出演:オトノ葉Entertainment、小林すみえ、他 監督・撮影・編集:松本卓也 (シネマ健康会) http://matsumoto-movie.hp.infoseek 出演:オトノ葉Entertainment、小林すみえ、他 監督・撮影・編集:松本卓也 (シネマ健康会) http://matsumoto-movie.hp.infoseek.co.jp/ 解説/ オトノ葉Entertainmentの真冬にリリースの真夏感たっぷりのこの曲。 スペースシャワーTV や MUSIC ON TV でも放映中! ※そのPVの特別ワンカットバージョン! 通常版はこちら http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=v60T004iToM (続き) (一部表示)
What would the Simpsons look like if they were real people? Keeping your feedback in mind from our original Homer study, along with the characteristics of the family members, the following presentation reveals how the entire family would look as real Simpsonoids. Homer, in his mid-30’s is our favorite donut eating, bumbling buffoon. As a real person, he has proven to be a funny (and often scary) s
Makeover of a big lady. Just to show the power of Photoshop. The photo is from Homicidal_Dream found in DeviantART, thanks so much to the photographer.
I'm feeling a total rush of creativity through me, it's as if somehow I'm connected. I love when art gives me meaning and brings out the cornyness in myself. Again another piece much appreciated. I also have the wacom, but obviously I've not seen work like this. I'm well aware of the many techniques possible and I wish I'd be able to aquire them, with my mediocre skills i currently have and all. W