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recognitionの検索結果121 - 160 件 / 1160件

  • GitHub - zzmp/juliusjs: A speech recognition library for the web

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      GitHub - zzmp/juliusjs: A speech recognition library for the web
    • GitHub - julius-speech/julius: Open-Source Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition Engine

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        GitHub - julius-speech/julius: Open-Source Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition Engine
      • Comparison of optical character recognition software - Wikipedia

        This comparison of optical character recognition software includes: OCR engines, that do the actual character identification Layout analysis software, that divide scanned documents into zones suitable for OCR Graphical interfaces to one or more OCR engines Software development kits that are used to add OCR capabilities to other software (e.g. forms processing applications, document imaging managem

        • GitHub - TadasBaltrusaitis/OpenFace: OpenFace – a state-of-the art tool intended for facial landmark detection, head pose estimation, facial action unit recognition, and eye-gaze estimation.

          Over the past few years, there has been an increased interest in automatic facial behavior analysis and understanding. We present OpenFace – a tool intended for computer vision and machine learning researchers, affective computing community and people interested in building interactive applications based on facial behavior analysis. OpenFace is the first toolkit capable of facial landmark detection

            GitHub - TadasBaltrusaitis/OpenFace: OpenFace – a state-of-the art tool intended for facial landmark detection, head pose estimation, facial action unit recognition, and eye-gaze estimation.
          • GitHub - kenshohara/3D-ResNets-PyTorch: 3D ResNets for Action Recognition (CVPR 2018)

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              GitHub - kenshohara/3D-ResNets-PyTorch: 3D ResNets for Action Recognition (CVPR 2018)
            • GitHub - julius-speech/julius: Open-Source Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition Engine

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                GitHub - julius-speech/julius: Open-Source Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition Engine
              • Face Detection: Facial recognition and finding Homepage

                The Face Detection Technology Homepage by Dr. Robert Frischholz This page is focused on the task of automatically detecting faces in images. It is a tribute to Peter Kruizinga’s Face Recognition Homepage (which unfortunately has disappeared many years ago… Click on this link to still browse the site, using the archive of the Wayback Machine) Here is the successor of the Face Recognition Homepage P

                  Face Detection: Facial recognition and finding Homepage
                • 「FaceNet: A Unified Embedding for Face Recognition and Clustering」の解説と実装 - Qiita

                  「FaceNet: A Unified Embedding for Face Recognition and Clustering」の解説と実装Python機械学習MachineLearningDeepLearningディープラーニング Siamese Network+Triplet lossの論文として名高い「FaceNet」の論文を読んだのでその解説と実装を書いていきます。Train with 1000を使って実験もしてみました。 TL;DR FaceNetはある画像に対して、同一のクラス(人物)の画像、異なるクラスの画像の合計3枚の「Triplet」を作り、画像間の距離を学習する。 画像を特徴量のベクトルに変換し、プロットする一方で、k-Nearest Neighbor法の要領で未知の画像に対するクラスの推定もできる。またクラス数が後から追加されたり削除されたりするようなパターンでも

                    「FaceNet: A Unified Embedding for Face Recognition and Clustering」の解説と実装 - Qiita
                  • Deep Face Recognition: A Survey まとめ|田村浩一郎@ACES

                    この記事は?Deep Face Recognition: A Survey の論文を整理し,顔認識技術の研究および開発に関する調査とまとめをしたものです. Deep Face Recognition: A Surveyのまとめ ~DeepLearning.jpでの発表~ 以下重要なスライドと追加コメント 言葉の定義Face Recognition(FR)には,1. Face Detection, 2. Face Alignment, 3. Face Recognitionの 3つの段階があり,以下のような言語定義がされている. 普通の画像認識タスクとの違い一般的な画像認識タスクに比べて,顔認識は微細でかつ大規模な分類タスクである. 損失関数微細でかつ大規模な分類タスクにおける学習を進めるために,一般的な画像認識とは異なる損失関数の定義と研究が行われてきた.現在では,正規化およびangula

