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  • Open RSS

    Feeds served 281,378 We offer feeds for thousands of popular websites across the internet, and we won't stop until every corner of the internet has one. The more feeds we have, the closer we all get to ditching the intrusive, ad-invested algorithmic feeds that harm and manipulate us. So we can follow internet content on our own terms, in feeds that only we control.

      Open RSS
    • Bluesky has launched RSS feeds

      Hooray to Bluesky for releasing its new RSS feeds! Now anyone can now obtain an RSS feed for any Bluesky user. We've taken them for a test drive, and here's what you should know. They work well with RSS Readers and RSS browser extensions The link to a user's RSS feed is quite lengthy, making it not so easy to remember, and you can't really tell which user's profile an RSS feed is for just by looki

        Bluesky has launched RSS feeds
      • How Google helped destroy adoption of RSS feeds

        Although RSS feeds are alive and still heavily used today, their level of adoption has suffered because of how difficult a handful of popular technology companies have made it to use them. Google, especially, has relied on the open web RSS protocol to gain so much market share and influence, but continues to engage in behavior that exploits the open web at the expense of its users. As a result, Go

          How Google helped destroy adoption of RSS feeds