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misogynyの検索結果201 - 231 件 / 231件

  • Tokyo turmoil: race to rule world's largest city mired in sex scandal and misogyny

    Voters in Tokyo will go to the polls on Sunday amid a campaign marred by events that some say highlights the worst of Japan’s male-dominated politics. The winner will take over after the two previous incumbents resigned in disgrace, and is tasked with overseeing the 2020 Olympics, coming up with ways to offset problems caused by the capital’s rapidly ageing population, and providing better child c

      Tokyo turmoil: race to rule world's largest city mired in sex scandal and misogyny
    • ク・ジヘ「シーラ・ジェフリーズ『美とミソジニー』韓国語版序文」

      【解説】以下は、2018年7月に出版されたシーラ・ジェフリーズの『美とミソジニー』の韓国語版に付されたク・ジヘさんによる序文の全訳です。同書は出版されてすぐに増刷となり、大きな話題となりました。韓国語版出版元のヨルダ・ブックスの許可を得てここに紹介します。シーラ・ジェフリーズさんはイギリス生まれのラディカル・フェミニストで、これまで、売買春をはじめとする性産業、性革命、トランスジェンダリズムに対する批判や、レズビアニズムの歴史などについて10冊以上の単著を出し、最も最近では自伝を出版しています。シーラ・ジェフリーズさんの著作の日本語訳はまだ存在しませんが、いずれこの日本でも出版される日が来るでしょう。 ク・ジヘ(ヨルダ・ブックス代表) 韓国の新しい世代のフェミニストたちは「コルセット」からの脱却をめざす爆発的な女性運動を主導している。ビクトリア朝期の拷問具であるコルセットが現代の韓国に? 

      • Atheism's shocking woman problem: What's behind the misogyny of Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris?

        This article originally appeared on AlterNet. At first blush, it would seem that an atheist movement would be exactly the sort of thing that would attract many women. After all, much of the oppression of women—from forced veiling to restricting abortion rights—is a direct result of religion. Unsurprisingly, then, feminism has a long tradition of outspoken atheists and religious skeptics within its

          Atheism's shocking woman problem: What's behind the misogyny of Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris?
        • biggie songs free - rayagamof’s blog

          = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =========> Download Link biggie songs free = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Unlimited free The Notorious B.I.G. music - Click to play Juicy, Hypnotize and whatever else you want!. He was popularly known as Biggie Smalls (after a character in the 1975 film Let's Do It Again

            biggie songs free - rayagamof’s blog
          • 医療・病気の英単語リスト - はてな読み

            名称 英語 備考 症状 symptom sym = together, piptein = to fall 自覚症状 subjective sympton 痛み pain, ache 鈍い痛み dull pain 鋭い痛み sharp pain 背中の痛み back pain 腰痛 lower back pain 関節痛 joint pain ずきずきする throbbing ひりひりする stinging ちくちくする prickling 陣痛 labor pains be in labor 陣痛を起こす / easy [hard] labor 軽い[重い]陣痛 重い病気 serious [severe, major] illness 軽い病気 slight [minor] illness 治せる病気 curable disease 慢性疾患 malady cf. a social ma

              医療・病気の英単語リスト - はてな読み
            • depositions ing music movies : osunur

              = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =========> Download Link depositions ing music movies= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 2 min - Uploaded by Associated PressRobin Thicke admits to being drunk and high in his 2013 interviews; Pharrell seems annoyed in. 4 min - Uploaded by sdk5120KOREA MOVIE [ ING ]. such a s

                depositions ing music movies : osunur
              • 1984 (advertisement) - Wikipedia

                "1984" is an American television commercial that introduced the Apple Macintosh personal computer. It was conceived by Steve Hayden, Brent Thomas, and Lee Clow at Chiat/Day, produced by New York production company Fairbanks Films, and directed by Ridley Scott. The ad was an allusion to George Orwell's noted 1949 novel, Nineteen Eighty-Four, which described a dystopian future ruled by a televised "

                  1984 (advertisement) - Wikipedia
                • 『フェミニスト団体支持の女性声優がネクソンと契約切られる、マッカーシズムに触発されたミソジニーの闇 - AUTOMATON』へのコメント

                  アニメとゲーム フェミニスト団体支持の女性声優がネクソンと契約切られる、マッカーシズムに触発されたミソジニーの闇 - AUTOMATON

                    『フェミニスト団体支持の女性声優がネクソンと契約切られる、マッカーシズムに触発されたミソジニーの闇 - AUTOMATON』へのコメント
                  • Innovation is overvalued. Maintenance often matters more | Aeon Essays

