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  • 探しものがはかどる検索エンジンDuckDuckGo、NDC順Bangリスト

    DuckDuckGo(https://duckduckgo.com)はプライバシーの保護に重きを置いている検索エンジンのひとつである。 特筆すべきは、Bangという機能があって、探しものがとてもはかどる。 たとえば「!a 図書館」(ビックリマーク+アルファベットのa+スペース+検索語)と入力するとAmazonを検索してくれる。 こんな風に「!+何か」 で特定のサイトのみの検索ができる機能がBangである。 検索エンジンが使えなくなった(クズみたいなサイトが上位に来て、欲しい情報が見つからない等)と言われて久しいが、探すべきサイトにダイレクトで検索することで、この問題のかなりの部分が解決する。 よく使いそうなのは ! (キーワード) 最初の検索結果へ直接ジャンプ !i イメージ検索 !m 地図検索 !n ニュース検索 !v 動画検索 !w ウィキペディア検索 !pdf PDFファイルだけを検

    • 訳文;「そこにはなんの報酬もありません。このゲームが何を為していてどう機能しているのか、ただただ見ていたかったのです」ジェンキンズ、カーソン、ホッキング、『Outer Wilds』へつづく2,3の論考 - すやすや眠るみたくすらすら書けたら

      翻訳の秋が今年もきました。また去年みたく面白い記事をいくつか見つけて勝手に紹介したいところです! 去年アップした『訳文;「"好奇心駆動型の冒険"とでも言うべき特殊なタイプの冒険に報酬を与えるゲームをつくりたい、それが『Outer Wilds』の主目的です」A・ビーチャム氏の論文より』で翻訳紹介した論考のなかで、参照文献として挙げられていた文献のうち2つ、ヘンリー・ジェンキンズ著『GAME DESIGN AS NARRATIVE ARCHITECTURE(物語による建築物としてのゲームデザイン)』とボニー・ルバーク取材『Clint Hocking Speaks Out On The Virtues Of Exploration(クリント・ホッキングが語る冒険の美徳)』。別記事1つ、ドン・カーソン著『Environmental Storytelling: Creating Immersive

        訳文;「そこにはなんの報酬もありません。このゲームが何を為していてどう機能しているのか、ただただ見ていたかったのです」ジェンキンズ、カーソン、ホッキング、『Outer Wilds』へつづく2,3の論考 - すやすや眠るみたくすらすら書けたら
      • 18-956 Google LLC v. Oracle America, Inc. (04/05/2021)

        1 (Slip Opinion) OCTOBER TERM, 2020 Syllabus NOTE: Where it is feasible, a syllabus (headnote) will be released, as is being done in connection with this case, at the time the opinion is issued. The syllabus constitutes no part of the opinion of the Court but has been prepared by the Reporter of Decisions for the convenience of the reader. See United States v. Detroit Timber & Lumber Co., 200 U. S

        • Speech Recognition For Mac - rulesland

          Visiteurs depuis le 28/01/2019 : 862 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 14 This video shows hot to set up Dictation and how to use it with ease on your Mac for the purposes of speech recognition. I updated this post about speech to text software and dictation in January 2, 2018 When I was employed as a journalist, I spent a lot of time interviewing people. One of the most painful things I had to

            Speech Recognition For Mac - rulesland
          • Humanist Archives Vol. 2: Cd-rom Of Biblical Texts For Mac

            Visiteurs depuis le 25/01/2019 : 6381 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 15 1,420 Likes, 19 Comments - MIT Architecture (@mitarchitecture) on Instagram: “A quick tour through a review in the Geometric Disciplines course for first year M.Arch students,”. The Bible and Spade CD-ROM 1972-2011 includes the following features: Hundreds of articles contributed by ABR staff, board, associates and other

              Humanist Archives Vol. 2: Cd-rom Of Biblical Texts For Mac
            • 20,000 Startup Ideas

              20,000 Startup Ideas (This data comes from the O*NET web site.) This gives a kind of map of the territory of current economically important human activities. Therefore it represents a good source of startup ideas. It maybe is even the listing of approximately all startup ideas. Visit individuals in homes or attend group meetings to provide information on agency services, requirements, or procedure

              • Salman Rushdie Updates: Salman Rushdie on Ventilator Hours After Being Stabbed in Western New York (Published 2022)

                Salman Rushdie was stabbed while onstage in Chautauqua, N.Y., the state police said. The author has faced death threats for his 1988 novel “The Satanic Verses.”CreditCredit...Elizabeth D. Herman for The New York Times CHAUTAUQUA, N.Y. — Salman Rushdie spent years in hiding after the leadership of Iran called for his death following the publication of his novel “The Satanic Verses.” But in recent y

                  Salman Rushdie Updates: Salman Rushdie on Ventilator Hours After Being Stabbed in Western New York (Published 2022)
                • How Chinese Sci-Fi Conquered America (Published 2019)

                  In the fall of 2012, Ken Liu received an intriguing offer from a Chinese company with a blandly bureaucratic name: China Educational Publications Import and Export Corporation, Ltd. It was seeking an English-language translator for a trippy science-fiction novel titled “The Three-Body Problem.” Liu — an American computer programmer turned corporate lawyer turned science-fiction writer — was a natu

                    How Chinese Sci-Fi Conquered America (Published 2019)
                  • Bullshit Jobs

                    Notes: ISBN 978-1-5011-4331-1, ISBN 978-1-5011-4334-2 (ebook); Most names and many identifying characteristics have been changed.; Interior design by Carly Loman; Jacket design by David L Itman To anyone who would rather be doing something useful with themselves. Preface: On the Phenomenon of Bullshit Jobs In the spring of 2013, I unwittingly set off a very minor international sensation. It all be

                      Bullshit Jobs