A few weeks ago we published the "Invisibility Cloak" Greasemonkey script which blanks out time-wasting web sites till after a certain time of the day. I've updated the script to not apply itself on the weekends. To turn the weekend flag on or off, download the script, and edit the line that reads: // TAKE OFF CLOAK ON WEEKENDS?var cloak_off_weekends = true; You must have the Greasemonkey Firefox
![Invisibility Cloak update](https://cdn-ak-scissors.b.st-hatena.com/image/square/7a71f2e2553f44c11cee2ed0c654fc979ad00fb0/height=288;version=1;width=512/https%3A%2F%2Flifehacker.com%2Fimagery%2Fdefaults%2Ffallback-thumbnail.fill.size_1200x675.png)