“#DBCLS の坊農秀雅と小野浩雅、広島大学原爆放射線医科学研究所 谷本圭司らの研究グループによる論文 “GLIS1, a novel hypoxia-inducible transcription factor, promotes breast cancer cell motility via activation of WNT5A” がCarcinogenesis誌に掲載”
“A paper “Superoxide dismutase down-regulation and the oxidative stress is required to initiate pupation in Bombyx mori” was published in Scientific Reports. Dr. Hidemasa Bono from DBCLS has contributed to this work in meta-analysis of transcriptome data from a public gene expression database.
“#DBCLS の山口敦子特任准教授と山本泰智特任准教授による論文 “Split4Blank: Maintaining consistency while improving efficiency of loading RDF data with blank nodes ” が PLOS ONE 誌に掲載されました。 論文はオープンアクセスで…”