
presentationに関するtad0のブックマーク (3)

  • HTML Slidy (1)

    HTML Slidy: Slide Shows in HTML and XHTML Dave Raggett, <dsr@w3.org> Hit the space bar or swipe left for next slide Slide Shows in HTML and XHTML You can now create accessible slide shows with ease Works across browsers and is operated like PowerPoint Advance to next slide with mouse click, space bar or swipe left Move forward/backward between slides with Cursor Left, Cursor Right, Pg Up and Pg Dn

    tad0 2007/10/11
    Slidyプレゼン by Slidy
  • W3C Slide show Tools

    Slide tools There are a bunch of tools in this directory and elsewhere for making slides. For a quick start, use the templates (‘,new’ tool). Slidy b5, b6 & b6+ Slidemaker/slideme Shower Reveal.js PowerPoint by Busdev & Comm Slidy From about 2005 to 2014, the recommendation was to use Dave Raggett's slideshow tool HTML Slidy, with its accompanying style sheet. If you are a member of the W3C staff,

    tad0 2007/10/11
  • Yet Another Dynamic Presentation!

    地道な高速化 1 // style も new 時にプロパティにいれておく s6.Constructor = function(element) { this.element = element; this.style = element.style; }; 地道な高速化 2 // コールバックを受ける関数では this // や引数を受けるようにしとく s6.hoge = function() { var shift = Array.prototype.shift; // ↓ Opera ではバグるので回避しなきゃダメ var f = shift.apply(arguments); f.apply(shift.apply(arguments), arguments); }; DOM の空きプロパティ // DOM の要素の空きプロパティの // アクセス速度は普通のハッシュとほとんど変

    tad0 2007/08/22
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