                    Innovation is a dominant ideology of our era, embraced in America by Silicon Valley, Wall Street, and the Washington DC political elite. As the pursuit of innovation has inspired technologists and capitalists, it has also provoked critics who suspect that the peddlers of innovation radically overvalue innovation. What happens after innovation, they argue, is more important. Maintenance and repair,

                      Innovation is overvalued. Maintenance often matters more | Aeon Essays
                    • A not so gentle intro to web3 | Koos Looijesteijn

                      Published: 31 December 2021 Updated: 14 January 2022 Words: 2754 Read time: 14 minutes Almost everything web3-related is a grift based on getting people to buy crypto. Although the distributed part of blockchain technology is sort of neat, it’s not that ground-breaking, as having stuff distributed is the whole basis of internet technology since the very beginnning. There have been fine peer-to-pee

                        A not so gentle intro to web3 | Koos Looijesteijn
                      • Men Taking Up Too Much Space on the Train

                        a classic among public assertions of privilegetemporaliter asked: I'm not sure if you've heard this before but penis balls comfort health men misandrist penis misogyny balls. Ha! Beat that logic. yeah, so there

                          Men Taking Up Too Much Space on the Train
                        • Trump Should Have Never Been Allowed Rap Relevance

                          Donald Trump tried to grab headlines one more time on his way out of office this week. And yet again, it involved rappers. The former president issued 70 commutations and 73 pardons, including two to Lil Wayne and Kodak Black. There had been speculation that this would happen, after both rappers endorsed him in the days leading up to the 2020 presidential election. Kodak will soon be home from a f

                            Trump Should Have Never Been Allowed Rap Relevance
                          • August Greene (Common, Robert Glasper, Karriem Riggins): NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert

                            Feb. 21, 2018 | Abby O'Neill -- August Greene, the collaborative effort of Common, Robert Glasper and Karriem Riggins, was born at the White House in 2016 during a special Tiny Desk concert. It was during that unprecedented performance that the then-untitled ensemble premiered the powerful "Letter to the Free," an original song for Ava DuVernay's Netflix documentary 13th that eventually won an Emm

                              August Greene (Common, Robert Glasper, Karriem Riggins): NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert
                            • Richard Dawkins - Wikipedia

                              Richard Dawkins FRS FRSL (born 26 March 1941)[3] is a British evolutionary biologist, zoologist, and author.[4] He is an emeritus fellow of New College, Oxford, and was Professor for Public Understanding of Science in the University of Oxford from 1995 to 2008. His 1976 book The Selfish Gene popularised the gene-centred view of evolution, as well as coining the term meme. Dawkins has won several a

                                Richard Dawkins - Wikipedia
                              • ホモソーシャルな日本企業はオワコン?【ミソジニーかつホモフォビアという謎社会】

                                こんにちは、@kojisaitojpです。「女性差別」やら「選択的夫婦別姓」について扱ってきましたが、予想通りアクセス数は落ちています(笑)。懲りずにもう一日だけ続けます。 まぁコロナの感染者数も増加の一方で「Go to トラベル」の中断も言われているような状況ですから、ホテルや飛行機について書く気力がイマイチというのがこういう話題を続ける原因でもありますが。 結局社会から(ホモソーシャル)の承認が欲しいだけなんですね。 ズバリ、わたしは元彼に「俺だってモデルみたいな女を連れて街で振り返られてみたかった!!」とキレられたことがあります。 女なんてアクセサリーにすぎないのです。 https://t.co/WBh9rARWLX — あっちょ@#BLM (@strawberry71509) November 21, 2020 今日は女遊びが激しくて、美人を自分の彼女にしようという欲望が実は女性を

                                • 社会に存在する問題に「真の名」をつけることの力  Call Them by Their True Names: American Crises (and Essays)

                                  作者:Rebecca Solnit ペーパーバック: 188ページ 出版社: Haymarket Books 言語: 英語 ISBN-10: 1608469468 ISBN-13: 978-1608469468 発売日: 2018/9/4 適正年齢:PG15 難易度:超上級(歴史、文学、社会状況を理解していないと、省略されている言葉や、punという語呂合わせなどが理解できない。よく考えないと意図を誤解しそうになる箇所もあるので要注意) ジャンル:エッセイ 文芸賞:2018年全米図書賞候補 2019年 これを読まずして年は越せないで賞 候補 レベッカ・ソルニットは、日本でも『説教したがる男たち』、『迷うことについて』、『ウォークス 歩くことの精神史』(いずれも左右社)、『災害ユートピア』(亜紀書房)などの邦訳書が出ている。カリフォルニア州サンフランシスコ在住で、歴史、芸術、政治、環境問題、フ

