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upscaleの検索結果401 - 440 件 / 1478件

  • OpenCVとPythonで深層学習モデルの超解像を手軽に試す

    概要 超解像とは、任意の画像を入力として解像度を上げた画像を出力するコンピュータービジョンのタスクです。近年の深層学習の発達により、より高精細で自然な超解像が可能になってきました。一方、そうした研究で提案された最新のモデルを動かすにはPytorchやTensorflow等のディープラーニングのパッケージを利用する必要があり、論文著者らにより公開されているコードを読み込んだり必要に応じて変更していく必要があります。モデル構造を深く理解したり自分のタスクに特化したものを作るにはそうしたコーディング技術が必須ですが、もう少し気軽に深層学習を用いた超解像を試して結果を見てみたい、どれくらい見た目が良くなるのかの感覚を掴みたい、ということがあると思います。 そこで今回はOpenCVとPythonを用いて、深層学習モデルの超解像を動かしてみようと思います。 方法 1. インストール 今回試す超解像は、

    • 『海外版逆転裁判2 翻訳スタッフインタビュー(NINTENDO.com)』

      逆転裁判シリーズファンのほそぼそブログ 逆転裁判シリーズ最新ニュースとか、どうでもいいネタなど、ほそぼそと語ります。 On the Wright Track: The Writers of Phoenix Wright's Sequel Discuss Their New Case http://www.nintendo.com/newsarticle?articleid=5mLTEfSPVUJJqjyIiQb3nJa-vdRURKQh&page=currentNews こちらは翻訳スタッフのBrandon Gay氏、JP Kellams氏(=Jean Pierre Kellams氏)、Janet Hsu氏へのインタビューです。 そして私の翻訳はインチ(以下略 なんだかんだで続きは出しますみたいなことを言っているので、DS3も出るのでしょうが、いつになるのか。 Nintendo Power

        『海外版逆転裁判2 翻訳スタッフインタビュー(NINTENDO.com)』
      • Wrongfully Accused by an Algorithm (Published 2020)

        To hear more audio stories from publishers like The New York Times, download Audm for iPhone or Android. On a Thursday afternoon in January, Robert Julian-Borchak Williams was in his office at an automotive supply company when he got a call from the Detroit Police Department telling him to come to the station to be arrested. He thought at first that it was a prank. An hour later, when he pulled in

          Wrongfully Accused by an Algorithm (Published 2020)
        • 20 Things I Learned While I Was in North Korea — Wait But Why

          Well that was weird. I was only in North Korea for five days, but that was more than enough to make it clear that North Korea is every bit as weird as I always thought it was. If you merged the Soviet Union under Stalin with an ancient Chinese Empire, mixed in The Truman Show and then made the whole thing Holocaust-esque, you have modern day North Korea. It’s a dictatorship of the most extreme kin

            20 Things I Learned While I Was in North Korea — Wait But Why
          • WinXDVD Anniversary Celebration - Get AI-powered Video/Image Enhancer & Converter Free

            Winxvideo AI AI-powered video enhancer & converter. Upscale, stabilize, convert, edit video. Complete toolkit powered by AI. Enhance old, low-quality video/image, upscale to 4K, stabilize shaky video, boost frame rate to 120/240fps, convert, compress, record, and edit 4K/8K/HDR video with full GPU acceleration, achieving cinema-grade visuals in every frame. Learn More >>

              WinXDVD Anniversary Celebration - Get AI-powered Video/Image Enhancer & Converter Free
            • 【色辞典】色名プロンプト118種類比較【StableDiffusion】|くろまる_AI/ColorMerry_AI

              1.AI画像生成、色指定はどうする?AI画像を生成する際に、服や髪の毛など、色にこだわってみたいけど 「どんな色名をプロンプトに入れたら良いかわからない」 ということありませんか? というのも、実際の色名を入れたからと言って、その色名が指す本当の色と生成結果が一致するとは限らないからです。 そこで、【色辞典として色名プロンプト118種類】の比較をしてみましたので、是非参考にしてみてください。 2.前提条件今回の色比較は、StableDiffusion上にて以下のような設定で行いました。 実際に使用する際には、特にモデルやLoraの影響は大きいと思いますので、ご留意ください。 (BRA系でも今後やるかもしれません。余裕があれば。多分、きっと。) Model:chilled_remix_v2(以下にHugging Faceのリンクあり) Lora:なし Sampling method:DPM+

              • 北米都市におけるジェントリフィケーションの展開──バンクーバー ダウンタウン・イーストサイド地区の現在

                1. 都市バンクーバーの成長と発展 バンクーバーはカナダ・ブリティッシュコロンビア州(以下、BC州)南西岸に位置する都市であり、都市圏としてはトロント、モントリオールに次ぐ国内第3位の規模を誇る。2011年の国勢調査によれば市人口は60万人、周辺都市を含むバンクーバー都市圏(メトロバンクーバー)の人口は231万人であり、いずれも前回の2006年調査よりも増加傾向にある。 現在のバンクーバーおよび周辺地域には少なくとも3,000年以上前から先住民★1が居住していたが、18世紀に英国の探検家がこの地域に到達して以降、ヨーロッパ人の入植が始まり、林業や鉱業の拠点、貿易都市として発展した。1880年代には市内東部に位置するギャスタウン(Gastown)に州都が置かれ、周辺地域が発展するとともに大陸横断鉄道定期便の開業、東洋との間を結ぶ航路の開設などによって大西洋側と太平洋側を結ぶ北太平洋の重要な港

                  北米都市におけるジェントリフィケーションの展開──バンクーバー ダウンタウン・イーストサイド地区の現在
                • Palin has created quite a stir ... with her designer glasses - USATODAY.com

                  Sarah Palin, the vice presidential pick of John McCain, left, says hello to a Dayton, Ohio, crowd. It's been awhile since the optical business has been as charged by celebrity specs as it has by the rimless pair the vice presidential nominee wears most of the time. If she wins, it could rock the vision-care market, which totals $26.6 billion a year, says tracker Jobson Optical Research. It's alrea

                  • Best Google AdSense Alternatives: 2019 Top Contextual PPC Ad Networks

                    AdSense Review Overall Rating Why Publishers Like It It is generally seen as the gold standard of contextual ad programs. Google owns about a third of the global online ad market & has a higher share in some locations (especially outside of the US, China & South Korea) as well as some categories like mobile & search ads. When it works, it can be a terrific set-n-forget revenue source which helps s

                    • Kobe Town

                      Japanese shopping has long been renowned for its unique blend of tradition and innovation, offering a wide range of stores and trends to cater to the diverse interests and tastes of shoppers. One notable example is the vibrant district of Harajuku in Tokyo, which has become synonymous with avant-garde fashion and subcultures. Here, young trendsetters can be seen sporting eccentric outfits that com

                        Kobe Town
                      • LittleBrother – 画面表示のズームレベル&解像度を変更! [JBApp]

                        画面表示の拡大率、また解像度を好きな様に変更出来ちゃう『LittleBrother』のご紹介。 通常は決められた解像度&拡大率でしか使用する事は出来ません。一部には選択肢もありますが、ふたつしかなく、オプションも存在しません。 ですが『LittleBrother』では、「iPhone 5/5s・iPhone 6・iPhone 6 Plus」と同じ拡大率に切り替えて使用する事が可能! また、好きな解像度を指定して使用する事も出来ます。更にホーム画面・ロック画面の回転を許可といったオプションも。 ちなみに、【Upscale】と【Magnify】を合体させ、オプションを追加した…といったイメージ。

                          LittleBrother – 画面表示のズームレベル&解像度を変更! [JBApp]
                        • most viewed image on google - pimabep’s diary

                          = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =========> Download Link most viewed image on google = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 1 2013's Most Viewed Images According to Google Trends. 2 2013's Most Viewed Images According to Google Trends. 3 2013's Most Viewed. Explore charts of the most searched real-world people

                            most viewed image on google - pimabep’s diary
                          • The Guild | Upscale Hotel Rooms and Suites

                            This device won’t receive updates because Google Chrome no longer supports your operating system.

                              The Guild | Upscale Hotel Rooms and Suites
                            • Opinion | Dinner, Disrupted (Published 2016)

                              SAN FRANCISCO — At a fancy Silicon Valley restaurant where the micro-greens came from a farm called Love Apple, I got a definitive taste of California in the age of the plutocrats. This state — and this native of it — have long indulged a borderline-comic impulse toward self-expression through lifestyle and food, as if success might be a matter of nailing the perfect combination of surf trunks, gr

                                Opinion | Dinner, Disrupted (Published 2016)
                              • La Tortillería | A Creative Company

                                Third Wave Coffee Coffee Fields Forever is a Palestinian brand that caters to a discerning clientele of coffee lovers. The brand aims to provide a third-wave coffee experience. The cultural movement considers this drink an artisanal item of the highest quality, the consumption of which includes sensory exploration, connoisseurship, and proper education for its best enjoyment. We came up with a nam

                                  La Tortillería | A Creative Company
                                • Egypt protests - Friday 11 February

                                  • This blogpost is now closed. Please click here for live coverage • Egyptian army backs away from ousting Mubarak • Supreme military council supports gradual transition • Mass demonstrations beginning in Tahrir Square • US says Mubarak's statement is not enough • Read a lunchtime summary • Protesting in Egypt? Call +44 203 353 2959 to tell your story ترجم هذه الصفحة إلى العربية Egyptian protester

                                    Egypt protests - Friday 11 February
                                  • thiros/YuzuLemonTea · Hugging Face

                                    YuzuLemonTea Mix models ☕ List of my experimental merge models Recommended Settings YuzuLemonMilk YuzuLemonChaiLatte YuzuGinger important notice(Jan 15/23) According to bbc-mc's note, there is a possibility of bug that some token(prompt) can be ignored, when merge with "add difference" option. Milk and ChaiLatte models are now replaced with bug-fix ver. https://note.com/bbcmc/n/n12c05bf109cc Recom

                                      thiros/YuzuLemonTea · Hugging Face
                                    • Kevin Kelly -- Cool Tools - Marker Board Walls

                                      Turns out that brainstorming is an epigraphic activity — something best done on walls. Reading and writing on walls is a different function than reading a book. A broad wall-view is an ideal approach for collaborative design — multiple views in a single glance. Thus the tremendous interest in flip charts, graphic capture, doodling, giant post-its, whiteboards, and all the electronic equivalents of

                                        Kevin Kelly -- Cool Tools - Marker Board Walls
                                      • China’s Rich Kids Head West

                                        A reality show, “Ultra Rich Asian Girls of Vancouver,” chronicles the lives of Weymi Cho (left) and a group of friends.Photograph by Angie Smith for The New Yorker On a crisp Sunday morning in November, Weymi Cho picked me up at my hotel, in downtown Vancouver, in her new car, a white Maserati GranTurismo with a red leather interior. She had slept only two hours the night before. A new karaoke mac

                                          China’s Rich Kids Head West
                                        • Infographic: What Men's Style Blog Should You Be Reading?

                                          These days, there's a lot of choices when it comes to style advice. You've got publications like us, dudes on twitter, and of course, plenty of style blogs. Need to figure out which one is the most pertinent to your interests? We got you. Here's our Infographic: Which Men's Style Blog Should You Be Reading? And if you need the URL for your results. We have a handy dandy link guide below the pic. T

                                            Infographic: What Men's Style Blog Should You Be Reading?
                                          • Small objects detection problem

                                            Machine learning is getting in more and more parts of our everyday lives. From the personally served ads and movie recommendations to self-driving cars and automated food delivery services. Almost all modern automated machinery ‘sees’ the world, but not like we do. They have to specifically detect and classify each object in order to see and acknowledge it as we humans do. While all modern detecti

                                              Small objects detection problem
                                            • OedoSoldier/ambientmix · Hugging Face

                                              Civitai: https://civitai.com/models/26622 Descriptions This is a fine-tuned variant derived from Animix, trained with selected beautiful anime images. It gives you more delicate anime-like illustrations and a lesser AI feeling. This image shows a comparison between three of my mix models: Aniflatmix, Animix, and Ambientmix (this model). Recommend settings: VAE: Orangemix / NAI Sampler: DPM++ 2M Ka

                                                OedoSoldier/ambientmix · Hugging Face
                                              • Ron Conway is a Silicon Valley startup's best friend - Fortune Tech

                                                The prolific angel investor has rarely met an Internet startup he didn't like. When it comes to picking the next big thing, there's a right way and a wrong way. And then there's the Conway. Ron Conway, with Coco, his rescue dog, photographed at their San Francisco home FORTUNE -- The rooftop deck of Ron Conway's San Francisco apartment building is packed with a random and seemingly incongruous ass

                                                • 23 Best Cafe & Restaurant WordPress Themes 2024 - freshDesignweb

                                                  Are you looking to create an elegant and functional website for your cafe or restaurant? Look no further than these top Cafe & Restaurant WordPress Themes! These professionally designed themes are perfect for showcasing your menu, services, and creating a delightful online experience for your visitors. With their responsive design, these WordPress themes will ensure that your website looks great o

                                                    23 Best Cafe & Restaurant WordPress Themes 2024 - freshDesignweb
                                                  • Kodi (software) - Wikipedia

                                                    Kodi (formerly XBMC) is a free and open-source media player and technology convergence software application developed by the Kodi Foundation, a non-profit technology consortium.[5] Kodi is available for multiple operating systems and hardware platforms, with a software 10-foot user interface for use with televisions and remote controls. It allows users to play and view most streaming media, such a

                                                      Kodi (software) - Wikipedia
                                                    • Splacer | find creative venues and corporate spaces for your next event

                                                      Please note the pricing you see on Splacer is not final as it doesn't include our studio manager fee, cleaning fee, Splacer fees or our tiered pricing. We rent our spaces for 4 categories: meetings, productions, events, and showrooms. Each category has different minimum hours, pricing, cleaning fees, etc. We always charge three mandatory standard fees: space rental, cleaning, and studio manager. S

                                                        Splacer | find creative venues and corporate spaces for your next event
                                                      • 10 Music Marketing Predictions For 2017 [JESSE KIRSHBAUM] - Hypebot

                                                        10 Music Marketing Predictions For 2017 [JESSE KIRSHBAUM] 2016 was a good year for growth in the music industry, with massive expansion seen on multiple industry fronts. In this piece, Jesse Kirshbaum of looks ahead to what the year 2017 will likely bring for the music business. ______________________ Guest post by Jesse Kirshbaum of Nu Aency Eight percent. The music industry grew 8.1 percent to $

                                                          10 Music Marketing Predictions For 2017 [JESSE KIRSHBAUM] - Hypebot
                                                        • Gideon Levy / The Holocaust and Israeli occupation cannot be compared - Haaretz - Israel News

                                                          Gideon Levy / The Holocaust and Israeli occupation cannot be compared The Israeli soldiers played backgammon in their tent as a Palestinian ambulance stood waiting, its red lights flashing. The sight of the ambulance, holding an agonized woman, was not enough to cause any of the soldiers to take a break from their game. This went on for half an hour, until my patience finally ran out. It w

                                                          • Fold-Pak® Foodservice Packaging | Folding Carton To-Go Containers

                                                            It’s important to create and uphold your restaurant image for a positive dining experience. Carryout containers go home with the customer and serve as the last impression. Fold-Pak® containers help make sure that impression is a good one. Our quality paperboard containers provide an upscale, efficient and affordable solution for leftovers and takeout. Additionally, paperboard containers are recycl

                                                              Fold-Pak® Foodservice Packaging | Folding Carton To-Go Containers
                                                            • GPT-3 Creative Fiction · Gwern.net

                                                              Creative writing by OpenAI’s GPT-3 model, demonstrating poetry, dialogue, puns, literary parodies, and storytelling. Plus advice on effective GPT-3 prompt programming & avoiding common errors. I continue my AI poetry generation experiments with OpenAI’s GPT-3 (released mid-2020), which is 116× larger, and much more powerful, than the 2019 GPT-2. GPT-3, however, is not merely a quantitative tweak y

                                                                GPT-3 Creative Fiction · Gwern.net
                                                              • AIで写真を一番きれいに拡大するのはどれ?「NiceScaler」「Real-ESRGAN」「Upscayl」 - パソコン鳥のブログ

                                                                AIで画質を落とさずに画像を拡大するツールで、最近のものには「NiceScaler」「Real-ESRGAN」「Upscayl」がありますが、写真を拡大するには NiceScaler がいいようです。 NiceScaler:GitHub – Djdefrag/NiceScaler: NiceScaler – Image/video DeepLearning Upscaler Real-ESRGAN:GitHub – xinntao/Real-ESRGAN: Real-ESRGAN aims at developing Practical Algorithms for General Image/Video Restoration. Upscayl:GitHub – upscayl/upscayl: 🆙 Upscayl – Free and Open Source AI Image Ups

                                                                  AIで写真を一番きれいに拡大するのはどれ?「NiceScaler」「Real-ESRGAN」「Upscayl」 - パソコン鳥のブログ
                                                                • stable-diffusion-webuiをWSL2で動かす その2 - TadaoYamaokaの開発日記

                                                                  昨日導入方法を書いたstable-diffusion-webuiにGFPGANとRealESRGANを導入する。 GFPGANは、顔を改善するモデルで、RealESRGANは解像度2倍にするモデルである。 それぞれ適用した場合の比較画像は、公式のページにサンプルがある。 GitHub - hlky/stable-diffusion-webui: Stable Diffusion web UI ライブラリインストール GFPGANとRealESRGANに必要になるライブラリをインストールする。 バージョン不整合を防ぐために、以前のpipでインストールしたライブラリも再度同時にインストールする。 pip install diffusers transformers scipy ftfy invisible-watermark gradio pynvml omegaconf pytorch_li

                                                                    stable-diffusion-webuiをWSL2で動かす その2 - TadaoYamaokaの開発日記
                                                                  • 【AI】美女の顔を作りまくろう!Hires.fixのおすすめのやり方 【stable diffusion webui】|創エネ学習専用 - FEとAIと3Dとゲーム -

                                                                    【AI】美女の顔を作りまくろう!Hires.fixのおすすめのやり方 【stable diffusion webui】 txt2imgで生成リアル系のt2iのHires.fixのおすすめのやり方です。(今のぼくのやり方) 1.civitaiかちちぷいで優良プロンプトをディグる適当にcivitaiかちちぷいで優良プロンプトをディグ(掘る)ります。リアル系の公開者が多くて見つけやすいからですね。 ちちぷい(呪文あり、AIフォト) 例 : https://www.chichi-pui.com/posts/09d87f2b-5bc2-41d5-b079-b6ba48fc0faf/ civitaiの場合は良さげなモデルとかLoraの作例に書かれています。 例 : https://civitai.com/gallery/130877?reviewId=18419&infinite=false&retu

                                                                      【AI】美女の顔を作りまくろう!Hires.fixのおすすめのやり方 【stable diffusion webui】|創エネ学習専用 - FEとAIと3Dとゲーム -
                                                                    • AFLAX: The AJAX Library for the Adobe Flash Platform

                                                                      AIAA SciTech Forum and Exposition : Plan Your Trip. Travel Tips Exposition/Sponsorship Speakers Recognition Papers/Presentations About 4–8 January 2016 Manchester Grand Hyatt, San Diego, California Plan Your Trip Make plans now for SciTech Where has the conference been held in recent years? 4-8 January 2016 Manchester Grand Hyatt, Hotels in San Diego, California! 9–13 January 2017 Gaylord Texan, H

                                                                      • Emano Tec -

                                                                        The Benefits of Phone Psychic NZ When searching FLQ NZ psychics for a psychic reading, it’s important to choose a service that has a good reputation. A reputable phone psychic will have full contact information, including a work address and a reference number. You should also feel comfortable discussing personal issues with them. If you’re looking for a spiritual reading that can help you move for

                                                                        • Paper Bags as Fashion Statements (Published 2009)

                                                                          Even department store mannequins carry paper bags. Credit...Kaori Shoji TOKYO — In a city once known as fashion addict central for Asia, the shop-till-you-drop lifestyle has not only become passé, it’s now also an object of ridicule. Examples of excessive consumerism no longer draw envious sighs; they are now a cue for laughter. Early this year a 33-year-old woman had so crammed her studio apartme

                                                                            Paper Bags as Fashion Statements (Published 2009)
                                                                          • In Burma a Buddha With Headphones Will Land You in Jail

                                                                            Updated Apr. 14, 2017 11:54AM EDT / Published Mar. 17, 2015 1:40PM EDT RANGOON, Burma — A bar manager from New Zealand and his two colleagues have been jailed in Burma for two and a half years with hard labor because they used a psychedelic image of Buddha wearing headphones for a drinks promotion. The men were arrested under a draconian religious law after extremist monks voiced outrage against t

                                                                              In Burma a Buddha With Headphones Will Land You in Jail
                                                                            • Orange County business Signage, Business Signs made and Installed, company business signs

                                                                              Welcome to Anaheim Signs, your premier destination in Orange County for high-quality signage solutions. With years of experience and a commitment to excellence, we take pride in delivering exceptional sign products and services to businesses, local shops, stores, and ,companies, in Southern California and beyond. At Anaheim Signs, we understand the power of effective signage in capturing attention

                                                                                Orange County business Signage, Business Signs made and Installed, company business signs
                                                                              • Hearing Bilingual: How Babies Sort Out Language (Published 2011)

                                                                                Once, experts feared that young children exposed to more than one language would suffer “language confusion,” which might delay their speech development. Today, parents often are urged to capitalize on that early knack for acquiring language. Upscale schools market themselves with promises of deep immersion in Spanish — or Mandarin — for everyone, starting in kindergarten or even before. Yet while

                                                                                  Hearing Bilingual: How Babies Sort Out Language (Published 2011)
                                                                                • Unityでヨッシーアイランドのタイトルのアレを再現してみよう

                                                                                  当記事はUnity #2 Advent Calendar 2020 11日目の記事となっております。 はじめに 皆さまはヨッシーアイランドをプレイしたことはありますでしょうか? プレイしたことある方も、プレイしたことが無い方も以下の動画の初めの部分をまずはご覧ください。 ヨッシーアイランドのタイトル画面では2Dのオブジェクトがあたかも3D空間にあるような表現が使用されています。 通常のスーパーファミコン上ではこのような表現は行えないのですが、ヨッシーアイランドのロムはスーパーFXチップという特殊なチップを搭載しており、そのチップの演算能力によってあのようなタイトル演出を実現しておりました。 今回はそんなヨッシーアイランドのタイトル演出をUnity上で再現してみました。 実装成果物 以下のツイート内動画をご覧ください。 使用した画像素材 今回の実装の際に使用した画像素材は全て自作となっており
