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  • 元々は /usr は user の略に決まってるじゃん?ホームディレクトリを置く場所だったんだから - Qiita

    Twitterとか見て「そうだったのかー」とか言うんじゃなくて、ちゃんと調べてみましょうよ。/usr は元々ユーザーのホームディレクトリをおいていた場所ですよ。/bin などを置いていたシステムディスクの容量が足りなくなったので別ディスクだった /usr 以下を使うようになっただけです。Unix System Resources とかそんな長い名前、後付けに決まってるでしょ? 翻訳は面倒なので、DeepL(の少し手直し)です。 初期の Unix のドキュメントから URLと1972年という年から、おそらく Version 1 Unix (1971) のドキュメントだと思います。ここ 経由で見つけました。 12ページにこのようなものがあります。詳細はよくわかりませんがディレクトリ構造でしょう。 idata: / root 41. 140016 .byte 7,1 9f-.-2 41. <..

      元々は /usr は user の略に決まってるじゃん?ホームディレクトリを置く場所だったんだから - Qiita
    • MicroMac, a Macintosh for under £5

      A microcontroller Macintosh This all started from a conversation about the RP2040 MCU, and building a simple desktop/GUI for it. I’d made a comment along the lines of “or, just run some old OS”, and it got me thinking about the original Macintosh. The original Macintosh was released 40.5 years before this post, and is a pretty cool machine especially considering that the hardware is very simple. I

      • How and why we built our startup around small teams

        Welcome to Product for Engineers, a newsletter created by PostHog for engineers and founders who want to build successful startups. Startups ship more per person than big companies – everyone knows this. But how do you retain that advantage as you scale? Our answer is small teams – speedy, innovative, and autonomous one-pizza teams where individuals can still have an outsized impact. They enable u

          How and why we built our startup around small teams
        • What's coming next for ESLint - ESLint - Pluggable JavaScript Linter

          When we released ESLint v9.0.0 in April, it was the first major release in 30 months and formally introduced the new configuration system. ESLint v9.0.0 also made some rule API changes to prepare the core for what’s coming next. After the release, we spent a lot of time creating compatibility utilities, a configuration migration tool, and a rule API transform utility to help the ecosystem move to

            What's coming next for ESLint - ESLint - Pluggable JavaScript Linter
          • Don’t Build Useless Features

            A guide to scaling product & engineering teams from $0 to past $100M ARR. © 2024. Stay SaaSy. As a product manager, it’s important to hone the minimum set of activities that allow you to keep a product line moving forward productively. One of the most important core product management skills: the ability to triage unsuccessful products and avoid spending unnecessary effort on products that are des

              Don’t Build Useless Features
            • Namecheap Takes Down Polyfill.io Service Following Supply Chain Attack - Socket

              Security News Namecheap Takes Down Polyfill.io Service Following Supply Chain Attack Polyfill.io has been serving malware for months via its CDN, after the project's open source maintainer sold the service to a company based in China. More than 110K websites using the Polyfill.io service have been impacted by a supply chain attack after a Chinese company bought the service earlier this year. The C

                Namecheap Takes Down Polyfill.io Service Following Supply Chain Attack - Socket
              • Booting Linux off of Google Drive

                Competitiveness is a vice of mine. When I heard that a friend got Linux to boot off of NFS, I had to one-up her. I had to prove that I could create something harder, something better, faster, stronger. Like all good projects, this began with an Idea. My mind reached out and grabbed wispy tendrils from the æther, forcing the disparate concepts to coalesce. The Mass gained weight in my hands, and a

                  Booting Linux off of Google Drive
                • Migrating to Next.js App Router with zero downtime — WorkOS

                  Can you really adopt Next.js App Router incrementally? At WorkOS, we learned that you can’t really migrate a complex app page by page without a hit to the UX. Instead, we worked out a migration guide that allowed us to test our entire app with App Router while still serving the Pages Router to users—before making the final switch. We use Next.js for all of our frontend apps at WorkOS. Recently, th

                    Migrating to Next.js App Router with zero downtime — WorkOS
                  • black suit details

                    http://weg7sdx54bevnvulapqu6bpzwztryeflq3s23tegbmnhkbpqz637f2yd.onion Our team gained access to the Kadokawa network almost a month ago. It took some time, because of the language, to figure out that Kadokawa subsidiaries' networks were connected to each other and to get through all the mess Kadokawa's IT department made there. We have discovered that Kadokawa networks architecture was not organis