                                    社会に存在する問題に「真の名」をつけることの力  Call Them by Their True Names: American Crises (and Essays)
                                  • Is the show finally over for Donald Trump? | Judith Butler

                                    We know that Trump will try to do anything to stay in power, to avoid that ultimate catastrophe in life – becoming “a loser”. He has shown that he is willing to manipulate and destroy the electoral system if he has to. What is less clear is whether he can do what he threatens to do, or whether the “threat” is left hanging in the air as an impotent command. As a posture, the threat to stop or nulli

                                      Is the show finally over for Donald Trump? | Judith Butler
                                    • Sex, Gender, and Sexuality: The TransAdvocate interviews Catharine A. MacKinnon

                                      Sex, Gender, and Sexuality: The TransAdvocate interviews Catharine A. MacKinnon By Cristan Williams @cristanwilliams Catharine A. MacKinnon is a lawyer, teacher, writer, theorist, and activist. She is the Elizabeth A. Long Professor of Law at the University of Michigan and James Barr Ames Visiting Professor of Law at Harvard Law School (long-term). She holds a B.A. from Smith College, a J.D. from

                                        Sex, Gender, and Sexuality: The TransAdvocate interviews Catharine A. MacKinnon
                                      • How does the literary canon reinforce the logic of the incel?

                                        Though the subsequent rash of media analysis might lead you to think otherwise, none of this is new – not even the term “incel”, which was first coined in 1993 by a queer Canadian woman when she created a website for people who identified as involuntary celibates to share their thoughts and feelings. The incel community that exists today on reddit, 4chan and incel.me is an inchoate and ever-evolvi

                                          How does the literary canon reinforce the logic of the incel?
                                        • http://www.hamasatoshi.net/mux/MuxtapeList.txt

                                          002 Two Lone Swordsmen No Girl in My Plan 002 The Modern Lovers Roadrunner 002 Beastie Boys live 002 Two Lone Swordsmen Get Out of My Kingdom 002 Money Mark Cry 002 Doves Firesuite 0043 kobaryu VIP STAR 0043 ビートまりお × Flowering Night 2007 Help me, ERINNNNNN!! 0043 ゴム 思ãÃ

                                          • I’m retiring.

                                            I’m retiring. I’m retiring the name Visual Idiot. I don’t want to be known by an insult any more, please. My name is Charlotte. I’ve struggled with borderline personality disorder, low self esteem, psychotic depression, anxiety and agarophabia, dysphoria, and a whole host of other issues for years. These struggles meant I placed such a low value on myself I was happy using a frankly horrible term

                                            • 神経学の歴史2

                                              前回までで、19世紀の神経解剖、生理、機能局在といった基礎分野のお話を終えました。 一方19世紀の臨床神経学は、その前半期の発見は、パーキンソン病、脊髄癆など、わずかでした。 しかし19世紀後半に、臨床神経学は系統的に花を開きます。 まずフランスのデュシェンヌ(Guillaume Benjamin Amand Duchenne, 1806-1875)の話から。 デュシェンヌの活躍した時代のフランスは、 1848年 2月革命 1849年 モニエ、鉄筋コンクリートを発明。 1852年 ナポレオン3世、皇帝に就任。 1856年 アングル「泉」 1857年 ボードレール「悪の華」 1857年 フローベール「ボヴァリー夫人」 1859年 ミレー「晩鐘」 1860年 ベルトロ、アルコールその他の有機化合物の合成に成功。 1862年 ユーゴー「レ・ミゼラブル」 1862年 ルノワール、炭化水素液体エンジ

                                              • 女性蔑視(ミソジニー)とは?世間に蔓延る女性へのステレオタイプ

                                                社会において、女性に対するステレオタイプは長い間根強く存在してきました。 これらのステレオタイプや性別に関する偏見は、社会構造的な性差を生み出し、多くの場面で女性の可能性を制限しています。 しかし、女性蔑視(ミソジニー)の問題は、男性にとっても無視できない足かせになっているのです。 本記事では、性別に関するこれらの課題を深く掘り下げ、性別に囚われることなく自分自身を輝かせる方法を探求します。 ≫ジェンダーとは?10種類のジェンダー問題を例を用いてわかりやすく解説! ※【企業様向け】ジェンダー問題への取り組みをPRしませんか? このページに掲載を希望する企業様はこちらご覧ください。 「女性蔑視」とは、女性に対する憎悪、蔑視、偏見、差別などを含む概念であり、英語では「Misogyny(ミソジニー)」と呼ばれます。 この概念は、単に個人的な感情にとどまらず、社会的、文化的な偏見やステレオタイプに

