About Project Euler What is Project Euler? Project Euler is a series of challenging mathematical/computer programming problems that will require more than just mathematical insights to solve. Although mathematics will help you arrive at elegant and efficient methods, the use of a computer and programming skills will be required to solve most problems. The motivation for starting Project Euler, and
Over the past two decades the research community has developed a body of knowledge concerning “Lock-Free” and “Wait-Free” algorithms and data structures. These techniques allow concurrent update of shared data structures without resorting to critical sections protected by operating system managed locks. A number of wait-free and lock free algorithms for simple data structures such as LIFO stacks a
JavaScript でソートアルゴリズムを可視化 JavaScript でソートアルゴリズムを可視化するプログラムを書いてみました。元ネタは Jon Bentley による ソートアルゴリズムを可視化する Java アプレットです。 アルゴリズム 要素数 動作確認は Firefox 2, IE 7, Opera 9 で行いました。要素数は最大で200まで選べますが、かなり重くなるので遅いマシンで実行すると危険です。 English version is also available. ソースコード: sort-animation.js 解説 X軸が配列の添え字、Y軸が配列の要素の値を示しています。最初に要素がランダムに並んでいる配列 (値に重複なし) を作って、それを各種のソートアルゴリズムでソートする様子をアニメーションで表示します。 ただし、要素のあらゆる変更に対して毎回表示を更新し
There are lots of people and places that create and collect algorithms of all types (here are a few WWW sites). Unfortunately, in building systems hardware and software, we in The Aggregate often have found it necessary to do relatively obscure low-level things very efficiently. Many of the tricks we've devised or collected either require assembly language coding or are not entirely portable when
Designing and Building Parallel Programs