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hearteningの検索結果1 - 6 件 / 6件

  • テック企業の「善意(または事なかれ主義)」の撤退がプーチンの独裁体制を強化する | p2ptk[.]org

    テック企業の「善意(または事なかれ主義)」の撤退がプーチンの独裁体制を強化する投稿者: heatwave_p2p 投稿日: 2022/4/12022/4/1 Access Now ロシアのウラジーミル・プーチン大統領とベラルーシのアレクサンドル・ルカシェンコ大統領は、国民がFacebookやInstagramなどのソーシャルメディアプラットフォームを通じて外の世界にアクセスすることを何年にもわたって阻止しようとしてきたが、そのたびに失敗を繰り返してきた。現在、プーチンはルカシェンコへの影響力を利用してウクライナへの全面侵攻を支持させているように、西側企業やメディアのなかには、反対の声を上げる人たちを意図せず黙らせる手助けをしているところもある。ここでは、ロシアとベラルーシでの反戦の声を守るための4つの方法を紹介したい。 1. プーチンのプロパガンダに対抗するためにインターネットを分断しては

      テック企業の「善意(または事なかれ主義)」の撤退がプーチンの独裁体制を強化する | p2ptk[.]org
    • Opinion | No Single Player Can Win This Board Game. It’s Called Pandemic. (Published 2020)

      Our new reality became very immediate for my wife Donna and me in late February, when she came down with nasty, flulike symptoms and couldn’t get tested for the coronavirus for four long weeks. When she finally did, we were relieved the test came back negative. But this felt personal in more ways than one: Donna was the inspiration for Pandemic, a board game that was originally released in 2008. I

        Opinion | No Single Player Can Win This Board Game. It’s Called Pandemic. (Published 2020)
      • Writing a book: is it worth it? — Martin Kleppmann’s blog

        Published by Martin Kleppmann on 29 Sep 2020. My book, Designing Data-Intensive Applications, recently passed the milestone of 100,000 copies sold. Last year, it was the second-best-selling book in O’Reilly’s entire catalogue, second only to Aurélien Géron’s machine learning book. Machine learning is obviously a hot topic, so I am quite content with coming second to it! 😄 To me, the success of th

        • Law Prof. Ramseyer Thanked Supporter Who Disparaged Korean People, According to Email Exchange Posted Online | News | The Harvard Crimson

          Harvard Law professor of Japanese Legal Studies J. Mark Ramseyer reportedly sent a thank you message to a supporter this week whose email denigrated Koreans’ “national character” and called Ramseyer Japan’s “only hope.” Ramseyer is already under fire in Korea for a paper that claims — against the historical consensus — that sex slaves under the Imperial Japanese military, known as “comfort women,”

            Law Prof. Ramseyer Thanked Supporter Who Disparaged Korean People, According to Email Exchange Posted Online | News | The Harvard Crimson
          • Kanji for Heart: 心 (Kokoro)

            The Japanese kanji for “Heart” is 心. The Kunyomi or the Japanese pronunciation of the Kanji 心 is Kokoro (こころ), and the Onyomi (Chinese) pronunciation is “shin” (シン). Heart’s Kanji is constructed with 4 strokes. This Kanji is a part of the JLPT N4 syllabus (please check the list of JLPT N4 kanji). In Japanese schools, this Kanji is taught in grade 2. This article will discuss the origin of Heart’s

              Kanji for Heart: 心 (Kokoro)
            • 2023 Annual Rust Survey Results | Rust Blog

              Hello, Rustaceans! The Rust Survey Team is excited to share the results of our 2023 survey on the Rust Programming language, conducted between December 18, 2023 and January 15, 2024. As in previous years, the 2023 State of Rust Survey was focused on gathering insights and feedback from Rust users, and all those who are interested in the future of Rust more generally. This eighth edition of the sur

                2023 Annual Rust Survey Results | Rust Blog