                    • Japan's government finally says goodbye to floppy disks

                      Floppy disks fell out of fashion in the 1990s as more efficient storage solutions were invented It's taken until 2024, but Japan has finally said goodbye to floppy disks. Up until last month, people were still asked to submit documents to the government using the outdated storage devices, with more than 1,000 regulations requiring their use. But these rules have now finally been scrapped, said Dig

                        Japan's government finally says goodbye to floppy disks
                      • Writing GUI apps for Windows is painful | Samuel Tulach

                        Jun 29, 2024 Samuel Tulach Jun 29, 2024 Samuel Tulach Edit 7/1/2024: I feel like I should edit this article and clarify a few things since someone posted this article on Hacker News, and it appears it has received over 440 comments. This means it has left the typical reader base of this blog (four and a half people). This whole article was written because I was trying to write a companion program

                        • 【Moving Out 2】(パックトロポリス・シティ編) 09. The Twilight Drone - Cou氏の徒然日記

                          ■ Moving Out 2 (ムービングアウト2) ★ パックトロポリス・シティ編 Stage 09. The Twilight Drone 今までとは一風変わった、夜のステージ。 それぞれが島になっており、島間の移動は、決まったコースを通るドローンに掴まって(ぶら下がって)移動するという形になります。 そんなステージ構成のために、基本的に軽い荷物しかなく、全て投げて送る必要があります。 ■ ボーナス目標 ■ 物を水に落とすな フラミンゴをすべての足場に連れて行け フラミンゴをすべて搬入しろ 1番目のボーナス目標の「物を水に落とすな」が一番大変。 ほぼすべての荷物を投げて送らないといけないので、少しでもエイムをミスすると池ポチャすることもしばしば。 あとは、フラミンゴの目標も達成しようとすると、フラミンゴも落としてはいけないので更に注意が必要です。 (バラバラに達成を狙えば済む問題ですが

                            【Moving Out 2】(パックトロポリス・シティ編) 09. The Twilight Drone - Cou氏の徒然日記
                          • An Experienced (Neo)Vimmer's Workflow

                            I know people will ask, so here they are: SeniorMars’ Dotfiles. Moreover, I will be assuming you are using Neovim 0.10! Improving the (Neo)Vim Experience Although, I stated this was not for beginners, I still need to point out the fundamentals. Without these, I would not consider neovim to even approach the basics of a PDE. If you think this is too basic, then you can skip this section – I promise

                            • jott - telnet_draw

                              # Collaborative ASCII Drawing With Telnet *by [@bwasti](https://twitter.com/bwasti)* **** If the server isn't swamped, you can try it out (hold shift to erase, arrow keys to move): ``` telnet bram.town ``` If you're on a newer mac, you may need to `brew install telnet`. It doesn't come by default these days... ![](https://i.imgur.com/QfIJWob.gif) The full code listing can be found [here](https://g

                              • IPC in Rust - a Ping Pong Comparison

                                I wanted to explore different ways of communicating between different processes executing on the same machine, and doing so as fast as possible. We're focussing on high speed inter-process communication (IPC), but some of these approaches can be extended across a network. We'll do this exploration in Rust. A reminder that since these are independent processes, most approaches you'd take within-pro

                                • 【Moving Out 2】(アーケード編) 01. Recall Road - Cou氏の徒然日記

                                  ■ Moving Out 2 (ムービングアウト2) ★ アーケード編 01. Recall Road Fall Guysでもあるような、同じガラス床(?)が一面に貼られており、正解の通路以外の床に乗ると崩れて落ちてしまうため、正解の通路を移動して進む必要があるステージ。 ただし、荷物(巨大電池)が重いため、ジャンプしてショートカット…というのも難しいです。 ただ、Fall Guysと違い、電池をセットすることで正解の通路が表示されるので、それを暗記すれば簡単に進めます。 (後半になると、エリアが広くなるので、正解の通路の暗記も結構大変ですが…) 最初のエリアは「3✕6」 2つ目のエリアは「6✕6」 最後のエリアは「9✕6」 で、どんどん大きくなっていきます。 ただ、覚えられなくても、一度割れば割れたままになるので、時間さえかければ進めますので、難易度としては低いですね。 www.yout

