
歴史-概念に関するrrmmjjffのブックマーク (1)

  • Working class - Wikipedia

    Construction workers, commonly regarded as working class, at work at St. Paul's Hospital Cardiac center in Ethiopia, 2017 The working class is a subset of employees who are compensated with wage or salary-based contracts, whose exact membership varies from definition to definition.[1][2] Members of the working class rely primarily upon earnings from wage labour. Most common definitions of "working

    Working class - Wikipedia
    rrmmjjff 2009/03/01
    E.J.Thompson『イギリス労働者階級の誕生』/"the nature of the working class...Two broad schools...: those aligned with 20th-century sociological stratum models of class society, and those aligned with the 19th-century historical materialism economic models of the Marxists and Anarchists.
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