                      Deep Face Recognition: A Survey まとめ|田村浩一郎@ACES
                    • The Use of Overlapped Sub-Bands in Multi-Band, Multi-SNR, Multi-Path Recognition of Noisy Word Utterances - IHARA Note

                      電子情報通信学会の英論文誌に、私が博士課程のときの後輩(当時修士課程)の論文が出た。The Use of Overlapped Sub-Bands in Multi-Band, Multi-SNR, Multi-Path Recognition of Noisy Word Utterancesである。彼と最も頻繁に最も長い時間ディスカッションしていたのが私なので、私の名前も第二著者として載せてもらっている。後ろの二人は先生である。 技術とは関係のない話からすると、彼は非常に勤勉だった。頭も使っていたし、手もよく動かした。また、英語は日常会話ならば全く問題なく流暢に喋ることができた。体力もあった。できる学生の典型像である。できる学生というのは、決して「たまにふらっと研究室に来てものすごい手際のよさで研究を終わらせていく」学生ではなく、「長時間研究室に滞在してねばり強く問題の解決にあたっていく

                        The Use of Overlapped Sub-Bands in Multi-Band, Multi-SNR, Multi-Path Recognition of Noisy Word Utterances - IHARA Note
                      • 論文輪読資料「FaceNet: A Unified Embedding for Face Recognition and Clustering」

                        論文輪読資料「FaceNet: A Unified Embedding for Face Recognition and Clustering」

                          論文輪読資料「FaceNet: A Unified Embedding for Face Recognition and Clustering」
                        • Deep Learning for Named Entity Recognition

                          Deep Learning for Named Entity Recognition About a year ago I wrote a blog post about recent research in Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing covering several subareas. One of the areas I didn’t cover was Deep Learning for Named Entity Recognition — so here are some interesting recent (2015–2016) papers related to that: Capturing Semantic Similarity for Entity Linking with Convolutional N

                          • A Statistical Learning/Pattern Recognition Glossary

                            Your browser does not support frames. Click <a href="glossary.html">here</a> for the no-frames version.

                            • Speech recognition - Wikipedia

                              Speech recognition is an interdisciplinary subfield of computer science and computational linguistics that develops methodologies and technologies that enable the recognition and translation of spoken language into text by computers. It is also known as automatic speech recognition (ASR), computer speech recognition or speech-to-text (STT). It incorporates knowledge and research in the computer sc

                              • 動画におけるパターン認識学習 その1 Field of Pattern Recognition - Qiita

                                背景 動画における、任意のパターン認識を目指して、学習していきます。 メジャーな画像の顔認識では、Facebookが開発しているDeepFaceや、Sky Biometryが提供しているクラウドベースの顔認識API(!)https://www.skybiometry.com/ があったりしますが、この記事の対象は、もっと手を動かしながら技術を理解したい人向けです。 学習素材 OpenCV: CVは、Computer Visionの略。当時インテルに在籍していた Gary Bradskyによって始められた、画像認識ライブラリです。 数百を超える画像処理アルゴリズムが使えるらしいです。OpenCV 2.x系は、C++の上に作られているそうです。 Python 2.7: 自分のMacに入っていたので。また、OpenCVのドキュメントが充実していた言語で、(Rubyやってる)自分が取っ付きやすそう

                                  動画におけるパターン認識学習 その1 Field of Pattern Recognition - Qiita
                                • Speech Recognition in Python (Text to speech) - Python

                                  We can make the computer speak with Python. Given a text string, it will speak the written words in the English language. This process is called Text To Speech (TTS). Related Course: The Complete Machine Learning Course with Python Text to speechPyttsx text to speechPytsx is a cross-platform text-to-speech wrapper. It uses different speech engines based on your operating system: nsss - NSSpeechSyn

                                  • CamScanner: text and image scanning and recognition, PDF to Word, document format conversion, online editor

                                    Boost your productivity with CamScanner Take care of work and study at home or on the go with easy-to-use features. Capture documents, forms, slides, and whiteboards into high-quality PDFs using your mobile phone. With various capture modes, you can get the best scans every time.

