Carousel content with 3 slides.A carousel is a rotating set of images, rotation stops on keyboard focus on carousel tab controls or hovering the mouse pointer over images. Use the tabs or the previous and next buttons to change the displayed slide. Meet the Class of 2028Saying “yes” to the right opportunity can change your life — which was certainly the case for the 1,884 students who are making E
Scott is obsessed with personal development. For the last ten years, he's been experimenting to find out how to learn and think better. Who needs Tony Robbins when you can motivate yourself? Overcoming the emotional hurdle to getting stuff done when you’d rather sit on the couch isn’t always easy. But unless calling in sick and waking up at noon has no consequences for you, it’s often a must. For
Scott is obsessed with personal development. For the last ten years, he's been experimenting to find out how to learn and think better. Do you invest your money? Putting away a portion of your income into an investment plan creates more money later. With interest rates and financial pundits it is easy to see why financial investment makes sense. But what about investment in other areas? Do you inv
Donald Latumahina is the founder of Life Optimizer, a self-improvement blog to help people reach their full potential. Most people recognize a champion only when he steps up the podium, but he actually has become a champion far before it. In fact, he has become a champion years before that glorious moment. Why? Because to reach that moment, first and foremost he has to become a champion in his dai
■クロスバイクとは?■ 「クロスバイクとはどんな自転車?」との質問について、正確な回答は実は存在しません。自転車メーカーのサイトでも、ロードバイクやマウンテンバイクのように明確に「クロスバイク」とカテゴリー分けされるケースは少ないようです。一般的な特徴としては次のような仕様のバイクがクロスバイクと呼ばれています。 ・ホイルーサイズはロードバイクと同じ「700c」が中心。タイヤの幅は「28mm〜35mm」前後。 ・ハンドルの形状は「フラットバータイプ」か「セミアップタイプ」。 ・ブレーキはマウンテンバイクで普及している「Vブレーキ」装備が多い。少数だがロードバイクと同じ「カンチブレーキ」や上級マウンテンバイクと同じ「ディスクブレーキ」装備のモデルもある。 ・サスペンションはあったりなかったり。 一口にクロスバイクと言っても、フラットな路面を高速で走ることを得意とするスポーツ系モデ