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  • インナーチャイルドを癒す瞑想方法*子供の頃の心の傷に癒しを - 希望発見ブログLooking for HOPE

    『寒さに震えた人ほど、太陽の暖かさを感じる。人生の悩みをくぐった人ほど、生命の尊さを知る』(ウォルター ホイットマン Walter Whitman 1819-1892 詩人) 今回の記事の参考文献:前世療法、前世療法②、魂の療法、(ブライアン ワイス)心が満たされる本、心が安らぐ本(ルイーズ ヘイ) その心の傷は、あなたのせいじゃない 瞑想を始める時、最低限知っておく5つのこと+驚くべき効能 インナーチャイルド・子供の頃の心の傷を癒す瞑想方法 恨みや復讐は何も解決しない*親もまた、不安と緊張の中で生きる失敗を繰り返す人間 その心の傷は、あなたのせいじゃない あなたの心の中には、5歳の頃のか弱い自分がいますか?10歳の頃の自分は? 実は誰しも、現在の年齢に関わりがなく、インナーチャイルドと呼ばれる子供時代の自分が存在します。記憶と意識の中の両方で。 子供時代に親や教育者による虐待や暴言によっ

      インナーチャイルドを癒す瞑想方法*子供の頃の心の傷に癒しを - 希望発見ブログLooking for HOPE
    • The Architecture Behind A One-Person Tech Startup

      The Architecture Behind A One-Person Tech StartupApr 7, 2021@anthonynsimon This is a long-form post breaking down the setup I use to run a SaaS. From load balancing to cron job monitoring to payments and subscriptions. There's a lot of ground to cover, so buckle up! As grandiose as the title of this article might sound, I should clarify we’re talking about a low-stress, one-person company that I r

        The Architecture Behind A One-Person Tech Startup
      • Japanese Origami: The Art of Paper Folding

        Origami (折り紙), the beautiful and delicate Japanese paper folding art, is to create beautiful shapes and models. This ancient and time-honored art possesses a rich, vibrant, and somewhat mysterious history transcending time and borders. The word Origami has two parts, ‘Ori‘ (折り), meaning to fold, and ‘Kami‘ (紙), meaning paper. However, Kami here becomes ‘Gami‘ because of the Rendaku phenomenon. Ori

          Japanese Origami: The Art of Paper Folding
        • Lesser-Known Best Tourist Spots in Japan: A Guide to the Road Less Traveled

          Japan is a country that is full of surprises for tourists. While many visitors are drawn to its lively, busy cities and famous landmarks, many hidden gems await discovery. From must-see tourist spots ranging from serene mountain villages to coastal towns with beautiful beaches, Japan is home to many lesser-known fascinating tourist places that offer a unique and amazing travel experience. Let us e

            Lesser-Known Best Tourist Spots in Japan: A Guide to the Road Less Traveled