                                      CamScanner: text and image scanning and recognition, PDF to Word, document format conversion, online editor
                                    • 6.870 Object Recognition and Scene Understanding, Fall 2008

                                      Overview This class will review and discuss current approaches to object recognition and scene understanding in computer vision. The course will cover bag of words models, part based models, classifier based models, multiclass object recognition and transfer learning, concurrent recognition and segmentation, context models for object recognition, grammars for scene understanding and large datasets

                                      • NoodlでWeb Speech API Speech Recognitionを使う!Noodl Javascriptノードの使い方も解説 - Qiita

                                        このように、複数追加もできるようです。 Noodl1.3ではこのような処理はif文で書いていました。2.0のほうがスッキリかけそうですね。 change:function inputの値のどれかが変更されたときに実行される。 このプロジェクトのJavascriptノードの中身 サンプルでは、ラーメンをタップしたときにmySignalにtrueのシグナルを送り、音声認識を実行させています。 define({ // The input ports of the Javascript node, name of input and type inputs:{ // ExampleInput:'number', // Available types are 'number', 'string', 'boolean', 'color' and 'signal', mySignal:'signal'

                                          NoodlでWeb Speech API Speech Recognitionを使う!Noodl Javascriptノードの使い方も解説 - Qiita
                                        • ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Competition 2014 (ILSVRC2014) Workshop

                                          Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge 2014 (ILSVRC2014) Workshop Introduction The purpose of the workshop is to present the methods and results of the Image Net Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge (ILSVRC) 2014. Challenge participants with the most successful and innovative entries will be invited to present. The challenge evaluates algorithms for object detection and image classification

                                            ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Competition 2014 (ILSVRC2014) Workshop
                                          • GitHub - buriburisuri/speech-to-text-wavenet: Speech-to-Text-WaveNet : End-to-end sentence level English speech recognition based on DeepMind's WaveNet and tensorflow

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                                              GitHub - buriburisuri/speech-to-text-wavenet: Speech-to-Text-WaveNet : End-to-end sentence level English speech recognition based on DeepMind's WaveNet and tensorflow
                                            • Keras Tutorial - Traffic Sign Recognition - Sasank's Blog

                                              In this tutorial Tutorial assumes you have some basic working knowledge of machine learning and numpy. , we will get our hands dirty with deep learning by solving a real world problem. The problem we are gonna tackle is The German Traffic Sign Recognition Benchmark(GTSRB). The problem is to to recognize the traffic sign from the images. Solving this problem is essential for self-driving cars to op

                                                Keras Tutorial - Traffic Sign Recognition - Sasank's Blog
                                              • RNNのDropoutはどこに入れるべきか?:Where to Apply Dropout in Recurrent Neural Networks for Handwriting Recognition? | 10001 ideas

                                                  RNNのDropoutはどこに入れるべきか?:Where to Apply Dropout in Recurrent Neural Networks for Handwriting Recognition? | 10001 ideas
                                                • [ActionScript 3.0] Mouse Gesture Recognition│miscellaneous

                                                  マウスジェスチャをサポートするライブラリ Mouse Gesture Recognition マウスの軌跡を登録しておけば、その軌跡に近い動きをした時にイベントを通知してくれる。 下のウィンドウにマウスで四角形か三角形を(マウスをクリックしたまま一筆書きで)書いてみて下さい。 package { import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.events.*; import fl.transitions.Tween; import fl.transitions.easing.*; import com.foxaweb.ui.gesture.*; [SWF(width="400", height="400", backgroundColor="#ffffff")] public class MouseShape exte

                                                  • KantoCV/Selective Search for Object Recognition

                                                    第29回関東CV勉強会「有名論文読み会」 J. Uijlings et al., “Selective Search for Object Recognition,” IJCV 2013 Read less

                                                      KantoCV/Selective Search for Object Recognition
                                                    • Suppression of RNA recognition by Toll-like receptors: the impact of nucleoside modification and the evolutionary origin of RNA - PubMed

                                                      The .gov means it’s official. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Before sharing sensitive information, make sure you’re on a federal government site. The site is secure. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the official website and that any information you provide is encrypted and transmitted securely.

