Wiresharkにssh decryptionが実装されていたので試してみる。SSLKEYLOGFILEみたいな仕組みがないので鍵の取り出しが超面倒https://t.co/qLYps4rxa4 https://t.co/zmtOgn1rJj
Wiresharkにssh decryptionが実装されていたので試してみる。SSLKEYLOGFILEみたいな仕組みがないので鍵の取り出しが超面倒https://t.co/qLYps4rxa4 https://t.co/zmtOgn1rJj
WireGuard is a registered trademark of Jason A. Donenfeld. Today we’re delighted to introduce Tailscale SSH, to more easily manage SSH connections in your tailnet. Tailscale SSH allows you to establish SSH connections between devices in your Tailscale network, as authorized by your access controls, without managing SSH keys, and authenticates your SSH connection using WireGuard®. Many organization
1Password now includes full support for SSH keys, providing the easiest and most secure way for developers to manage SSH keys and use Git in their daily workflow. The magic of 1Password has always been making the secure thing to do the easy thing to do. Today I’m thrilled to announce that we’re bringing this magic to development teams everywhere with the all-new 1Password SSH Agent. 🦄 In today’s
LazySSH LazySSH is an SSH server that acts as a jump host only, and dynamically starts temporary virtual machines. If you find yourself briefly starting a virtual machine just to SSH into it and try something out, LazySSH is an attempt to automate that flow via just the ssh command. LazySSH starts the machine for you when you connect, and shuts it down (some time after) you disconnect. Another pos
chefを使いそうなのでその辺素振りしてみる。 chefの前にまずvagrantとvirtualboxをそれぞれダウンロードしてインストール Boxファイルの追加 $ vagrant box add centos63 https://dl.dropbox.com/u/7225008/Vagrant/CentOS-6.3-x86_64-minimal.box $ vagrant init centos63 $ vagrant box list centos63 (virtualbox) saharaプラグインの追加 $ vagrant plugin install sahara $ vagrant plugin list sahara (0.0.16) sandbox on $ vagrant sandbox on 0%...10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%