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PHPとdddに関するsangotaroのブックマーク (1)

  • Domain-Driven Design in PHP

    In 2014, after two years of reading about and working with Domain-Driven Design, Carlos and Christian, friends and workmates, traveled to Berlin to participate in Vaughn Vernon's Implementing Domain-Driven Design Workshop. The training was fantastic, and all the concepts that were swirling around in their minds prior to the trip suddenly became very real. However, they were almost no PHP developer

    Domain-Driven Design in PHP
    sangotaro 2015/06/30
    PHPでDDDの実装を解説した本。実践ドメイン駆動設計の原著にインスパイアされてる。著者はVaughn Vernonのワークショップにも参加したらしい。
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