                                                        Suppression of RNA recognition by Toll-like receptors: the impact of nucleoside modification and the evolutionary origin of RNA - PubMed
                                                      • 視覚障害のある方向けの携帯アプリケーション「Real Time Object, OCR, Landmark, & Tag Recognition with Accessible Interface」 : DesignWorks Archive

                                                        【フリー壁紙】A CANDLE LOSES NOTHING by モンクレールウンアウトレット (12/20) 【フリー壁紙】A CANDLE LOSES NOTHING by ルイヴィトンコピー (01/04) 【フリー壁紙】A CANDLE LOSES NOTHING by コピーブランド (11/11) 【フリー壁紙】A CANDLE LOSES NOTHING by バーバリー 財布 メンズ (08/17) 無料で使える2010年カレンダーのまとめ by 浅見 晴美 (11/29) 現在ではほとんどの方が携帯電話を持っていますが、今日紹介するのは携帯電話の機能を利用した、視覚障害のある方向けの携帯アプリケーション「Real Time Object, OCR, Landmark, & Tag Recognition with Accessible Interface」。 こちらのアプ

                                                          視覚障害のある方向けの携帯アプリケーション「Real Time Object, OCR, Landmark, & Tag Recognition with Accessible Interface」 : DesignWorks Archive
                                                        • SnapTell - Image recognition based mobile marketing

                                                          We are an image recognition based mobile marketing company. Our Snap.Send.Get™ solution converts any image into a 100% opt-in interactive mobile ad... » READ MORE

                                                          • The Chars74K image dataset - Character Recognition in Natural Images

                                                            [ jump to download ] Character recognition is a classic pattern recognition problem for which researchers have worked since the early days of computer vision. With today's omnipresence of cameras, the applications of automatic character recognition are broader than ever. For Latin script, this is largely considered a solved problem in constrained situations, such as images of scanned documents con

                                                            • San Francisco Bans Facial Recognition Technology (Published 2019)

                                                              It’s psychologically unhealthy when people know they’re being watched in every aspect of the public realm, on the streets, in parks. That’s not the kind of city I want to live in. This is a technology that misidentified 28 members of the United States Congress. But really can be terribly misused by governments. So this legislation says we’re going to have use policies over existing and future tech

                                                                San Francisco Bans Facial Recognition Technology (Published 2019)
                                                              • Face Recognition @ ECCV2022

                                                                DeNA, Mobility TechnologiesのAI勉強会で発表した資料です face recognition分野の最新論文のキャッチアップ。ECCV 2022。 紹介論文: ・Teaching Where to Look: Attention Similarity Knowledge Distillation for Low Resolution Face Recognition ・CoupleFace: Relation Matters for Face Recognition Distillation ・BoundaryFace: A mining framework with noise label self-correction for Face Recognition ・Towards Robust Face Recognition with Comprehensive

                                                                  Face Recognition @ ECCV2022
                                                                • CS231n Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition

                                                                  Table of Contents: Quick intro without brain analogies Modeling one neuron Biological motivation and connections Single neuron as a linear classifier Commonly used activation functions Neural Network architectures Layer-wise organization Example feed-forward computation Representational power Setting number of layers and their sizes Summary Additional references Quick intro It is possible to intro

                                                                  • Tiny ImageNet Visual Recognition Challenge

                                                                    Welcome to the tiny ImageNet evaluation server. Tiny ImageNet Challenge is the default course project for Stanford CS231N. It runs similar to the ImageNet challenge (ILSVRC). The goal of the challenge is for you to do as well as possible on the Image Classification problem. You will submit your final predictions on a test set to this evaluation server and we will maintain a class leaderboard. Tiny

