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misogynyの検索結果1 - 13 件 / 13件

  • ミソジニー (英: misogyny) とは、女性や女らしさに対する憎しみや軽侮であ..

    ミソジニー (英: misogyny) とは、女性や女らしさに対する憎しみや軽侮である。 女嫌い(おんなぎらい)や女性嫌悪(じょせいけんお)ともいう。 女性を憎んだり蔑んだりする男性をミソジニスト(misogynist)と呼ぶ。 対義語には、「男性や男らしさに対する憎しみや軽侮」を意味するミサンドリー(英:misandry)と、「女性や女らしさに対する愛しみや崇敬」を意味するフィロジニー(英:philogyny)の二つがある。 多かれ少なかれ女性に対しての嫌悪が皆無の人はいません。嫌悪感を抱くなと言っているわけではありません。おk? では問題になるミソジニーとはなにか。以下の3つを同時に満たす場合などは「問題のあるミソジニー」であると言えます。おk? ・「女性」を一括りにして嫌悪感を語ること(主語がでかい) ・「公の場」でその嫌悪を表明すること ・女性に対して侮蔑的な表現を多用すること 更

      ミソジニー (英: misogyny) とは、女性や女らしさに対する憎しみや軽侮であ..
    • Misogyny - Wikipedia

      Misogyny (/mɪˈsɒdʒɪni/) is hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against women or girls. It is a form of sexism that can keep women at a lower social status than men, thus maintaining the social roles of patriarchy. Misogyny has been widely practised for thousands of years. It is reflected in art, literature, human societal structure, historical events, mythology, philosophy, and religion worldwid

        Misogyny - Wikipedia
      • Colabo’s Fights against Sexual Exploitation and Misogyny in Japan Today

        Colabo’s Fights against Sexual Exploitation and Misogyny in Japan Today “Until we find each other, we are alone.” - Adrienne Rich Reflecting on the value of women's solidarity, the 2023 webzine Kyeol prepared a special feature to explore the current state of violence against women around the world. Despite the abolition of apartheid in South Africa, remnants of colonialism and racism have led to h

          Colabo’s Fights against Sexual Exploitation and Misogyny in Japan Today
        • Why misogyny is at the heart of South Korea's presidential elections

          His fingers relentlessly tap the keyboard as he replies to dozens of their messages at his desk in the centre of a busy campaign office for one of South Korea's main presidential candidates, Yoon Suk-yeol.

            Why misogyny is at the heart of South Korea's presidential elections
          • Misogyny to be treated as extremism by UK government

            Home Secretary Yvette Cooper has pledged to crack down on people "pushing harmful and hateful beliefs" Extreme misogyny will be treated as a form of extremism under new government plans, the Home Office has said. Yvette Cooper, the home secretary, has ordered a review of the UK's counter-extremism strategy to determine how best to tackle threats posed by harmful ideologies. The analysis will look

              Misogyny to be treated as extremism by UK government
            • Caroline Norma & Emma Dalton, ‘Big-time misogyny in small-town Japan’

                Caroline Norma & Emma Dalton, ‘Big-time misogyny in small-town Japan’
              • 国をあげたカルト公認儀式の国葬決定に激怒したヒソカ先輩.misogyny


                • Moé & Misogyny: Fixing Anime's Cutest Problem | The Mary Sue

                  Moé, Misogyny and Masculinity: Anime’s Cuteness Problem–and How to Fix It It's adorably problematic! It can be easy to focus on the lightning rods of criticism for anime and manga. Panty shots? Check. Unfeasibly large-breasted characters? Check. Sexualized children? Check. All of the above in a non-erotic series? Check. There is of course value in discussing these things, but they are low-hanging

                    Moé & Misogyny: Fixing Anime's Cutest Problem | The Mary Sue
                  • Will Misogyny Bring Down The Atheist Movement?

                    Will Misogyny Bring Down The Atheist Movement?The continuing debate over a murky sexual encounter at a 2008 convention for cheekily anti-establishment skeptics underscores a broader dilemma: How can a progressive, important intellectual community behave so poorly towards its female peers? On June 19, 2008, Alison Smith, 26 and aflame with commitment to her cause, was at the Flamingo Hotel in Las V

                      Will Misogyny Bring Down The Atheist Movement?
                    • Opinion | South Korea’s Misogyny (Published 2016)

                      SEOUL, South Korea — My mother fled South Korea for two years in her 20s because she couldn’t stomach her domineering father. On her return, she was married off to my conservative father, whom she gradually realized she didn’t care for. Divorce was still taboo, so she opted to go to Canada with me in tow. The pretext for this long-distance marriage was my education, but it was also for her freedom

                        Opinion | South Korea’s Misogyny (Published 2016)
                      • The Talk: How Adults Can Promote Healthy Relationships and Prevent Misogyny and Sexual Harassment — Making Caring Common

                        Making Caring Common regularly publishes reports that examine barriers to caring and ways in which adults can help children overcoming those barriers. Please direct any media inquiries to Alison Cashin at media@makingcaringcommon.org. Making Caring Common regularly publishes reports that examine barriers to caring and ways in which adults can help children overcome those barriers. The Talk: How Ad

                          The Talk: How Adults Can Promote Healthy Relationships and Prevent Misogyny and Sexual Harassment — Making Caring Common
                        • Tokyo turmoil: race to rule world's largest city mired in sex scandal and misogyny

                          Voters in Tokyo will go to the polls on Sunday amid a campaign marred by events that some say highlights the worst of Japan’s male-dominated politics. The winner will take over after the two previous incumbents resigned in disgrace, and is tasked with overseeing the 2020 Olympics, coming up with ways to offset problems caused by the capital’s rapidly ageing population, and providing better child c

                            Tokyo turmoil: race to rule world's largest city mired in sex scandal and misogyny
                          • Atheism's shocking woman problem: What's behind the misogyny of Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris?

                            This article originally appeared on AlterNet. At first blush, it would seem that an atheist movement would be exactly the sort of thing that would attract many women. After all, much of the oppression of women—from forced veiling to restricting abortion rights—is a direct result of religion. Unsurprisingly, then, feminism has a long tradition of outspoken atheists and religious skeptics within its

                              Atheism's shocking woman problem: What's behind the misogyny of Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris?