nim-fuseについてはちゃんとメンテしますが、Nim引退しようと思います。たぶんこの引退は覆りません。 この前Rustを引退して、今後はNimも引退します。 coreutils splitのマージ。そしてRust引退 - テストステ論 私はOSだとかストレージだとか、システムプログラミングばかりやってる人間であって、基本的にC言語ばかり書いているわけですが、C言語は全く糞だしもう人類はこれを使うべきではないと思っています。そう思う人が少なくないのか、次世代システムプログラミングを作る流れがあって、有名順でいうと、D > Rust > Nimという感じになるのでしょうか。 このうち、Dについては本を読みかけの段階でリタイア(難しすぎる!!!)して、Rustはcoreutilsにいくつかコードを入れて引退、Nimはnim-fuseを作って引退。使ってみると色々と悪いところが見えてくるもので
Listed below are all of the tasks on Rosetta Code which have been solved using Nim. Nim (formerly known as Nimrod) is a general purpose, high-level, system programming, statically typed imperative compiled programming language that is developed by Andreas Rumpf. There is a lot of focus on portability and efficiency. The language compiles to C, C++ and JavaScript. Nim is actively being developed. T
Write statistical models in the BUGS language from R NIMBLE adopts and extends BUGS as a modeling language and lets you program with the models you create. Other packages that use the BUGS language are only for Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). With NIMBLE, you can turn BUGS code into model objects and use them for whatever algorithm you want. That includes algorithms provided with NIMBLE and algor
This module implements a simple HTTP-Server. Example: import strutils, sockets, httpserver var counter = 0 proc handleRequest(client: Socket, path, query: string): bool {.procvar.} = inc(counter) client.send("Hello for the $#th time." % $counter & wwwNL) return false # do not stop processing run(handleRequest, Port(80)) Types TServer = object of RootObj socket: Socket port: Port client*: Socket ##
Introduction "Der Mensch ist doch ein Augentier -- schöne Dinge wünsch ich mir." This document is a tutorial for the programming language Nim. This tutorial assumes that you are familiar with basic programming concepts like variables, types or statements but is kept very basic. The manual contains many more examples of the advanced language features. The first programWe start the tour with a modif
Attach files by dragging & dropping, selecting or pasting them. Loading Uploading your files… We don’t support that file type. Try again with a GIF, JPEG, JPG, MOV, MP4, PNG, SVG or WEBM. Attaching documents requires write permission to this repository. Try again with a GIF, JPEG, JPG, MOV, MP4, PNG, SVG or WEBM. We don’t support that file type. Try again with a GIF, JPEG, JPG, MOV, MP4, PNG, SVG
"The road to hell is paved with good intentions." IntroductionThis document describes how the GC works and how to tune it for (soft) realtime systems. The basic algorithm is Deferred Reference Counting with cycle detection. References on the stack are not counted for better performance (and easier C code generation). The GC never scans the whole heap but it may scan the delta-subgraph of the heap