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statueの検索結果1 - 13 件 / 13件

  • Covid: Japan town builds giant squid statue with relief money

    Noto, which is known for its flying squid, hopes the giant statue will draw back tourists.

      Covid: Japan town builds giant squid statue with relief money
    • モーリスは蒼い夜に白い月を仰ぐ….🇺🇦。(a.k.a. Maurice Cenerentolo) on Twitter: "あいちトリエンナーレの少女像、作者がつけた作品名は「平和の少女像」で、英語表記は「Statue of Peace」なんだそう。「慰安婦像」という呼称/表記を採用したのは日本政府なんだってさ(Wikipedia↘︎)。議論や相反する… https://t.co/H0lLarHvgO"

      あいちトリエンナーレの少女像、作者がつけた作品名は「平和の少女像」で、英語表記は「Statue of Peace」なんだそう。「慰安婦像」という呼称/表記を採用したのは日本政府なんだってさ(Wikipedia↘︎)。議論や相反する… https://t.co/H0lLarHvgO

        モーリスは蒼い夜に白い月を仰ぐ….🇺🇦。(a.k.a. Maurice Cenerentolo) on Twitter: "あいちトリエンナーレの少女像、作者がつけた作品名は「平和の少女像」で、英語表記は「Statue of Peace」なんだそう。「慰安婦像」という呼称/表記を採用したのは日本政府なんだってさ(Wikipedia↘︎)。議論や相反する… https://t.co/H0lLarHvgO"
      • 'Comfort woman' statue pulled from Japan exhibit after threats

        TOKYO (Reuters) - A controversial statue symbolizing “comfort women” was withdrawn from a Japanese art exhibition on Saturday after organizers received security threats, amid a resurgence of tensions between Japan and South Korea rooted in their bitter wartime past. Comfort women is a euphemism for those, many of them Korean, forced to work in Japan’s World War Two brothels and is a highly emotion

          'Comfort woman' statue pulled from Japan exhibit after threats
        • Rosaria Iazzetta on Twitter: "statue of peace in protest of the censorship in the Aichi Triennale exhibition. Let’s pose as a statue. let's call… https://t.co/atDZ4ITTAC"

          statue of peace in protest of the censorship in the Aichi Triennale exhibition. Let’s pose as a statue. let's call… https://t.co/atDZ4ITTAC

            Rosaria Iazzetta on Twitter: "statue of peace in protest of the censorship in the Aichi Triennale exhibition. Let’s pose as a statue. let's call… https://t.co/atDZ4ITTAC"
          • 宮川創/So Miyagawa 国立国語研究所 宮川研究室 @So_Miyagawa 研究者の間では少し前から大変ニュースになっていましたが、紅海沿岸で、スーダンにもまあまあ近い、エジプト南東部のベレニケ遺跡で、仏像とサンスクリット語の碑文が発見されました。より詳しく学術的にはこちらを参照:https://pcma.uw.edu.pl/en/2023/04/27/buddha-statue-found-at-berenike-egypt/ 今日の授業で取り上げました。

            • 🅳🆄🅸🆃🆂 Kjeld Duits on Twitter: "SHAME ON #JAPAN Statue of a girl representing 'comfort women' at the Aichi Triennale 2019, raises fears of a terro… https://t.co/b3zAXeE99B"

              SHAME ON #JAPAN Statue of a girl representing 'comfort women' at the Aichi Triennale 2019, raises fears of a terro… https://t.co/b3zAXeE99B

                🅳🆄🅸🆃🆂 Kjeld Duits on Twitter: "SHAME ON #JAPAN Statue of a girl representing 'comfort women' at the Aichi Triennale 2019, raises fears of a terro… https://t.co/b3zAXeE99B"
              • 【Buddha statue】も凄いが【Doll statue】もすごい・・・!|今日の俺メシ - うめじろうのええじゃないか!

                こんばんわー そいやこないだ室生寺を訪れた時に、道端に「ぬおっ・・!!」と思うものが目に入りまして・・・・(゜゜)! なんや・・村人総出で・・村のなんやらの催しかえ・・(゜゜)!? と、思ったら・・・ 案山子なんですね・・・・!!^^; なんや遠目でぱっと見で見ると・・非常にリアルだから・・・ フツーに村の農家の方々かと・・思っちゃいました^^; こんなんフツーに畑仕事してるとしか・・見えへんし・・・^^; よく道端におばあちゃんが椅子に腰かけて休憩してたりしてますもんね・・^^; 何が驚いたか、って・・・ 案山子のリアルさはもとより・・・ グーグルマップに載ってたってことだよね^^;!笑 「Uda Doll Statue」って・・・何だろう・・誰かが(村の人?)がアート的な観点から展開してるとか・・?? めちゃ不思議・・・! 時として案山子見てドキぃ・・!!とする時、ありません・・^^;

                  【Buddha statue】も凄いが【Doll statue】もすごい・・・!|今日の俺メシ - うめじろうのええじゃないか!
                • Italy: bronze statue of scantily dressed woman sparks sexism row

                  The statue was unveiled in Sapri, a town in the southern Campania region, at the weekend. Photograph: www.italia2tv.it

                    Italy: bronze statue of scantily dressed woman sparks sexism row
                  • Japan town uses Covid grant to build squid statue - BBC News

                    We've updated our Privacy and Cookies PolicyWe've made some important changes to our Privacy and Cookies Policy and we want you to know what this means for you and your data. OKFind out what's changed Let us know you agree to data collection on AMPWe and our partners use technologies, such as cookies, and collect browsing data to give you the best online experience and to personalise the content a

                      Japan town uses Covid grant to build squid statue - BBC News
                    • A Giant Headless Buddha Statue Discovered Under A Residential Complex In China

                      A Giant Headless Buddha Statue Discovered Under a Residential Complex in China A 9-meter-high Buddha statue without a head was recently discovered in a residential complex in Chongqing of southwest China. Surrounded by tall buildings, the statue was covered by vegetation, with a residential structure built on top of it. Most residents were unaware of it until the vegetation was removed due to a re

                        A Giant Headless Buddha Statue Discovered Under A Residential Complex In China
                      • New Christ statue in Brazil's Encantado to be taller than Rio's

                        A head and outstretched arms have been added to Christ the Protector in the southern city of Encantado.

                          New Christ statue in Brazil's Encantado to be taller than Rio's
                        • Japanese town spent Covid-19 relief funds on giant squid statue | CNN

                          A coastal town in western Japan has drawn ire on social media for using some of the coronavirus relief funds it was given by the government to build a statue of a giant squid in the hopes of boosting tourism. The town of Noto in Ishikawa Prefecture was awarded 800 million yen ($7.3 million) in grants from the central government as part of an aid program aimed at boosting local economies amid the p

                            Japanese town spent Covid-19 relief funds on giant squid statue | CNN
                          • Calls to remove 'racist' Gandhi statue in Leicester

                            A petition accuses the man who fought for Indian independence of being fascist and racist.

                              Calls to remove 'racist' Gandhi statue in Leicester