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  • ブランシャールの現代フランス政治学 - himaginary’s diary

    ブランシャールが経済関係のツイートの合間に、欧州議会選後に風雲急を告げる状況になった母国フランスの政治動向についてツイートしている。 6/10 Macron's decision to dissolve the assembly and call new elections is smart and the right move. Either the incoherence of the RN program becomes clear during the campaign and it loses the election. Or the RN wins, gets to govern and quickly makes a mess of it. In this case, we get two bad years, compared to five if they won the

      ブランシャールの現代フランス政治学 - himaginary’s diary
    • Finding IT Jobs in Japan: A Guide for Foreigners|Himanshu Jain

      Have you ever imagined what it would be like to work as a software developer in Japan, and whether it is worthwhile? For many foreigners, Japan is an exotic country with a very different culture. For many foreigners, this country acts as a magnet. However, visiting a place and living there are altogether different things and completely different experiences. Visiting a country is like merely feeli

        Finding IT Jobs in Japan: A Guide for Foreigners|Himanshu Jain