最近GLSLやWebGLの世界に入門して、毎日こんなアニメーションを作っている。 4月末、東京に出張する機会があり、ついでに何か面白いイベントや展示がないか探していると、チャネルというイベントを見つけた。 以前から気になっていたBRDG/VRDG方面のイベントらしい。 会場は六本木のSuperdeluxe。出張先のオフィスからも近いので、少し早退して行ってみる事にした。 そこではハードな電子音に合わせて、GLSLやHaskellのライブコーディングによるVJが行われていた。 先週末に開催したチャネル#16 のライブ映像を公開しました。 https://t.co/YgpC3YYC0B #unity3d #tidal #maxmsp #tokyo #BRDG #livecoding #kodelife pic.twitter.com/rWaHodipUA— BRDG / VRDG (@toky
by Patricio Gonzalez Vivo and Jen Lowe This is a gentle step-by-step guide through the abstract and complex universe of Fragment Shaders. Contents About this book Getting started What is a shader? “Hello world!” Uniforms Running your shader Algorithmic drawing Shaping functions Colors Shapes Matrices Patterns Generative designs Random Noise Cellular noise Fractional brownian motion Fractals Image
Warning This tool has been deprecated and will soon be removed from Firefox. For details, see Deprecated tools. The Shader Editor enables you to see and edit the vertex and fragment shaders used by WebGL. WebGL is a JavaScript API for rendering interactive 3D graphics and 2D graphics in the browser without using plugins. With WebGL you provide 2 programs called shaders which are called at the appr
‘Strange Attractors’ is an experiment I did a couple of months ago: https://syntopia.github.io/StrangeAttractors It renders Strange Attractors using WebGL, and can export high resolution PNG’s and OBJ/STL 3D objects. Chrome is strongly preferred, and a good GPU helps as well. In some ways path tracing is one of the simplest and most intuitive ways to do ray tracing. Imagine you want to simulate ho
Save Precious Debugging Time and Boost Application Performance gDEBugger is an advanced OpenGL and OpenCL Debugger, Profiler and Memory Analyzer. gDEBugger does what no other tool can - lets you trace application activity on top of the OpenGL and OpenCL APIs and see what is happening within the system implementation. Helps you optimize OpenGL and OpenCL applications performance. Saves you the time