                                                                    • Amazon.co.jp: Machine Learning: An Algorithmic Perspective (Chapman & Hall/Crc Machine Learning & Patrtern Recognition): Marsland, Stephen: 本

                                                                        Amazon.co.jp: Machine Learning: An Algorithmic Perspective (Chapman & Hall/Crc Machine Learning & Patrtern Recognition): Marsland, Stephen: 本
                                                                      • Google’s Next Generation Music Recognition

                                                                        Posted by James Lyon, Google AI, Zürich In 2017 we launched Now Playing on the Pixel 2, using deep neural networks to bring low-power, always-on music recognition to mobile devices. In developing Now Playing, our goal was to create a small, efficient music recognizer which requires a very small fingerprint for each track in the database, allowing music recognition to be run entirely on-device with

                                                                          Google’s Next Generation Music Recognition
                                                                        • パターン認識の基礎 Introduction to Pattern Recognition パターン認識とは 入力:X (観測) 計算機 出力:Y (推定量・カテゴリ) りんご X → Y への写像を形成すること パターン認識応用例 指紋認��

                                                                          パターン認識の基礎 Introduction to Pattern Recognition パターン認識とは 入力:X (観測) 計算機 出力:Y (推定量・カテゴリ) りんご X → Y への写像を形成すること パターン認識応用例 指紋認証,音声認証,顔認証 NEC 指紋認証モジュール OMRON 顔認識技術 パターン認識応用例(contd.) 表情認識,ジェスチャ認識,手話認識 パターン認識応用例(contd.) 通信符号化,複号処理 エキスパートシステム,データマイニング 財務分析,金融予測,意思決定 認識・識別? 認識 (Recognition) re-cognition : thinking again 認知しているものを再び認知する 識別(Classification) class に分けること ある決められたグループ(class)に振り分ける パターン認識のアプローチ 統計

                                                                          • IQ Engines: Image Recognition and Visual Search

                                                                            IQ Engines: Image Recognition and Visual SearchIQ Engines recognizes and labels photos, monetizing images by matching them to relevant retailers and advertisers. Our image recognition engine is fast, accurate and scalable. We provide image intelligence via an open Developer API to retailers, photo publishers and mobile app developers.

                                                                            • Japanese character recognition

                                                                              Japanese character recognition - beta >> 日本語ページへ Since: Oct. 1, 2008 Updated: Jan 13, 2010 This server recognizes Japanese characters in a document image using OCRopus and NHocr. The server can handle only machine-printed, horizontal text lines. Dirts and rules (lines) around characters may cause recognition failure. The recognition performance is still limited. Do not send any confidential images

                                                                              • Node-REDとVisual Recognitionで画像のリア充判定をやってみた!

                                                                                Node-REDの細かい使い方などは本記事では割愛しますが、 フローチャートのような形で実装ができる様々な機能を持つノードが用意されており、それらのノードを使うことでコード(Node.js)をほぼ書かずに実装可能値の判定などやパラメータチェック、値の代入、APIへのリクエストなど様々なノードが用意されているコードを含むフローチャート全体をJSONでエクスポートすることができ、ソースの共有が簡単Deployボタンですぐにデプロイができるので、テストもすぐにできるといった特徴があります。普通に実装すると意外に面倒くさい、APIへのリクエスト~データ取得まで簡単にできてしまうので、開発者は機能の実装に集中することができます。 全てブラウザ上で操作で実装できるのでChromebookユーザの僕もらくらく実装できました。 View側の実装Node-REDではTemplateのノードでViewの部分を

                                                                                  Node-REDとVisual Recognitionで画像のリア充判定をやってみた!
                                                                                • GitHub - Hironsan/anago: Bidirectional LSTM-CRF and ELMo for Named-Entity Recognition, Part-of-Speech Tagging and so on.

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                                                                                    GitHub - Hironsan/anago: Bidirectional LSTM-CRF and ELMo for Named-Entity Recognition, Part-of-Speech Tagging and so on.