                                    【Moving Out 2】(アーケード編) 01. Recall Road - Cou氏の徒然日記
                                  • 【Moving Out 2】(パックトロポリス・シティ編) 12. Indiana Drones - Cou氏の徒然日記

                                    ■ Moving Out 2 (ムービングアウト2) ★ パックトロポリス・シティ編 Stage 12. Indiana Drones 大量の柱が立っていて、その柱をドローンの体当たりで破壊して道を作り荷物を運ぶステージ。 荷物は、ぐにゃぐにゃチューブ2つだけで、ただクリアするだけなら、何も考えずにドローンで柱を破壊しまくればいいので簡単です。 あと、一定数破壊すると、トロフィーまでもらえてしまいます。 柱自体は、このステージしか登場しないみたいなので、実質、このトロフィーはこのステージ専用ですね。 壊した柱の累計本数なので、足りなければ何回かプレーしていれば簡単に撮れちゃいます。 ■ ボーナス目標 ■ 地球儀をすべて壊せ 柱を32本以上壊すな 柱をひとつ残らず壊せ ここも、条件が背反なボーナス目標があるため、1度での達成は無理。 まずは1つ目と3つ目を達成するのが楽です。 (…といいつつ

                                      【Moving Out 2】(パックトロポリス・シティ編) 12. Indiana Drones - Cou氏の徒然日記
                                    • What is PID 0? · blog.dave.tf

                                      I get nerd-sniped a lot. People offhandedly ask something innocent, and I lose the next several hours (or in this case, days) comprehensively figuring out the answer. Usually this ends up in a rant thread on mastodon or in some private chat group or other. But for once I have the energy to write one up for the blog. Today’s innocent question: Is there a reason UIDs start at 0 but PIDs start at 1?

                                      • Server Islands | Astro

                                        This is Part 3 of our series on “The Future of Astro” covering the three major features we have planned for Astro in 2024. This post introduces Server Islands: a new island architecture primitive that lets you deliver static, CDN-cached HTML page shells with injected dynamic content. In 2021, Astro pioneered a new frontend architecture called Islands. Islands are unique because they allow Astro to

                                          Server Islands | Astro
                                        • Inside a 1 dollar radar motion sensor | Maurycy's blog

                                          I recently got some cheap RCWL-0516 microwave motion sensors, mostly because I was wondering how China managed to make a radar for under a dollar: Click for mirrored back view Getting one working was quite easy, I just connected the VIN pin to 5 volts, GND to ground, and added a 1 uF decoupling capacitor on the 3V3 pin. When someone moves within ~5 meters, the OUT pin goes up to 3 volts for 3 seco

                                          • 【Moving Out 2】(パックトロポリス・シティ編) 10. Drone Alone - Cou氏の徒然日記

                                            ■ Moving Out 2 (ムービングアウト2) ★ パックトロポリス・シティ編 Stage 10. Drone Alone レバーでドローンを操作して、橋をかけたり壁を壊したりして道を作るステージ。 搬入トラックへ行くための橋は最初は上がってしまっているため、ドローンで体当りして倒す必要があります。 また、下ろしても一定時間でまた戻ってしまうので、必要に応じて都度下ろす必要があります。 あとは、壁。 水色の壁はドローンで体当たりをすれば壊せるため、最初に全部壊しておいたほう楽です。 あとは高いところにある荷物はドローンで落としたり、橋を都度下ろして荷物を運んでいけばクリアできます。 赤い割れる荷物をいかにドローンでうまく落としてキャッチするか…くらいが難しいところでしょうか。 ■ ボーナス目標 ■ 掴むことなく花瓶をトラックの荷台に入れろ ディスプレイをすべて壊せ 割れ物を壊すな ボ

                                              【Moving Out 2】(パックトロポリス・シティ編) 10. Drone Alone - Cou氏の徒然日記
                                            • WebAssembly JSPI has a new API · V8

                                              WebAssembly’s JavaScript Promise Integration (JSPI) API has a new API, available in Chrome release M126. We talk about what has changed, how to use it with Emscripten, and what is the roadmap for JSPI. JSPI is an API that allows WebAssembly applications that use sequential APIs to access Web APIs that are asynchronous. Many Web APIs are crafted in terms of JavaScript Promise objects: instead of im