                                                • Transgenderism: The Latest Anti-Feminist Wedge of the Left - ABC Religion & Ethics

                                                  Posted 28 Oct 201528 Oct 2015Wed 28 Oct 2015 at 4:04am, updated 21 May 202021 May 2020Thu 21 May 2020 at 12:55am Caroline Norma lectures in the School of Global, Urban and Social Studies at RMIT University. At least since the sexual revolution of the 1960s, Lefties have been rankled by the presence of feminists among their ranks. But purging these uppity women presents a challenge. Overtly denigra

                                                    Transgenderism: The Latest Anti-Feminist Wedge of the Left - ABC Religion & Ethics
                                                  • Opinion | The Liberal Blind Spot (Published 2016)

                                                    CLASSIC liberalism exalted tolerance, reflected in a line often (and probably wrongly) attributed to Voltaire: “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” On university campuses, that is sometimes updated to: “I disapprove of what you say, so shut up.” In a column a few weeks ago, I offered “a confession of liberal intolerance,” criticizing my fellow progre

                                                      Opinion | The Liberal Blind Spot (Published 2016)
                                                    • Transphobia - Wikipedia

                                                      Transphobia consists of negative attitudes, feelings, or actions towards transgender people or transness in general. Transphobia can include fear, aversion, hatred, violence or anger towards people who do not conform to social gender roles.[1][2] Transphobia is a type of prejudice and discrimination, similar to racism, sexism, or ableism,[3] and it is closely associated with homophobia.[4][5] Tran

                                                        Transphobia - Wikipedia
                                                      • SexLab Framework Add-On - TESLab

                                                        TESLab PC版 Skyrim Lab系列のまとめWiki トップページページ一覧メンバー掲示板編集 SexLab Framework Add-On 最終更新:ID:BeawuwMKDQ 2023年12月30日(土) 10:53:06履歴 共通項目 ここにある Mod はすべて SexLab Framework を導入している必要があります。 その為 SexLab Framework の 必須Mod はすべて導入済みであることが前提となっています。 SexLab Framework に下位互換性は余りありません。 導入する Add-On と 使用している SexLab Framework の Version に気をつけてください。 ほとんどの Add-On は公開時の SexLab Framework 以外、動作保障されません。 記事更新は「新しい記事」「バージョンアップ」などがあった

                                                          SexLab Framework Add-On - TESLab
                                                        • Compensation in 2019 new grad tech offers

                                                          I have quite a few friends going through the new grad Software Engineering hiring process and thought I’d write up a “State of Tech Offers” for 2019 - it’s meant to help shine light on how an offer is structured, how the big players are constructing their offers, and how to make sure you’re not being taken advantage of or being deceived. Parts of an offer A standard offer will typically have five

                                                            Compensation in 2019 new grad tech offers
                                                          • Common Welcomes Brandy, Andra Day To Special Tiny Desk Concert

                                                            August Greene, the collaborative effort of Common, Robert Glasper and Karriem Riggins, was born at the White House in 2016 during a special Tiny Desk concert. It was during that unprecedented performance that the then-untitled ensemble premiered the powerful "Letter to the Free," an original song for Ava DuVernay's Netflix documentary 13th that eventually won an Emmy for Outstanding Original Music

                                                              Common Welcomes Brandy, Andra Day To Special Tiny Desk Concert
                                                            • Top 100 Albums of the 1990s | Pitchfork

                                                              It's been just over four years since Pitchfork published its first-ever Top 100 feature, Pitchfork's Top 100 Favorite Albums of the 1990s, and looking back at that list a lot has changed: our perceptions of the decade are different now, our personal tastes have expanded, our knowledge of the music has deepened, and excepting myself, Mark Richardson and Brent DiCrescenzo, the staff has turned over

                                                              • The 100 Greatest Emo Songs of All Time

                                                                The 100 Greatest Emo Songs of All Time A sweeping look at rock’s most misunderstood genre. “Rites of Spring existed well before the term did, and they hated it.” —Musician-activist Jenni Toomey, speaking on behalf of perhaps the first emo band in Andy Greenwald’s Nothing Feels Good “The stupidest fucking thing I’ve heard in my entire life.” —Ian MacKaye on “emo-core” in 1987 Let’s just blame it al

                                                                  The 100 Greatest Emo Songs of All Time