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With our customer data solutions, you can connect information from across your enterprise to inform business decisions, build trust, and strengthen loyalty while respecting your customers’ data privacy and reducing your compliance risks. Meet the moment with confidence When opportunity calls, is your business ready to seize it? Watch Julia White, Chief Marketing and Solution Officer for SAP, show
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Exciting News! Get Satisfaction has been acquired by Sprinklr. LEARN MORE Online Community. The Shortest Distance Between You and Your Customer What is an online customer community? Online customer communities break new ground in the company-customer relationship. What sets us apart from our competitors? Get Satisfaction offers the fastest time to value for you and your customers Our unmatched onl
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Finding your audience is challenging and time-consuming. Refollow was created to streamline this process so that you can start growing and monetizing your social media presence. You’re getting a lot more followers and that’s awesome! But how do you optimize and make that growth curve even steeper? We’ve built analytic tools to help you track your performance and identify areas for improvement.
“My team has gone through four time tracking apps in the last two and a half years…” That's a quote from one of our customers — and it's something we hear a lot. Your business runs on time. It's the fuel your team uses to start, create, finish projects for yourselves and your clients. You've got to make sure every minute counts… and can be counted: Does your team have the availability for this new
Finding your audience is challenging and time-consuming. Refollow was created to streamline this process so that you can start growing and monetizing your social media presence. You’re getting a lot more followers and that’s awesome! But how do you optimize and make that growth curve even steeper? We’ve built analytic tools to help you track your performance and identify areas for improvement.