (part of) a tracking spreadsheet RDBMS Non- Relat ional Othe r Non- Relat ional Columnar Postgres Based MySQL Heritage Horizontica Inspired Hadoop Heritage RDBMS Sharders

              • GitHub - ixartz/Next-js-Boilerplate: 🚀🎉📚 Boilerplate and Starter for Next.js 14+ with App Router and Page Router support, Tailwind CSS 3.4 and TypeScript ⚡️ Made with developer experience first: Next.js + TypeScript + ESLint + Prettier + Husky + Lint-S

                Developer experience first, extremely flexible code structure and only keep what you need: ⚡ Next.js with App Router support 🔥 Type checking TypeScript 💎 Integrate with Tailwind CSS ✅ Strict Mode for TypeScript and React 18 🔒 Authentication with Clerk: Sign up, Sign in, Sign out, Forgot password, Reset password, and more. 📦 Type-safe ORM with DrizzleORM, compatible with SQLite, PostgreSQL, and

                  GitHub - ixartz/Next-js-Boilerplate: 🚀🎉📚 Boilerplate and Starter for Next.js 14+ with App Router and Page Router support, Tailwind CSS 3.4 and TypeScript ⚡️ Made with developer experience first: Next.js + TypeScript + ESLint + Prettier + Husky + Lint-S
                • ブリティッシュ ベイクオフ - Wikipedia

                  ブリティッシュ・ベイクオフ(The Great British Bake Off)は、イギリスの料理コンテスト番組。 2010年から2013年(第1から第4シーズン)はBBC Two、2014年から2017年(第5から第7シーズン)はBBC One、2018年(第8シーズン)以降はチャンネル4で放送されている。 放送開始以来シーズンを追うごとに人気は高まり、「イギリスで視聴率トップの人気番組」とも言われる。放送局がBBCからチャンネル4に移動したときは現地の新聞の一面で報道された[1]。2022年時点で、世界35か国で放映されている[2] 。 日本ではDlifeで、2017年1月より第4シーズン、2018年7月より第5シーズン、2019年1月より第6シーズン、2019年7月より第7シーズンが放送された。Dlife閉局後は、2020年にクリスマススペシャルがFOXチャンネルで放送され、同局で

                  • Refactoring Your Way to a Design System

                    I love refactoring code. Absolutely love it. There’s something about taking a piece of UI or a bit of code and reworking it in a way that is simpler, modular, and reusable that makes me incredibly happy. I also love design systems work. It gives hybrids like me a home. It seems like everyone is talking about design systems right now. Design systems teams are perfect for those who enjoy doing archi

                      Refactoring Your Way to a Design System
                    • I Love You, America, But This List Should NOT Make You Uncomfortable

                      Over the past few years, rising supermarket prices have forced many families to make compromises on ingredient quality when shopping for meals. A recent study published by Supermarket News found that 41% of families with children were more likely to switch to lower-quality groceries to deal with inflation. By comparison, 29% of people without children have switched to lower-quality groceries to co

                        I Love You, America, But This List Should NOT Make You Uncomfortable
                      • 霧雨ノート - drizzle note

                        『管理人へ一言どうぞ』 基本的に返信されると思います。名前書く覧ありますがコチラの確認用なので書く必要ありません。また、書かれても返信の際使う事はありません。 返信しなくてもいいorして欲しくない場合は「返信×」など書くと返信しません。 もうこのサイトのノリに誰も付いていけない・・・。 管理人はHPのデザインに飽きやすいのでころころ変えます。多くても年に4,5回ですがw 早くテスト終わらないかなぁと思う毎日・・・ そういえば某チャットメンバーの人よろしければ相互リンクお願いしたいです。 というよりブログを書く人がこんなに増えると思ってなかったのでw当初は0824(TAGs)と自分だけだった気がするんですがw そういえばTAGsとも相当長い付き合いですなー・・・ ともあれリンクのところにチャットメンツでグループ分けしたいなっていう勝手な野望を抱いております。 いや、ほんと

                        • サルヴァトーレ・クオモオフィシャルブログPowered by Ameba

                          My New Favorite Sparkling Drink to Beat the Summer Heat! This Spaghetti with Tuna in Olive Oil and Fresh Tomato is perfect for the hotter season, as we are already seeing days hitting the high 20’s - low 30’s. This pasta, though served hot, is topped with fresh sweet cherry tomatoes and purple mizuna (a peppery Japanese vegetable), and a drizzle of my homemade “Rosso” chili oil. To accompany this

                          • DesignDrizzle | Free Resources for Web Designers, Developers & Freelancers

                            Design Drizzle provides useful information about design, WordPress, inspiration, tutorials and other web related topics.

                            • Embeddings are a good starting point for the AI curious app developer

                              Vector embeddings have been an Overton window shifting experience for me, not because they’re sufficiently advanced technology indistinguishable from magic, but the opposite. Once I started using them, it felt obvious that this was what the search experience was always supposed to be: less “How did you do that?” and more mundanely, “Why isn’t this everywhere?” This feels like the right place to st

                                Embeddings are a good starting point for the AI curious app developer
                              • 现代汉语单字频率列表 Modern Chinese Character Frequency List

                                Jun Da óο¥ (jda@mtsu.edu) Data last updated ×î½ü¸üÐÂ: 2004-03-30 Page last updated ×î½ü¸üÐÂ: 2005-12-21 URL for this page ±¾Ò³ÍøÖ·: http://lingua.mtsu.edu/chinese-computing/statistics/char/list.php?Which=MO Jun Da's homepage óο¥ÍøÕ¾: http://lingua.mtsu.edu Jun Da's Chinese text computing page ÖÐÎÄÎı¾¼ÆËãÍøÕ¾: http://lingua.mtsu.edu/chinese-computing Notes ˵Ã÷: Column 1: Serial number; µÚÒ»ÁУº

                                • Winston Churchill - Wikiquote

                                  Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that, if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, 'This was their finest hour.' Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill KG OM CH TD FRS PC (November 30, 1874 – January 24, 1965) was a British statesman who served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1940 to 1945, during the Sec

                                    Winston Churchill - Wikiquote