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  • The Development of the C Language

    The Development of the C Language* Dennis M. Ritchie Bell Labs/Lucent Technologies Murray Hill, NJ 07974 USA dmr@bell-labs.com ABSTRACT The C programming language was devised in the early 1970s as a system implementation language for the nascent Unix operating system. Derived from the typeless language BCPL, it evolved a type structure; created on a tiny machine as a tool to improve a meager progr

    • LogLog Games

      The article is also available in Chinese. Disclaimer: This post is a very long collection of thoughts and problems I've had over the years, and also addresses some of the arguments I've been repeatedly told. This post expresses my opinion the has been formed over using Rust for gamedev for many thousands of hours over many years, and multiple finished games. This isn't meant to brag or indicate su

      • RFC 9562: Universally Unique IDentifiers (UUIDs)

         Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) K. Davis Request for Comments: 9562 Cisco Systems Obsoletes: 4122 B. Peabody Category: Standards Track Uncloud ISSN: 2070-1721 P. Leach University of Washington May 2024 Universally Unique IDentifiers (UUIDs) Abstract This specification defines UUIDs (Universally Unique IDentifiers) -- also known as GUIDs (Globally Unique IDentifiers) -- and a Uniform Resou

          RFC 9562: Universally Unique IDentifiers (UUIDs)
        • Announcing F# 8 - .NET Blog

          F# 8 is released as part of .NET 8. It is included with new updates of Visual Studio 2022 and .NET 8 SDK. Download the latest version of .NET 8 Install Visual Studio 2022 F# 8 brings in many features to make F# programs simpler, more uniform and more performant. Read more about language changes, new diagnostics, quality of life improvements, performance boosts for project compilation and upgrades

            Announcing F# 8 - .NET Blog
          • Zenbleed

            If you remove the first word from the string "hello world", what should the result be? This is the story of how we discovered that the answer could be your root password! Introduction All x86-64 CPUs have a set of 128-bit vector registers called the XMM registers. You can never have enough bits, so recent CPUs have extended the width of those registers up to 256-bit and even 512-bits. The 256-bit

            • New Workers pricing — never pay to wait on I/O again

              New Workers pricing — never pay to wait on I/O again09/28/2023 Today we are announcing new pricing for Cloudflare Workers and Pages Functions, where you are billed based on CPU time, and never for the idle time that your Worker spends waiting on network requests and other I/O. Unlike other platforms, when you build applications on Workers, you only pay for the compute resources you actually use. W

                New Workers pricing — never pay to wait on I/O again
              • Vision Pro is an over-engineered “devkit” // Hardware bleeds genius & audacity but software story is disheartening // What we got wrong at Oculus that Apple got right // Why Meta could finally have its Android moment

                by Hugo Barra (former Head of Oculus at Meta) Friends and colleagues have been asking me to share my perspective on the Apple Vision Pro as a product. Inspired by my dear friend Matt Mullenweg’s 40th post, I decided to put pen to paper. This started as a blog post and became an essay before too long, so I’ve structured my writing in multiple sections each with a clear lead to make it a bit easier

                  Vision Pro is an over-engineered “devkit” // Hardware bleeds genius & audacity but software story is disheartening // What we got wrong at Oculus that Apple got right // Why Meta could finally have its Android moment
                • Mixture of Experts Explained

                  With the release of Mixtral 8x7B (announcement, model card), a class of transformer has become the hottest topic in the open AI community: Mixture of Experts, or MoEs for short. In this blog post, we take a look at the building blocks of MoEs, how they’re trained, and the tradeoffs to consider when serving them for inference. Let’s dive in! Table of Contents What is a Mixture of Experts? A Brief H

                    Mixture of Experts Explained
                  • Vector Search in OpenSearch vs. Elasticsearch: A Comparison

                    Opster and Elastic join forces to help users take charge of their search operations 💪  Read the announcement Elasticsearch Guides > Operations Elasticsearch Comparing Vector Search in OpenSearch vs. Elasticsearch Quick links OverviewAvailabilityMappingSupported engines and algorithmsSupported similarity metricsVector field type and dimensionsIndex settingsEmbeddings vector generationQueriesExact

                      Vector Search in OpenSearch vs. Elasticsearch: A Comparison