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long time no see in japaneseの検索結果1 - 4 件 / 4件

  • 弥助関連史料とその英訳 / English translated historical documents related to Yasuke - 打越眠主主義人民共和国

    はじめに Introduction 筆者の連絡先 How to contact me 信長公記 The Chronicle of Nobunaga 池田家本『信長公記』Shinchoko-ki Ikeda-hon 尊経閣本『信長公記』Sonkeikaku-bunko manuscript 尊経閣本の信頼性に関する議論 Discussion of the reliability 天正9年のイエズス会史料 Jesuit Documents in 1581 天正9年3月11日の書簡 Letter of April 14, 1581 天正9年9月11日の書簡 Letter of October 8, 1581 家忠日記 Ietada Diary 弥助に関する最後の記録 Last record of Yasuke 天正10年10月20日の書簡 Letter of November 5, 1582 書

      弥助関連史料とその英訳 / English translated historical documents related to Yasuke - 打越眠主主義人民共和国
    • The Katsuification of Britain

      Good morning and welcome to Vittles. Each Monday we publish a different piece of writing related to food, whether it’s an essay, a dispatch, a polemic, a review, or even poetry. This week, Tim Anderson writes about the phenomenon of katsuification — the process under which everything in Britain has become katsu curry — and how this can be explained by the cyclical history of the dish. If you wish

        The Katsuification of Britain
      • A cute, cheap death trap? Japanese Kei cars banned by yet another US state

        Kei cars are the antithesis of the big American SUV. Where EPA regulations effectively penalize automakers for building smaller, more efficient cars, Japan's Kei car regulations cap size, weight, and power to just fractions. Kei cars aren't just small, they're also pretty cheap, a fact that has made them a sales success in Japan and highly desirable as a gray-market import, particularly by people

          A cute, cheap death trap? Japanese Kei cars banned by yet another US state
        • Himanshu Jain - Co-Founder of EJable.com

          Himanshu Jain, by qualification, a mechanical engineer, has had a diversified career with many changes in the lines of work and geographic locations before settling in the information technology domain in a leadership role. However, that excellent job could not keep him away from going for a change again to start his own business in his mid-fifties. Based out of Tokyo, he is the co-founder and CEO

            Himanshu Jain - Co-Founder of EJable.com