Network Simulator ns-3 is a discrete-event network simulator for Internet systems, targeted primarily for research and educational use. ns-3 is free, open-source software, licensed under the GNU GPLv2 license, and maintained by a worldwide community. Recent News (Older) May 29, 2024 ns-3.42 released The ns-3.42 release has been published. This release provides a new Non-Terrestrial Networks (NTN)
In case that you use and/or modify any code provided at this site for your own research and subsequent publications, we request that you a) provide a suitable acknowledgement and b) provide us with a copy of your code Our interest is in the analysis of the performance of the contention access part (CAP) of IEEE 802.15.4 MAC organized in a star topology and operating in beacon-enabled mode with all
NS2とはいわゆるネットワークシミュレータのことです。カリフォルニア大学バークレイ校で開発され現在も拡張が続けられています。私も諸般の事情からこのNS2を見たり触ったりしていますが、そのシステムの複雑さに阿鼻叫喚しているのは、どうやら自分だけではないということに気づきました。数こそは少ないようですが... ここではそのNS2の学習手順についてまとめてみました。そもそも理解の手順なんてのは人によって千差万別なのでしょうから、あくまで一例ということでご紹介します。
Question: How can you set the communication radius in wireless nodes? Answer: To set communication radius, you have to set the receiving threshold value, RXThresh_. This can be obtained by running the program ~ns/indep-utils/propagation/ (compile using g++ and the option –lm) and specifying the propagation model and the desired radius. Then in your script, before creating the simul
Note: A few answers come from the discussion in Ns2 mail list and are proved to be effective. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question 1: Scheduler:: Event UID not valid! Answer: Each event in NS2 has a unique UID. The scheduler toggles the UID twice, once during dispatching and once during scheduling. Thus, the event has a positive UID after being sche